
The Interstellar STUDIES bibliography

Interstellar Technical Paper Publications

On this page we list technical papers and reports which have been published on the subject of interstellar studies. We do not include papers that have been written and placed on an online archive but never submitted to a publication (an exception to this is the 1918 technical note by Robert Goddard). Instead, we limit the list to papers that have been published in either peer reviewed journals, or were published as a part of a delivery to a grant solicitation. We also include institutional white papers, or reports produced by a design team as a delivery for a specific project. We include papers that appear in published proceedings from a conference or workshop meeting, but only if they are written up and not if they are simply a photocopy of a presentation. The papers are listed in chronological order of year of publication, and then approximately by month of publication within each year, where this is known. If the month is not known then the paper is placed at the bottom of the list for that year.

It is useful to know that the journals that have featured interstellar relevant publications and therefore appear in this list includes: Journal of the British Interplanetary Society (JBIS), Journal of Spacecraft & Rockets, Acta Astronautica, Icarus, Proceedings of the SPIE, Advances in Space Research, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship, L’Astronef, Proceedings of the Physical Society, Planetary & Space Science, Soviet Astronomy AJ, Annalen der Physik, Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungsberichte, Journal of Propulsion & Power, Jet Propulsion, Laser and Particle Beams, Annals of New York Academy of Science, Classical & Quantum Gravity, General Relativity & Gravitation, Journal of Modern Physics, Physics Letters B, Physical Review D, Quarterly Journal Royal Astronomical Society, Modern Physics Letters A, Acta Futura, Advances in Space Research, European Journal of Physics, American Journal Physics, Defence Intelligence Reference Document, NASA reports, NIAC reports, JPL reports, US Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory, Physics Open, Physics Essays, International Journal of Modern Physics D, Physical Review Letters, Advances in Space Research, Journal of Jet Propulsion, Proceedings of AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress,

Finally, although this is a list of interstellar publications we have included some non-interstellar critical/seminal papers in the literature that have been a part of creating the field even if unintentionally. This includes for example the 1905 and 1915 Special and General Theory of Relativity papers by Albert Einstein, and the 1957 papers by John Lawson on Thermonuclear fusion, to name just a few. Conversely, to limit the publications to a manageable amount we have excluded general papers on exoplanets and also on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) and exobiology with some few exceptions; which includes for example the 1964 paper by Kardashev and several of the papers by Carl Sagan. The choice about what papers to include or exclude necessarily requires some degree of subjectivity, although it should be noted that the inclusion of non-direct interstellar studies papers likely does not exceed more than a ~few percent of the total, and so the general publication trend observed on the chart below should still be fairly reliable. If you the reader notice any errors or omissions, or as an author you find your papers are not listed, please get in touch and this will be corrected.

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Total Publications Recorded: 1,431 (last updated: 04 June 2024)


  1. Alvara, A N, L lee, E Sin, N Lambert, A Westphal, K S J Pister, “BLISS: Interplanetary Exploration with Swarms of Low-Cost Spacecraft”, Acta Astronautica, 215, 348-361, Feb 2024.

  2. Anton, Andreas, J. Elliott, M Schetsche, “Meeting Extraterrestrials: Scenarios of First Contact from the Perspective of Exosociology”, Acta Astronautica, 215, 308-314, Feb 2024.

  3. Bone, T., R. Sedwick, “Bremsstrahlung Power Conversion for Fusion Power and Propulsion in Space”, Acta Astronautica, 220, 356-366, Jul 2024.

  4. Carson, J., R. Sedwick, “Direct Fusion Drive Based on Centrifugal Mirror Confinement”, Acta Astronautica, 219, 438-448, Jun 2024.

  5. Decker, C. M., A. Devra., M. Verjus, “Interstellar Radioisotope and Modular Architecture (IRMA)”, AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, Orlando, FL, 4 Jan 2024.

  6. DeVito, Carl L, “The Fermi Paradox and the Drake Equation”, Acta Astronautica, 215, 51-53, Feb 2024.

  7. Garrett, M. A., “Is Artificial Intelligence the Great Filter that makes Advanced Technical Civilisations Rare in the Universe?”, Acta Astronautica, 219, 731-735, Jun 2024.

  8. Lingam, Manasvi, A. Hibberd, A. M. Hein, “A Light Sail Astrobiology Precursor Mission to Enceladus and Europa”, Acta Astronautica, 218, 251-268 May 2024.

  9. Long, K. F, “Fusion Propulsion will Enable the Full Exploration of the Solar System and Beyond”, Open Access Publication, 2024.

  10. Long, K. F, “In the Hypothetical Scenario of an Interception of the Voyagers by an ETI Probe”, JBIS, April 2024.

  11. Long, K. F, “Inertial Confinement Fusion Propulsion for the Massive Ra World Ship Model - Part 2”, JBIS, 77(4), April 2024.

  12. Long, K. F, “Development of SunVoyager Interstellar Precursor Probe Driven by Inertial Confinement Fusion Propulsion”, Journal of Spacecraft & Rockets, 28 May 2024.

  13. Long, K. F, “HeliosX, A Numerical Modelling Tool for Designing Fusion Powered Spacecraft”, Research Features, 51, 114-117, Feb 2024.

  14. Long, K. F, “Minimum Condition Requirements in Laser Driven ICF for Advanced Space Propulsion Applications”, JBIS, 77(1), Jan 2024.

  15. McNutt, Ralph L, S. R. Vernon, P. C. Brandt, M. V. Paul, R. P. Lusthaus, “High-Speed Scientific Spacecraft Launches with Commercial Launch Vehicles”, Acta Astronautica, 217, 18-26, April 2024.

  16. Osmanov, Z. N, “Are we Visible to Advanced Alien Civilizations?”, Acta Astronautica, 216, 1-3, March 2024.

  17. van Loon, J. J. W. A., C. Lobascio, G. Boscheri et al., “Benefits of a Rotating - Partial Gravity - Spacecraft”, Acta Astronautica, 220, 403-415, Jul 2024.

  18. Wu, Peng, Y Wang, Y Li, C Zhou, Y Sun, Y Gao, S Lu, W Wang, H Tang, “The Performance of a Magnetic Nozzle Enhanced Magnetoplasmadynamic Thruster”, Acta Astronautica, 217, 188-196, April 2024.


  1. Ezell, Carson, A Loeb, “The Inferred Abundance of Interstellar Objects of Technological Origin”, Acta Astronautica, 208, 124-129, Jul 2023.

  2. Helvajian, H., A. Rosenthal, J. Poklemba., et al., “Mission Architectures to Reach and Operate at the Focal Region of the Solar Gravitational Lens”, Journal of Spacecraft & Rockets, 60(3), May 2023.

