the interstellar studies bibliography
Interstellar Poster Presentations
This includes posters presented at meetings, conferences, workshops and symposiums. These can be from researchers, academics and students.
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Total Posters Recorded: 41 (last updated 17 June 2020)
Kaur, Navneet, Andrew J Higgins, “Investigating the Stability of a Thin Light-Sail through Photonic Doppler Velocimetry”, Presented at the 2nd Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.
Kokkalis, John, Monika Azmanska, Andrew J Higgins, “Laser-Ablation of Interplanetary Media for Laser-Driven Interstellar Travel”, Presented at the 2nd Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.
Matloff, Gregory L & C Bangs, “Potential Application of Holographic Photon Sails to Project Starshot Interstellar Probes”, Presented at the 2nd Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.
Hein, Andreas M, Adam Hibberd, T Marshall Eubanks, Nikolaos Perakis, “Project Lyra, Catching Interstellar Asteroids”, Presented at the 2nd Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.
Hein, Andreas M, Nikolaos Perakis, Zachary Burkhardt, David Evinshteyn, “Project Glowworm: Towards a Laser Sail Demonstrator”, Presented at the 2nd Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.
Long, Kelvin F, “The Interstellar Research Centre”, Presented at the 2nd Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.
Long, Kelvin F, “The Apkallu Initiative: A Minilithic Artefact in the Event of Global Cataclysm”, Presented at the 2nd Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.
Swinney, Robert, “Project Icarus - Flying Closer to Another Star”, Presented at the 2nd Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.
Mahon, Patrick J, “Worldships - Some Ecological and Resource Constraints”, Presented at the 2nd Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.
Livi, Stefano, Ralph McNutt, George Ho et al., “Discovering the Origin of the Solar System from Onboard Interstellar Probe”, EPSC, Centre International de Conferences de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland, Session on Interstellar Probe: Sience, Mission Designs, Opportunities and Challenges, Geneva, 17 Sep 2019
Schneider, Jean, “Stereo-Astronomy First Principles”, EPSC, Centre International de Conferences de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland, Session on Interstellar Probe: Sience, Mission Designs, Opportunities and Challenges, Geneva, 17 Sep 2019
Cox, Nick & Bernard Foing, “Interstellar Fullerenes”, EPSC, Centre International de Conferences de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland, Session on Interstellar Probe: Sience, Mission Designs, Opportunities and Challenges, Geneva, 17 Sep 2019
Henry, Richard & Jayant Murthy, “Dark Matter, UV-Mapped from Interstellar Space”, EPSC, Centre International de Conferences de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland, Session on Interstellar Probe: Sience, Mission Designs, Opportunities and Challenges, Geneva, 17 Sep 2019
Runyon, Kirby, Kathleen Mandt, Pontus Brandt et al., “Planetary Imaging During Fast Flybys by Interstellar Probe”, EPSC, Centre International de Conferences de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland, Session on Interstellar Probe: Sience, Mission Designs, Opportunities and Challenges, Geneva, 17 Sep 2019
Christian, Eric, Desai Mihir, Eberhard Moebius & Nathan Schwadron, “Solar Wind, Pickup, Suprathermal, and Energetic Ion Composition Measurement Requirements for the Interstellar Probe Mission”, EPSC, Centre International de Conferences de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland, Session on Interstellar Probe: Sience, Mission Designs, Opportunities and Challenges, Geneva, 17 Sep 2019
Paschalidis, Nikolaos, Jeewood Park, Adam Szabo et al., “Neutral Gas Analyzer for the Interstellar Probe Mission”, EPSC, Centre International de Conferences de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland, Session on Interstellar Probe: Sience, Mission Designs, Opportunities and Challenges, Geneva, 17 Sep 2019
Galli, Andre, Peter Wurz, Horst Fichtner et al., “An Empirical Model of Energetic Atom Emission from the Heliosphere - Implications for Future Heliospheric Missions at Large Heliocentric Distances”, EPSC, Centre International de Conferences de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland, Session on Interstellar Probe: Sience, Mission Designs, Opportunities and Challenges, Geneva, 17 Sep 2019
Lavraud, Benoit, Andrei Fedorov, Michel Blanc et al., “Requirements and Design of a Dual, Thermal Ion-Electron Instrument for an Outer Helisphere and Interstellar Mission”, EPSC, Centre International de Conferences de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland, Session on Interstellar Probe: Sience, Mission Designs, Opportunities and Challenges, Geneva, 17 Sep 2019
Long, Kelvin F, “Measuring Dust Impact Effects in the Interstellar Medium for the 1000 AU Interstellar Probe Mission”, EPSC, Centre International de Conferences de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland, Session on Interstellar Probe: Sience, Mission Designs, Opportunities and Challenges, Geneva, 17 Sep 2019
Nouzak, L, J Pavlu, H W Hsu, S Kociscak, J Safrankova, Z Nemecek, Z Sternovsky, “Dust Impact Detection by Antenna and Faraday Cup Instruments in Laboratory”, Presented COSPAR meeting, Pasadena, USA, 20 Jul 2018.
