the interstellar STUDIES
Interstellar Graduate Thesis
This page is a list of student graduate thesis that contribute to the field of interstellar studies. This includes a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral Dissertation. It may also include a white paper or major project report as a result of some student team activity that was a part of their educational program.The contributions are listed in chronological order.
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Total Number Thesis Contributions: 30 (updated 30 Jun 2020)
Calla G, Pablo A, “Low-Cost Astroid Mining using Small Spacecraft” (space industrialisation), completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Dan Fries. 07 Apr 2017.
Wang, Jian, “Limits to Growth and the Long-Term Implication to Humans in an Inner Solar System Society” (space industrialisation), completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Martin Langer. 07 Apr 2017.
Distler, Mary, Melissa Fernandes, Alex Harding, Hatem Hussein, Maochun Zhai, “Foldable Structures for Femtosatellites” (space mechanisms), White Paper for i4is Starshp Design Elective, team report completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Rob Swinney. 13 May 2017.
Dao, L L, N Jalbert, S Harrison, S Ioda, J Tan, X Zhang, “Astronomical Observatories in CIS-Lunar Space Compared to Equivalent Observations from Interstellar Reconnaissance Probes”, White Paper for i4is Starshp Design Elective, team report completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Rob Swinney. 13 May 2017.
Bidard, Theo, Meredith Campbell, Luca Celiento, Prachi Kawade, Ma Chengcheng, “A Minimal Chipsat Interstellar Mission: Technology and Mission Architecture” (interstellar missions), White Paper for i4is Starshp Design Elective, team report completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Rob Swinney. 13 May 2017.
Barrio-Zhang, Hernan, Pablo Calla Gallequillos, Bethany Downer, Pierre Evellin, Chentong Xie, “Directed Panspermia: Mission Concept Design and Considerations”, White Paper for i4is Starshp Design Elective, team report completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Rob Swinney. 13 May 2017.
Oliveira, Marta, “Financing Options for a Precursor Interstellar Mission” (interstellar economics), completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Stefan Zeidler. 08 Apr 2016.
Shanthini, K, “Thousand Astronomical Unit (TAU) Laser Sail Mission” (interstellar precursors), completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Angelo Genovese. 08 Apr 2016.
Skomorohov, Ruslan, “In-Orbit Spacecraft Manufacturing: Near-Term Business Cases” (space industrialisation), completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Andreas Hein. 08 Apr 2016.
Soni, Anushree, “Minimum Interstellar Precursor Mission” (interstellar precursors), completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Martin Langer. 08 Apr 2016.
Basheer, Shireen, Misael Chagas, Abhilash Medapalli, Lei Huang, “Creating an Interstellar Focused Society” (interstellar sociology), White Paper for i4is Starshp Design Elective, team report completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Rob Swinney. 13 May 2016.
Thoreau, Peter, Shantini K, Jun Shen, David Rodriguez, “Breakthrough Starshot Sail and Environmental Challenges” (advanced propulsion), White Paper for i4is Starshp Design Elective, team report completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Rob Swinney. 13 May 2016.
Punch, O, J Stimmer, W Zhang, M J H Hedegaard, “World Ship Revisited” (world ships), White Paper for i4is Starshp Design Elective, team report completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Rob Swinney. 13 May 2016.
Husseyin, Sema, William Jones, Eryi Xu, Mohamed Makthoum, “The Nature of Intelligent Life in the Galaxy” (SETI), White Paper for i4is Starshp Design Elective, team report completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Rob Swinney. 13 May 2016.
Abdullah, Farhan, Marina Lanza, Veena Shelvankar, Ming Wang, “An Interstellar Mission Based on Advanced Artificial Intelligence” (AI), White Paper for i4is Starshp Design Elective, team report completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Rob Swinney. 13 May 2016.
Ancona, Elena, “Combined Thermal Desorption and Electrical Propulsion of a Solar Sail using Spacve Environmental Effects”, New York City College of Technology, Graduate Masters thesis. Faculty Advisor: Roman Kezerashvili, June 2017.
Achilleas, Philippe, Jean-Jaques Favier, Jim Dator et al., “Astra Planeta Final Report” (world ships), completed for group Master’s of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch, Project Advisors: Kelvin F Long, Andreas Hein, Rob Swinney, Rachel Armstrong, 20 Mar 2015.
Bhattacharjee, Shambo, “Program to Characterize the Local Stellar Environment” (stellar astrophysics), completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Rob Swinney. 2015.
Guzman, Melissa, “Space Eternal Memory, Storing Information in Space for a Very Long Time”, completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Andreas Hein. 2015.
Ramos, Brian, “Biological Life Support Systems for Future Spaceflight Missions”, completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Rachel Armstrong. 2015.
Mestry, Samiksha, “Nuclear Powered Mission to Saturn or Saturn’s Moon or Beyond” (interplanetary exploration), completed for Bachelor/Master of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton. Faculty Advisor: Adrian Tatnall. Project Advisor: Rob Swinney. 27 Mar 2014.
Enestam, Sisi, “Project Sentinel”(SETI), completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Kelvin F Long. 2014.
Alexander, Andrew, “Project BAIR: The Black Hole Augmented Interstellar Rocket” (advanced propulsion), completed for Masters of Space Studies International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Kelvin F Long. 2014.
Hirai, Michio, “Autonomous Space Colony Construction” (space industrialisation), completed for Masters of Space Studies International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Andreas Hein. 2014.
Franks, Erik, “Agriculture Design Trade-offs for Space Colony Feasibility” (farming in space), completed for Masters of Space Studies
International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Rob Swinney.
Harpur, James, “Jude, Solar Sailing a Low Mass Payload to Alpha Centauri-B” (solar sailing mission), completed for Masters of Space Studies International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Kelvin F Long.
Murzionak, Piotr, “The Oculus Project: Solar Sailing to Discover Exoplanets at the Center of our Galaxy” (solar sailing mission), completed for Masters of Space Studies International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Gregory Matloff.
Wang, Wei, “Review of the Deceleration Options for a Robotic Interstellar Spacecraft Entering the System of Another Star” (interstellar deceleration), completed for Masters of Space Studies, International Space University. Faculty Advisor: Chris Welch. Project Advisor: Ian Crawford.
Obousy, Richard, “Investigation into Compactified Dimesions: Casimir Energies and Phenomenological Aspects” (cosmology, string theory, warp drive), completed for Doctor of Philosophy, Baylor University, Faculty Advisor: Gerald B Cleaver. Dec 2008.
Fogg, Martyn, “Terrestrial Planet Formation in Exoplanetary Systems” (exoplanets), completed for Doctor of Philosophy, Queen Mary, University of London, Faculty Advisor: Richard Nelson. 2008.