  3. Long, K. F, “Application of the HeliosX ICF Advanced Propulsion Mission Analysis Code to Perturbed Interstellar Design Models”, JBIS, 76(3), 94-111, Mar 2023.

  4. Long, K. F, “Operational Performance Parameter Range in ICF Propulsion Theory”, Acta Astronautica, 210, 303-310, May 2023.

  5. Long, K. F, “SunVoyager: Interstellar Precursor Probe Mission Concept Driven by Inertial Confinement Fusion Propulsion”, J.Spacecraft & Rockets, 60(3), May-June 2023.

  6. Long, K. F, “Calculations of Particle Bombardment Due to Dust and Charged Particles in the ISM on the Project Starshot Gram-Scale Interstellar Probe”, JBIS, 76(7), 94-111, Jul 2023.

  7. Long, K. F, “Development of the HeliosX Mission Analysis Code for Advanced ICF Space Propulsion”, Acta Astronautica, 157-173, Oct 2023.

  8. Long, K. F, “The Temporal Contact Equation: An Estimate for the Time of First Contact with ETI”, JBIS, 76(11), 279-282, Nov 2023.

  9. Long, K. F, “Population Demographics and Other Issues for the Massive Ra World Ship Model - Part 1”, JBIS, 76(11), 262-272, Nov 2023.

  10. Silverberg, L. M., Eischen, “Trajectory of a Spacecraft When it Passes by a Gravitational Body during Interstellar Travel”, Journal of Spacecraft & Rockets, 60(6), 8 Sep 2023.


  1. Bamford, R A, J J Kellett, J L Green et al., “How to Create an Artificial Magnetosphere for Mars”, Acta Astronautica, 190, pp.323-333, Jan 2022.

  2. Brandt, Pontus, E A Provornikova, A Cocoros et al, “Interstellar Probe: Humanity’s Exploration of the Galaxy Begins”, Acta Astronautica, 199, 364-373, Oct 2022.

  3. Lantin, Stephen, Sophie Mendell, Ghassan Akkad et al., “Interstellar Space Biology via Project Starlight”, Acta Astronautica, 190, pp. 261-272, Jan 2022.

  4. Wright, Jason T, “SETI in 2020”, Acta Astronautica, 190, pp.24-29, Jan 2022.

  5. Lafleur, Trevor, “Evaluation of Solid-Core Thermal Antimatter Propulsion Concepts”, Acta Astronautica, 191, pp. 417-430, Feb 2022.

  6. Long, K. F, “On the Application of Pulse Propulsion Frequency in Inertial Fusion Space Mission Design”, JBIS, 75(4), 127 - 141, April 2022.

  7. Long, K. F, “Interstellar Propulsion using Laser-Driven Inertial Confinement Fusion Physics”, Elsivier Universe, 8, 421, 15 Aug 2022.

  8. Long, K. F. “Galactic Crossing Times for Robotic Probes Driven by Inertial Confinement Fusion Propulsion”, JBIS, 75(8), 258-282, Aug 2022.

  9. Mages, Declan, Damon Landau, Bejamin Donitz, Shyam Bhaskaran, “Navigation Evaluation for Fast Interstellar Object Flybys”, Acta Astronautica, 191, pp.359-373, Feb 2022.

  10. Arnott, K & B Chandra, “Revisiting Voyager 2’s Trajectory”, JBIS, 75, 2, pp.42-47, Feb 2022.

  11. Zubko, Vladislav, “The Fastest Routes of Approach to Dwarf Planet Sedna for Study its Surface and Composition at the Close Range”, Acta Astronautica, 192, pp.47-67, Mar 2022.

  12. McKee, Paul, Jacob Kowalski, John A Christian, “Navigation and Star Identification for an Interstellar Mission”, Acta Astronautica, 192, pp.390-401, March 2022.

  13. Matessa, Micheal, Douglas A Vakoch, Timothy A Lower et al., “How to Decode Interstellar Messages”, Acta Astronautica, 192, pp.77-81, March 2022.


  1. Aime, Paolo, M Gajeri, R Y Kezerashvili, “Exploration of Trans-Neptunian Objects using the Direct Fusion Drive”, Acta Astronautica, 178, pp.257-264, 16 Sep 2021.

  2. Kezerashvili, V Y & R Y Kezerashvili, “On Deployment of Solar Sail with Superconducting Current-Carrying Wire”, Acta Astronautica, 189, pp.196-198, 28 Aug 2021.

  3. Kezerashvili, R, Y., G. L. Matloff, K. F. Long., “Anomalous Stellar Acceleration: Causes and Consequences”, JBIS, 74, 269-275, 2021.

  4. Gajeri, Marco, P Aime, R Y Kezerashvili, “A Titan Mission using the Direct Fusion Drive”, Acta Astronautica, 180, pp.429-438, 31 Dec 2021.

  5. Robertshaw, Gary S, “Defining Intelligence-Favouring Galactic Parameters for Targeted SETI Searches”, JBIS, 74, 2, pp.42-46, Feb 2021.

  6. Gertz, John, “Strategies for the Detection of ET Probes within our own Solar System”, JBIS, 74, 2, pp.47-55, Feb 2021.

  7. Baxter, Stephen, “The Wormship: A Dark Energy Ramjet - Enginering, SETI Detectability, and Implications for Cosmic Expansion”, JBIS, 74, 2, pp.56-63, Feb 2021.

  8. Beatrix-Drouhet, Willie, “Exotic Fluids Matching the Stress-Energy Tensor of Alcubierre Warp Drive Spacetimes”, JBIS, 74, 2, pp.64-75, Feb 2021.

  9. Marin, Frederic, Camille Beluffi, Frederic Fischer, “Genetic Evolution of a Multi-Generational Population in the Context of Interstellar Space Travel”, JBIS, 74, 5, pp.162-184, May 2021.

  10. Mummigatti, Suchetan, “Multi-Perceptual Modalities Message Delivery Module Mailbox”, JBIS, 74, 5, pp.185-192, May 2021.

  11. Osmanov, Z N, “From the Spacex Starlink Megaconstellation to the Search for Type-I Civilizations”, JBIS, 74, 5, pp.193-195, May 2021.

  12. Benford, J, “How Many Alien Probes Could Have Come from Stars Passing by Earth"?”, JBIS, 74, pp.76-80, 2021.

  13. Benford, J, “A Drake Equation for Alien Artifacts”, Astrobiology, 21, pp.757-763, 2021.

  14. Benford, J, “Was the Wow Signal Due to Power Beaming Leakage?”, JBIS, 74, pp.196-2000, 2021.

  15. Hibberd, A, N. Perakis, A. M. Hein, “Sending a Spacecraft to Interstellar Comet 2I/Borisov”, Acta Astronautica, 189, 584-592, Dec 2021.