Pinchuk, Pavlo, Jean-Luc Margot, Adam Greenberg, Ryan Lynch, “A Search for Technosignatures from TRAPPIST-1, LHS 1140, and 10 Planetary Systems in the Kepler Field with the Green Bank Telescope at 1.15-1.73 GHz”, Presented COSPAR meeting, Pasadena, USA, 20 Jul 2018.
Napolillo, David H, Michael V Paul, Ralph L McNutt, “Interstellar Probe, Humanity’s First Step to Interstellar Space Is Possible Now”, Presented COSPAR meeting, Pasadena, USA, 18 Jul 2018.
Lathrop, Brian, Ralph McNutt, Michael V Paul, Vikas Vepachedu, “Pragmatic Maximization of Asymptotic Flyout Speed for Near-Term Exploration of the Interstellar Medium”, Presented COSPAR meeting, Pasadena, USA, 18 Jul 2018.
Clayton, Smith, Michael Paul, Ralph McNutt, Brenda Clyde, “Approach to Addressing Reliability and Uncertainties for a 50 Year Mission”, Presented COSPAR meeting, Pasadena, USA, 18 Jul 2018.
Iwata, Takahiro, T Okada, H Yano et al., “Investigation of the Solar System Structure using the Solar Power Sail: OKEANOS”, Presented COSPAR meeting, Pasadena, USA, 19 Jul 2018.
Katushina, Olga, Eric Quemerais, Vladislav Izmodenov et al., “Voyager 1/UVS Lyman-Alpha Measurements at Distant Heliosphere (90-130 AU): Unknown Source of Additional Emission”, Presented COSPAR meeting, Pasadena, USA, 19 Jul 2018.
Cami, Jan, N L J Cox, A Farhang et al., “The ESO Diffuse Interstellar Band Large Exploration Survey (EDIBLES): First Results”, Presented COSPAR meeting, Pasadena, USA, 19 Jul 2018.
Francisco, Frederico, “Trajectory Anomalies in Interplanetary Spacecraft”, Presented COSPAR meeting, Pasadena, USA, 19 Jul 2018.
Maccone, Claudio, “Sun Gravitational Lens Mission to 550 AU”, Presented COSPAR meeting, Pasadena, USA, 19 Jul 2018.
Hartley, John G, “Fostering Breakthroughs in Interstellar Propulsion”, Presented at the 1st Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, New York, USA, 13-15 Jun 2017.
Ness, Peter N, “A Bussard Ramjet with Twist and Flare”, Presented at the 1st Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, New York, USA, 13-15 Jun 2017.
Sedwick, Ray, Drew Chap, Nate Schilling, “Continuous Electrode Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion”, Presented at the 1st Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, New York, USA, 13-15 Jun 2017.
Munday, Jeremy N, Dakang M, Coleman Delude, “Reflective Control Devices for Attitude Control of Solar Sails”, Presented at the 1st Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, New York, USA, 13-15 Jun 2017.
DeBiase, Robert L, “The Equivalence of Internal and External Energy Source Interpretations of the Casimir Effect”, Presented at the 1st Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, New York, USA, 13-15 Jun 2017.
Fearn, Heidi, Rose Rodal, Marshall Eubanks et al., “Mach Effects for In-Space Propulsion: An Interstellar Mission”, Presented at the 1st Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, New York, USA, 13-15 Jun 2017.
Higgins, Andrew, “Lorentz-Actuated Flyby Assist Maneuvers as a Means to Achieve Starflight”, Presented Tennessee Valley Interstellar Workshop, Chattanooga, USA, 28 Feb - 02 Mar 2016.
Johnson, Les & Joe Meany, “Tennessee Valley Interstellar Workshop’s Virtual Science Competititon”, Presented at the 100 Year Starship Symposium, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.
Gonzalez, Oscar Garrido, “Commentary About Angelo Baymasecchi, S.J.(2015-2130), First Jesuit that went on a Pilgrimge to the Dyson Sphere Surrounding Rigil Kentaurus”, Presented at the 100 Year Starship Symposium, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.
Sherriff, Abigail Elizabeth & Chris Welch, “A Roadmap for Interstellar Travel”, Presented at the 100 Year Starship Symposium, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.
Blincow, John, “Gateway Space Station Foundation”, Presented at the 100 Year Starship Symposium, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.
Long, Kelvin F & Richard Obousy, “Starships of the Future, The Challenge of Interstellar Flight”, Presented NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship, Orlando, Floriday, USA, Oct 2011.