  16. Modirrousta-Galian, Darius & Giovanni Maddalena, “Of Aliens and Exoplanets, Why the Search for Life, Probably, Requires the Search for Water”, JBIS74, 7, pp.238-242, Jul 2021.

  17. Satoshi, Sano, “Minimal Crew and Human Evolution in Multi-Generational Interstellar Travel Basd on Population Genetics”, JBIS, 74, 7, pp.243-251, Jul 2021.

  18. LaFond, Julia, Jason T Wright, Macy J Huston, “Further A Comprehensive SETI Bibliography”, JBIS, 74, 7, pp.252-257, Jul 2021.

  19. Gertz, John, “The Drake Equation at 60: Reconsidered and Abandoned”, JBIS, 74, 7, pp258-268, Jul 2021.

  20. Socas-Navarro, Hector, J H-M, J Wright, R Kopparapu, J Benford, R Davis, “Concepts for Future Mission Concepts to Search for Technosignatures”, Acta Astronautica, 2021.

  21. Shirin, Afroza, E Schamiloglu, C Sultan, Y Hang, J Benford, R Fierro, “Stability and Navigation of a Laser Driven LightSail”, Proc.Am.Control Conf, New Orleans, 2021.

  22. Zubko, Vladislav & Andrey Belyaev, “Possible Space Mission to the Trans-Neptunian Object 2012 VP113”, JBIS, 74, 10, pp.358-366, Oct 2021.

  23. Bashirov, Agamirza, “Kalman-Type Filter for Communication with Considerably Distanced Spacecraft”, JBIS, 74, 10, pp.381-385, Oct 2021.

  24. Schattschneider, Peter & Albert A Jackson, “The Fishback Ramjet Revisited”, Acta Astronautica, 191, pp.227-234, Nov 2021.

  25. Warn, Colin, “Relativistic Braking and Power Generation Through Stellar Magnetic Fields via Eddy Current Forces”, JBIS, 74, 11, pp.398-400, Nov 2021.

  26. Ashworth, Stephen, “SETI and Evolutionary Population Dynamics”, JBIS, 74, 11, pp.401-408, Nov 2021.

  27. Fow, Alista, “An Examination of the Fermi Paradox by Modelling the use of Self-Replicating Probes”, JBIS, 74, 11, pp.409-413, Nov 2021.

  28. Gertz, John, “The Search for Deliberate Interstellar SETI Signals May be Futile”, JBIS, 74, 11, pp.414-418, Nov 2021.

  29. Satoshi, Sano, “The Impact of Natural Selection on Crew Size and Human Evolution during Interstellar Travel”, JBIS, 74, 11, pp.419-426, Nov 2021.

  30. Sheerin, Todd & Abraham Loeb, “Could the Interstellar Object ‘Oumuamua Be a Solar Thermal Propulsion Vehicle?”, JBIS, 74, 11, pp.427-432, Nov 2021.

  31. Siraj, Amir & Abraham Loeb, “Intelligent Responses to our Technological Signals will not arrive in Fewer than Three Millennia”, Acta Astronautica, 189, pp.349-351, Dec 2021.

  32. Hibberd, Adam, Nikolaos Perakis, Andreas M Hein, “Sending a Spacecraft to Interstellar Comet 2I/Broisov”, Acta Astronautica, 189, pp.584-592, Dec 2021.

  33. Dobler, Niklas Alexander & Marius Raab, “Thinking ET: A Discussion on Exopsychology”, Acta Astronautica, 189, pp.699-711, Dec 2021.

  34. Yucalan, D., M. Peck, “Autonomous Navigation of Relativistic Spacecraft in Interstellar Space”, Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics”, 44(6), Jun 2021.


  1. Landis, Geoffrey A, “Comment on the Dipole Drive”, JBIS, 73, 01, pp.2-3, Jan 2020.

  2. Zubrin, Robert, “Response to Comment on the Dipole Drive”, JBIS, 73, 01, pp,4-5, Jan 2020.

  3. Long, K F, “A Rapid Study on the Development of an Interstellar Roadmap and Planning Ahead for Technology Maturation”, JBIS, 73, 01, pp.6-14, Jan 2020.

  4. Jackson, Al A, “A Neutrino Beacon”, JBIS, 73, 01, pp.15-20, Jan 2020.

  5. Mahon, Patrick, “Worldships – Some Ecological and Resource Constraints”, JBIS, 73, 01, pp.21-25, Jan 2020.

  6. Hempsell, Mark, “Colonies and World Ships”, JBIS, 73, 01, pp.28-36, Jan 2020.

  7. Long, K. F, “A Rapid Study on the Development of an Interstellar Roadmap and Planning Ahead for Technology Maturation”, JBIS, 73(1), 364-369, Jan 2020.

  8. Lubin, Philip, & W Hettel “The Path to Interstellar Flight”, Acta Futura, Interstellar Exploration Issue, 12, p.9-44, 10 Apr 2020.

  9. Swinney, R W & R M Freeland II“Project Icarus: Designing a Fusion Powered Interstellar Probe”, Acta Futura, Interstellar Exploration Issue, 12, pp.47-59, 10 Apr 2020.

  10. Semyonov, O G, “Radiation Conditions in Relativistic Interstellar Flight”, Acta Futura, 12, pp.61-74, 10 Apr 2020.

  11. Hein, A M, C Smith, F Martin & K Staats, “World Ships: Feasibility and Rationale”, Acta Futura, Interstellar Exploration Issue, 12, pp.75-104, 10 Apr 2020.

  12. Hall, T W, “Artificial Gravity in Interstellar Travel”, Acta Futura, Interstellar Exploration Issue,

    12, pp.105-121, 10 Apr 2020.

  13. McKenzie, A & J Punske, “Language Development During Interstellar Travel”, Acta Futura,

    Interstellar Exploration Issue, 12, pp.123-132, 10 Apr 2020.

  14. Volponi, M & C Lasseur, “Considerations on Life Support Systems for Interstellar Travel: A Regenerative Story”, Acta Futura, Interstellar Exploration Issue, 12, pp.133-149, 10 Apr 2020.

  15. Medina, F J, “Growing Plants in Human Space Exploration Enterprises”, Acta Futura,

    Interstellar Exploration Issue, 12, pp.151-163, 10 Apr 2020.

  16. Holmlid, Leif & Sindre Zeiner-Gundersen, “Future Interstellar Rockets May Use Laser-Induced Annihlation Reactions for Relativistic Drive”, Acta Astronautica, 175, pp.32-36, Oct 2020.

  17. Lingam, Manasvi & Abraham Loeb, “Propulsion of Spacecraft to Relativistic Speeds using Natural Astrophysical Sources”, The Astrophysical Journal, 894, 1, 36, 01 May 2020.

  18. White, Harold, Paul Bailey, James Lawrence et al., “Dynamic Vacuum Model and Casimir Cavity Experiments”, JBIS, 73, pp.364-369, Mar 2020.

  19. Kezerashvili, Roman Ya, O L Starinova, A S Checkashov, D J Slocki, “A Torus-Shaped Solar Sail Accelerated via Thermal Desorption of Coating”, Advances in Space Research, 67, pp.2577-2588, 21 July 2021.

  20. Svoronos, Alexander A, “The Star Tug: An Active Stellar Engine Capable of Accelerating a Star to Relativistic Velocities”, Acta Astronautica, 176, pp.306-312, Nov 2020.

  21. Fuzfa, Andre, “Sailing Towards the Stars Close to the Speed of Light”, Phys.Rev.Research, 2, 043186, 5 November 2020.

  22. Cassenti, Brice N and Laura J Cassenti, “Design Considerations for Relativistic Laser Sails”, Acta Astronautica, 174, pp.306-319, Sep 2020.

  23. Markhoos, Ahmed M, “Solar Sailing near the Sun: A Comparison Study Between Point-like and Spherical-like Sun Models”, Acta Astronautica, 173, pp.9-18, Aug 2020.

  24. Genta, Giancarlo and Roman Ya Kezerashvili, “Achieving the Required Mobility in the Solar System through Direct Fusion Drive”, Acta Astronautica, 173, pp.303-309, Aug 2020.

  25. Hibberd, Adam, Andreas M Hein and T Marshall Eubanks, “Project Lyra: Catching 1I/’Oumuamua - Mission Opportunities after 2024”, Acta Astronautica, 170, pp.136-144, May 2020.

  26. Lingam, Manasvi and Abraham Loeb, “Electric Sails are Potentially More Effective than Light Sails near most Stars”, Acta Astronautica, 168, pp.146-154, Mar 2020.

  27. De la Torre, Gabriel G, “Does Artificial Intelligence Dream of Non-Terrestrial Techno-signatures?”, Acta Astronautica, 167, pp.280-285, Feb 2020.

  28. Ashworth, Stephen, “From Earth-Orbit Space Colonies to Deep-Space and Interstellar Habitats and Worldships: Solving the Economics”, JBIS, 73, 10, pp.382-384, Oct 2020.

  29. Millis, Marc G, “Breakthrough Propulsion Study - Assessing Interstellar Challenges and Prospects”, JBIS, 73, 12, pp. 427-437, Dec 2020.

  30. Messerschmitt, David G et al., “Technological Challenges in Low-Mass Interstellar Probe Communication”, JBIS, 73, 12, pp.438-445, Dec 2020.

  31. Drobny, Jon, Alexander Cohen, David Curreli et al., “Survivability of Metallic Shields”, JBIS, 73, 12, pp.446-456, Dec 2020.

  32. Swindle, Timothy D, “Interstellar Material within the Solar System”, JBIS, 73, 12, pp.457-460, Dec 2020.

  33. Wentzel-Long, M., G. A. Landis, “Power Generation from Interplanetary and Interstellar Plasma and Magnetic Fields”, AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2020 Forum, 24-28 Aug 2020.


  1. Djojodihardjo, Harijono, “Overview of Solar Magnetic Sailing Configurations for Space Travel”, Proceedings of the AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 07 - 11 Jan 2019.

  2. Cohen, S A, C Swanson, N McGreivy et al, “Direct Fusion Drive for Interstellar Exploration”, JBIS, 72, 02, pp.38-50, Feb 2019.

  3. Benford, James and Gregory Matloff, “Intermediate Beamers for Starshot: Probes to the Sun’s Inner Gravity Focus”, JBIS, 72, 02, pp.51-55, Feb 2019.

  4. Wheeler, Edd, “Reality, The Breakthrough Initiative and Prospects for Colonization of Space”, JBIS, 72, 02, pp.56-61, Feb 2019.

  5. Jackson, Al A and Gregory Benford, “A Gravitational Wave Transmitter”, JBIS, 02, pp.62-69, Feb 2019.

  6. Sailer, M W & H M Doss, “Magnetic Shielding for Interplanetary Travel”, JBIS, 72, 3, pp.83-89, 2019.

  7. Ilic, Ognjen & Harry A Atwater, “Self-Stabilizing Photonic Levitation and Propulsion of Nanostructured Macroscopic Objects”, Nature Photonics 13, pp.289-295, 18 Mar 2019.

  8. Weed, Ryan, Bala Ramamurthy, Josh Machacek et al., “Positron Propulsion for Interplanetary and Interstellar Travel”, JBIS, 72, 04, pp.110-115, Apr 2019.

  9. Brisbin, Drew, “Spacecraft with Interstellar Medium Momentum Exchange Reactions: The Potential and Limitations of Propellantless Interstellar Travel”, JBIS, 72, 04, pp.116-124, Apr 2019.

  10. Hein, Andreas M and Stephen Baxter, “A Real-Time Space Debris Detection System for Interstellar Travel”, JBIS, 72, 04, pp.125-143, Apr 2019.

  11. Greason, Jeffrey, K, “A Reaction Drive Powered by External Dynamic Pressure”, 72, 5, pp.146-152, May 2019.

  12. Fuzfa, Andre, “Interstellar Travels Aboard Radiation-Powered Rockets”, Phys.Rev D, 99, 104081, 31 May 2019.

  13. Mauskopft, Philip, “Interplanetary and Interstellar Communications and Navigation”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  14. Hempsell, Mark, “Colonies and World Ships”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  15. Long, Kelvin F, “Calculations for a Crewed Interstellar Dysonship Driven by Microwave Beam Propulsion”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 June 2019.

  16. Long, Kelvin F, “Interstellar Probes: the Benefits to Astronomy & Astrophysics”, JBIS, 72, 370-375, 2019.

  17. Vermeulen, Angelo, “Evolving Asteroid Starships: A Bio-Inspired Approach for Designing Generation Starships”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  18. AbdelFattah, Samar, “Hyperloop: Martian Operations 1”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  19. Robinson, Peter, “Space Elevators; The Earth, The Moon and Beyond”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  20. Osborne, Richard, “The Use of Near-Term Launch Systems for Developing A Stanford Torus”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  21. Mahon, Patrick, “Worldships - Some Ecological and Resource Constraints”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  22. Costley, Alan, “Development for Faster Fusion at Tokamak Energy”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  23. Genovese, Angelo, “Laser-Powered Electric Propulsion Precursor Mission”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  24. Weed, Ryan, “Antielectron Propulsion”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  25. Swinney, Rob, “Project Icarus Fusion Starship Concept Design Solutions”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  26. Swanson, Charles, “Direct Fusion Drive for the Gravitational Lens Mission”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  27. Munday, Jeremey, “Engineering Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  28. White, Harold ‘Sonny’, “Dynamic Vacuum Propulsion”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  29. Fearn, Heidi, “Advances in Mach Effect Gravitational Assist (MEGA) Drive Experimentation”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  30. McCulloch, Mike, “Quantised Inertia, Propellant-Less Thrust and Interstellar Travel”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  31. Lubin, Philip, “Dircted Energy - The Path to Interstellar Flight”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  32. Schalkwyk, James, “The Scale of an Interstellar Mission: Microphotonics to Megastructures”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  33. Garattini, Remo, “Engineering Wormholes”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  34. Lobo, Francisco, “Wormholes, Warp Drives and Interstellar Travel”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  35. Jackson, Al, “Neutrino Beacons for Interstellar Communications”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  36. Matloff, Gregory, “Is the Kuiper Belt Inhabited?”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop, Charfield, UK, 27-30 Jun 2019.

  37. Matloff, Gregory L, “The Motivation and Frequency of Interstellar Migrations: A Possible Answer to Fermi’s Paradox”, JBIS, 72, 06, pp.182-185, Jun 2019.

  38. Benford, James and Alan Mole, “Ultrahigh Acceleration Neutral Particle Beam-Driven Sails”, JBIS, 72, 06, pp.190-197, Jun 2019.

  39. Besteiro, Agustin, “The Implications of Non-Faster-Than-Light Type-3 Kardashev Civilizations”, JBIS, 72, 06, pp.198-201, Jun 2019.

  40. Brandt, Pontus et al., “Humanity’s First Explicit Step in Reaching Another Star, The Interstellar Probe Mission”, JBIS, 06, pp.202-212, Jun 2019.

  41. McNutt, Ralph L, Robert F Wimmer-Schweingruber, Mike Gruntman et al., “Near-Term Interstellar Probe: First Step”, Acta Astronautica, 162, pp.284-299, Sep 2019.

  42. Osmanov, Z & V I Berezhiani, “Anomalous Variability of Dyson Megastructures”, JBIS, 72, 08, pp.254-258, Aug 2019.

  43. Molina, Jose Antonio, “Searching for a Standard Drake Equation”, JBIS, 72, 08, pp.259-265, Aug 2019.

  44. Crevier, Daniel, “On Fermi’s Paradox and Temporal Singularities”, JBIS, 72, 08, pp.268-274, Aug 2019.

  45. Van den Donker, Michiel Jacobus, “Solar-Pumped Beamed Propulsion: Interstellar Lightsail Mission Infrastructure”, JBIS, 72, 08, pp.275-281, August 2019.

  46. Gertz, John, “ ‘Oumuamua and Scout ET Probes”, JBIS, 72, 08, pp.282-286, Aug 2019.

  47. Zubrin, Robert, “Detecting Extraterrestrial Civilizations: Utilizing Artificial Singularity Power Systems”, JBIS, 72, 08, pp.287-292, Aug 2019.

  48. Winterberg, F, “Cheating the Death of the Sun by Relatvistic Interstellar Spaceflight”, Acta Astronautica, 161, pp.241-248, Aug 2019.

  49. Limbach, Christopher and Kentaro Hara, “Performance Analysis of a Combined Laser and Neutral Particle Beam Propulsion Concept Based on Self-Guiding”, Proceedings of the AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2019 Forum, p.3800, 19-22 Aug 2019.

  50. Burns, David M, “Helical Engine”, Proceedings AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2019 Forum, p.4395, 19-22 Aug 2019.

  51. Robertshaw, Gary, S, “Implications for SETI of Dark Matter”, JBIS, 72, 11, pp.364-369, Nov 2019.

  52. Long, K F, “Interstellar Probes: The Benefits to Astronomy & Astrophysics”, JBIS, 72, 11, pp.370-375, Nov 2019.

  53. Fearn, Heidi and J F Woodward, “Advances in Mach Effect Gravitational Assist (MEGA) Drive Experimentation”, JBIS, 72, 11, pp.376-381, Nov 2019.

  54. Matloff, Gregory, “Is the Kuiper Belt Inhabited?”, JBIS, 72, 11, pp.382-385, Nov 2019.

  55. Gertz, J, “No Place Like Home (In Our Own Solar System): Searching for ET Near White Dwarfs”, JBIS, 72, 11, pp.386-395, Nov 2019.

  56. Garattini, Remo, “Casimir Wormholes”, The European Physical Journal C, 79, 11, p.951, 20 Nov 2019.

  57. Fuzfa, Andre, “Interstellar Travels Aboard Radiation-Powered Rockets”, Physical Review D, 99, 104081, 2019.

  58. White, H, P Bailey, J Lawrence et al., “A Discussion on a Dynamic Vacuum Model: Derivation of Helmholtz Equation from Schrodinger Equation”, Physics Open, 1, p.100009, Dec 2019.

  59. Ancona, Elena & Roman Ya Kezerashvili, “Extrasolar Space Exploration by a Solar Sail Accelerated via Thermal Desorption of Coating”, Advances in Space Research, 64, pp.2021-2034, 2019.

  60. Ancona, Elena, Roman Ya Kezerashvili, Gregory L Matloff, “Exploring the Kuiper Belt with Sun-Diving Solar Sails”, Acta Astronautica, 160, pp.601-605, 2019.

  61. Caplan, Matthew E, “Stellar Engines: Design Considerations for Maximizing Acceleration”, Acta Astronautica, 165, pp.96-104, Dec 2019.

  62. Gindilis, Lev M and Leonid I Gurvits, “SETI in Russia, USSR and the Post-Soviet Space: A Century of Research”, Acta Astronautica, 162, pp.1-13, Sep 2019.

  63. Atreya, Sushil K, Mark D Hofstadter, Kim R Reh and Joong Hyun In, “Icy Giant Planet Exploration: Are Entry Probes Essential?”, Acta Astronautica, 162, pp.266-274, Sep 2019.

  64. Winterberg, F, “Nuclear Microbomb Propulsion for Manned Deep Space Exploration with Return Travel”, Acta Astronautica, 162, pp.373-375, Sep 2019.

  65. Elvis, Martin and Tony Milligan, “How Much of the Solar System Should We Leave As Wilderness?”, Acta Astronautica, 162, pp.574-580, Sep 2019.

  66. Piquette, M, A R Poppe, E Bernardoni et al., “Student Dust Counter: Status Report at 38 AU”, Icarus, 321, pp.116-125, 15 Mar 2019.


  1. Tatum, Eugene Terry, “Searching for E.T, A Universal Units Proposal”, JBIS, 71, 02, pp.43-44, Feb 2018.

  2. Marin, Frederic and Camille Beluffi, “Computing the Minimal Crew for a Multi-Generational Space Journey Towards Proxima Centuari b”, JBIS, 71, 02, pp.45-52, Feb 2018.

  3. Schwartz, James S J, “Worldship Ethics Obligations to the Crew”, JBIS, 71, 02, pp.53-64, Feb 2018.

  4. Van Belle, Douglas A, “The Social Dynamics of Science, Exopanetary Environments and the Drake Equation”, JBIS, 71, 02, pp.65-69, Feb 2018.

  5. Turchin, Alexey, “The global Catastrophic Risks Connected with the Possibility of Finding Alien AI During SETI”, JBIS, 71, 02, pp.71-79, Feb 2018.

  6. Cassibry, Jason et al, “Pulsed Magnetic Nozzle for Fusion Propulsion”, JBIS, 71, 04, pp.119-125, Apr 2018.

  7. Laine, Pauli Erik, “Fission Fragment Rocket: Fuel Production and Structural Considerations”, JBIS, 71, 04, pp.126-129, Apr 2018.

  8. Swartzlander, Grover A Jr, “Flying on a Rainbow, A Solar-Driven Diffractive Sailcraft”, JBIS, 71, 04, pp.130-132, Apr 2018.

  9. London, Richard A and James T Early, “Evaluation of the Hazard of Dust Impacts on Interstellar Spacecraft”, JBIS, 71, 04, pp.133-139, Apr 2018.

  10. Weinstein-Weiss, Stacy et al, “A Science-Driven Mission Concept to an Exoplanet”, JBIS, 71, 04, pp.140-150, Apr 2018.

  11. Roy, Kenneth and Catherine Smith, “Contact with Alien Biomes: Possible Biochemical Incompatibilities”, JBIS, 71, 04, pp.151-155, Apr 2018.

  12. Millis, Marc G, Jeff Greason, Rhonda Stevenson, “Breakthrough Propulsion Study, Assessing Interstellar Flight Challenges and Prospects”, NASA Grant NNX17AE81G First Year Report, Jun 2018.

  13. Martin, Anthony R, “The Origin of the ‘Fermi Paradox’ “, JBIS, 71, 06, pp.200-206, Jun 2018.

  14. Peacock, Kent A, “Fermi and Lotka: The Long Odds of Survival in a Dangerous Universe”, JBIS, 71, 06, pp.207-211, Jun 2018.

  15. Ashworth, Stephen, “Scenario Block Diagram Analysis of the Galactic Evolution of Life”, JBIS, 71, 06, pp.212-215, Jun 2018.

  16. Weinzierl, Robert O J, “Extremophiles: The Resilience of Life under ‘Adverse’ Conditions”, JBIS, 71, 06, pp.216-221, Jun 2018.

  17. Clements, David L, “Life Before Fermi – Back to the Solar System”, JBIS, 71, 06, pp.222-224, Jun 2018.

  18. Bond, Alan, “Alien Aircraft: Have They Been Observed on Earth?”, JBIS, 71, 06, pp.225-232, Jun 2018.

  19. Parkin, Kevin, “The Breakthrough Starshot System Model”, Acta Astronautica, 152, pp.370-384, Aug 2018.

  20. Friedman, Louis and Slava G Turyshev, “First Stop on the Interstellar Journey, The Solar Gravity Lens Focus”, JBIS, 71, 08, pp.275-279, Aug 2018.

  21. Higgins, Andrew J, “Experimental Simulation of Dust Impacts”, JBIS, 71, 08, pp.280-287, Aug 2018.

  22. Freeland, Robert M II, “Plasma Dynamics in Firefly’s Z-Pinch Fusion Engine”, JBIS, 71, 08, pp.288-293, Aug 2018.

  23. Jackson, Albert Allen IV, “Gram-Scale Nano-Spacecraft, Entry into Star Systems”, JBIS, 71, 08, pp.294-297, Aug 2018.

  24. Kennedy, A J, “The Fusion Fuel Resource Base of our Solar System”, JBIS, 71, 08, pp.298-305, Aug 2018.

  25. Kezerashvili, Roman Ya, “Tests of Fundamental Physics in Interstellar Flight”, JBIS, 71, 08, pp.306-310, Aug 2018.

  26. Long, K F, “A Critical Review on the Assumptions of SETI”, Proceedings 69th IAC, Bremen, Germany, IAC-18-A4.2.8, 01 - 05 Oct 2018.

  27. Long, K F, “Interstellar Probes: The Benefit to Astronomy and Astrophysics”, Proceedings 69th IAC, Bremen, Germany, IAC-18-A7.1.7, 01 - 05 Oct 2018.

  28. Turyshev, Slava G, “Director Multiplexel Imaging of an Exo-Earth with a Solar Gravitational Lens Telescope”, JBIS, 71, 10, pp.361-368, Oct 2018.

  29. Landis, Geoffrey A, “A Telescope at the Solar Gravitational Lens: Problems and Solutions”, JBIS, 71, 10, pp.369-374, Oct 2018.

  30. Gertz, John, “ET Probes, Nodes and Landbases: A Proposed Galactic Communications Architecture and Implied Search Strategies”, JBIS, 71, 10, pp.375-381, Oct 2018.

  31. Marin, Frederic, Camille Beluffi, Rhys Taylor , Loic Grau, “Numerical Constraints on the Size of Generation Ships”, JBIS, 71, 10, pp.382-393, Oct 2018.

  32. Matloff, Gregory, John Gertz, “Effects of Enhanced Graphene Reflection on the Performance of Sun-Launched Interstellar Arks”, JBIS, 71, 10, pp.394-396, Oct 2018.

  33. Starinova, Olga L and Irina V Gorbunova, “Solar System Escape Mission with Solar Sail Spacecraft”, JBIS, 71, 2, pp.438-442, Dec 2018.

  34. Pugsley, Derek, “Do Alien Civilisations Exist?”, JBIS, 71, 2, pp.443-449, Dec 2018.

  35. Lamontagne, Michel, “Heat Transfer in Fusion Starship Radiation Shielding Systems”, JBIS, 71, 2, pp.450-457, Dec 2018.

  36. Kipping, David, “The HALO Drive: Fuel-Free Relativistic Propulsion”, JBIS, 71, 2, pp.458-468, Dec 2018.

  37. Yurtsever, Ulvi & Steven Wilkinson, “Limits and Signatures of Relativistic Spaceflight”, Acta Astronautica, 142, pp.37-44, Jan 2018.

  38. Maccone, Claudio, “Energy of Extra-Terrestrial Civilizations According to Evo-SETI Theory”, Acta Astronautica, 144, pp.202-213, 2018.

  39. Semyonov, Oleg G, “Pros and Cons of Relativistic Interstellar Flight”, Acta Astronautica, 151, pp.201-211, 2018.

  40. Wright, Jason, “NASA and the Search for Technosignatures”, A Report from the NASA Technosignatures Workshop, 26-28 September 2018, Houston, Texas. Published 28 Nov 2018.

  41. Sedwick, Raymond & Harold White, “Spacedrives and Conservation Laws”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 55, 4, pp.1034-1039, 2018.

  42. Polyakhova, Elena & Vladimir Korolev, “The Solar Sail: Current State of the Problem”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1959, p.040014, 2018.


  1. Hempsell, Mark, “SkyFarm: Feeding a Large Space Population”, JBIS, 70, 01, pp.3-11, Jan 2017.

  2. Zubrin, Robert, “Interstellar Communications using Microbial Data Storage: Implications for SETI”, JBIS, 70, 05-06, pp.163-174, May-Jun 2017.

  3. Benford, James, “Sailships vs Fusion Rockets: A Contrarian View”, JBIS, 70, 05-06, pp.175-183, May-Jun 2017.

  4. Marin, Frederic, “HERITAGE: A Monte Carlo Code to Evaluate the Viability of Interstellar Travel using a Multi-Generational Crew”, JBIS, 70, 05-06, pp.184-195, May-Jun 2017.

  5. Mole, Robert Alan, “Nanobots and Fairylies”, JBIS, 70, 05-06, pp.196-198, May-Jun 2017.

  6. Mazurek, Jiri, “On the Feasibility of Human Interstellar Flights from Economic, Energetic and Other Perspectives”, JBIS, 70, 05-06, pp.199-207, May-Jun 2017.

  7. Matloff, Gregory L, “On-Board Power for Interstellar Generation Ships: Application of Cassenti’s Toroidal Ion Scoop”, JBIS, 70, 05-06, pp.208-209, May-Jun 2017.

  8. Matloff, Gregory L, “A Rationale for Alien Megastructures”, JBIS, 70, 05-06, pp.210-212, May-Jun 2017.

  9. Cassenti, Brice and Laura Cassenti, “Performance Predictions for Interstellar Missions using the Special Theory of Relativity”, JBIS, 70, 05-06, pp.213-218, May-Jun 2017.

  10. Traphagan, John W, “Do No Harm? Cultural Imperialism and the Ethics of Active SETI”, JBIS, 70, 05-06, pp.219-224, May-June 2017.

  11. Kennedy, Robert III, “The Fusion Fuel Resource Base in our Solar System”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  12. Lamontagne, Michel, “Heat Transfer in Fusion Starship Radiation Shielding Systems”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  13. Freeland, Robert, “Plasma Dynamics in a Z-Pinch Fusion Engine”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  14. Sedwick, Raymond J, Andrew M Chap & Nathan M Shilling, “Continuous Grid Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  15. Cohen, Samuel, Charles Swanson, N McGreivy et al., “Direct Fusion Drive for Interstellar Exploration”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  16. Weed, Ryan, “Positron Propulsion for Interplanetary and Interstellar Travel”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  17. Hein, Andreas, Kelvin F Long, Dan Fries et al., “The Andromeda Study: A Femto-Spacecraft Mission to Alpha Centauri”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  18. Jackson, Al A, “Gram-Scale Nano-Spacecraft Entry into Star Systems”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  19. Matloff, Gregory, “Effects of Enhanced Graphene Reflection on Performance of Sun-Launched Interstellar Arks”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  20. Long, Kelvin F, “The Prediction of Particle Bombardment Interaction Physics due to Ions, Electrons and Dust in the Interstellar Medium on a Gram-Scale Interstellar Probe”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  21. Higgins, Andrew J, “Accelerator Technologies for Simulation of Dust Impacts at Starflight Velocities”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  22. White, Harold G, “Pilot Wave Model for Impulsive Thrust from RF Test Device Measured in Vacuum”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  23. Kezerashvili, Roman, “Tests of Fundamental Laws and Principles of Physics in Interstellar Flight”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  24. Fearn, Heidi, Jose Rodal and J F Woodward, “Mach Effect Gravitational Assist Drive”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  25. Robertson, Glen A, “Entanglement and Chameleon Acceleration”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  26. Garattini, Remo, “Self-Sustained Traversable Wormholes and Casimir Energy”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  27. DeBiase, Robert L, “The Equivalence of Internal and External Energy Source Interpretations of the Casimir Effect and their Implications for Interstellar Travel”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  28. Freidman, Louis & Slave G Turyshev, “First Stop on the Interstellar Journey: The Solar Gravity Lens Focus”, Proceedings of Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop (FISW1.0), New York, 13-15 Jun 2017.

  29. Homfray, D A and M Gorley, C Harrington, A Hollingsworth, T H Matos de Carvalho, J Morris, “Technology Roadmap for a Magnetically Connected Fusion Powered Spacecraft”, JBIS, 70, 09, Sep 2017.

  30. Bamford, Ruth, “Can Artificial Miniature Magnetospheres Be Used to Protect Spacecraft”, JBIS, 70, 09, Sep 2017.

  31. Woodward, J F, “Einstein, Mach’s Principle and the Unification of Gravity and Inertia”, JBIS, 70, 10-11, Oct-Nov 2017.

  32. Fearn, Heidi and J F Woodward, “Voltage Power Law Scaling of the Force for a Mach Effect Gravitational Assist Drive”, JBIS, 70, 10-11, Oct-Nov 2017.

  33. Cramer, J G, “The Quantum Handshake Explored”, JBIS, 70, 10-11, Oct-Nov 2017.

  34. Montillet, J-P and C Ziep, “The Relativistic Capacitor Model and the Mach-Lorentz Theory”, JBIS, 70, 10-11, Oct-Nov 2017.

  35. Hyland, D. C, “An Epitaxial Device for Dynamic Interaction with the Vacuum State”, JBIS, 70, 10-11, Oct-Nov 2017.

  36. Chiao, R Y, JS Sharping, L A Martinez, B S Kang, A Castelli, N Inan, J J Thompson, “Dynamical Casimir Effect and the Possibility of Laser-Like Generation of Gravitational Radiation”, JBIS, 70, 10-11, Oct-Nov 2017.

  37. Hyland, D C, “An Epitaxial Device for Dynamic Interaction with the Vacuum State”, JBIS, 70, 10-11, Oct-Nov 2017.

  38. Zubrin, Robert, “Dipole Drive for Space Propulsion”, JBIS, 70, 12, Dec 2017.

  39. Benford, James, “Beam-Driven Sails and Divergence of Neutral Particle Beams”, JBIS, 70, 12, Dec 2017.

  40. Gertz, John, “Nodes: A Proposed Solution to Fermi’s Paradox”, JBIS, 70, 12, Dec 2017.

  41. Matloff, Gregory L, “Star Lifting: An Application for Alien Megastructures”, JBIS, 70, 12, Dec 2017.

  42. Taylor, Travis S, “Propulsive Forces Using High-Q Asymmetric High Energy Laser Resonators”, JBIS, 70, pp.238-243, 2017.

  43. White, Harold, Paul March, James Lawrence et al., “Measurement of Impulsive Thrust from a Closed Radio-Frequency Cavity in Vacuum”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 33, 4, pp.830-841, 2017.

  44. Blatter, Heinz & Thomas Greber, “Tau Zero: In the Cockpit of a Bussard Ramjet”, American Journal of Physics, 85, pp.915-920, 2017.


  1. Crawford, Ian A, “Project Icarus: Preliminary Thoughts on the Selection of Probes and Instruments for an Icarus Style Interstellar Mission”, JBIS, 69, 01, pp.4-10, Jan 2016.

  2. Baxter, Stephen, “Project Icarus: Exploring Alpha Centauri: Trajectories and Strategies for Subprobe Deployment”, JBIS, 69, 01, pp.11-19, Jan 2016.

  3. Bennett, G.L, “Destination Universe: Some Thoughts on Faster-Than-Light (FTL) Travel”, AIAA 2016-4918, 52nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Salt Lake City, UT, 25-27 Jul 2016.

  4. Ashworth, Stephen, “The Bottleneck Effect on Interplanetary and Interstellar Growth over the Coming Millennium”, JBIS, 69, 01, pp.20-26, Jan 2016.

  5. Gertz, John, “Reviewing METI: A Critical Analysis of the Arguments”, JBIS, 69, 01, pp.31-36, Jan 2016.

  6. Lubin, Philip, “A Roadmap to Interstellar Flight”, JBIS, 69, 02-03, pp.40-72, Feb-Mar 2016.

  7. Quarra, Charles J, “The Laser Starway: A Light Bridge to the Closest Stars”, JBIS, 69, 02-03, pp.73-82, Feb-Mar 2016.

  8. Gaviraghi, Giorgio and Andre Caminoa, “A Kardashev III Approach to Extra-Solar Planetary System Colonization”, JBIS, 69, 02-03, pp.83-87, Feb-Mar 2016.

  9. Gertz, John, “ET Probes: Looking Here as Well as There”, JBIS, 69, 02-03, pp.88-91, Feb-Mar 2016.

  10. Cirkovic, Milan M, “Stellified Planets and Brown Dwarfs as Novel Dysonian SETI Signatures”, JBIS, 69, 02-03, pp.92-96, Feb-Mar 2016.

  11. Long, K F, “Unstable Equilibrium Hypothesis: A Consideration of Ultra-Relativistic and Faster than Light Interstellar Spaceflight”, JBIS, 69, 02-03, pp.97-101, Feb-Mar 2016.

  12. Fearn, Heidi and J F Woodward, “Breakthrough Propulsion I: The Quantum Vacuum”, JBIS, 69, 05, pp.155-162, May 2016.

  13. Long, K F, “Project Icarus: Specific Power for Interstellar Missions using Inertial Confinement Fusion Propulsion”, JBIS, 69, 05, pp.190-194, May 2016.

  14. Bennett, Gary, “Destination Universe: Some Thoughts on Faster-Than-Light (FTL) Travel”, Proceedings 52nd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 25-27 Jul 2016.

  15. Gertz, John, “Post-Detection SETI Protocols & METI: The Time has Come to Regulate them Both”, JBIS, 69, 08, pp.263-270, Aug 2016.

  16. Wheeler, Ed, “Will ‘Breakthrough Initiatives’ Break the Silence?, JBIS, 69, 08, pp.271-277, Aug 2016.

  17. Milne, Peter, Michel Lamontagne and Robert M Freeland II, “Project Icarus: Communications Data Link Designs Between Icarus and Earth and Between Icarus Spacecraft”, JBIS, 69, 08, pp.278-288, Aug 2016.

  18. Long, Kelvin F, “Project Icarus: Development of Fusion Based Space Propulsion for Interstellar Missions”, JBIS, 69, 08, pp.289-294, Aug 2016.

  19. Farr, Stefan Harsan, “Ice Dome Construction for Large Scale Habitats on Atmosphereless Bodies”, JBIS, 69, 08, pp.295-303, Aug 2016.

  20. Sheerin, Todd F and Phillip M Cunio, “Polynesian Colonization as a Model for Human Expansion into the Solar System”, AIAA Space 2016, p.5400, 13 - 16 Sep 2016.

  21. Ashworth, Stephen, “Staggered Launch Sequences for Fleets of Interstellar Worldships”, JBIS, 69, 09-10, pp.326-330, Sept-Oct 2016.

  22. Fearn, Heidi and J F Woodward, “Breakthrough Propulsion II: A Mass Change Experiment”, JBIS, 69, 09-10, pp.331-339, Sep-Oct 2016.

  23. Smith, Roderick A, Suneel Sheikh, Robert W Swinney, “Navigation to the Alpha Centauri Star System”, JBIS, 69, 11, pp.379-389, Nov 2016.

  24. Smith, Roderick A and Robert W Swinney, “Granularity and Ambiguity in Navigating the Void”, JBIS, 69, 11, pp.390-401, Nov 2016.

  25. Promislow, Curtis L and Andre P Mazzoleni, “Examination of the Biefield-Brown Effect for the Case of a Symmetric Parallel Plate Capacitor”, JBIS, 69, 11, pp.402-405, Nov 2016.

  26. Sandberg, Anders, Stuart Armstrong and Milan Cirkovic, “That is not Dead Which can Eternal Lie: The Aestivation Hypothesis for Resolving Fermi’s Paradox”, JBIS, 69, 11, pp.406-415, Nov 2016.

  27. Perakis, Nikolaos & Andreas M Hein, “Combining Magnetic and Electric Sails for Interstellar Deceleration”, Acta Astronautica, 128, pp.13-20, Nov-Dec 2016.

  28. Perakis, Nikolaos, Lukas E Schrenk, Johannes Gutsmiedl et al., “Project Dragonfly: A Feasibility Study of Interstellar Travel using Laser-Powered Light Sail Propulsion”, Acta Astronautica, 129, pp.316-324, Dec 2016.

  29. Ashworth, Stephen, “Quantifying the Assumptions Behind the METI Debate”, JBIS, 69, 12, pp.419-428, Dec 2016.

  30. Murzionak, P, Chris Welch, Gregory Matloff, “The Oculus Project: Gravitational Lensing, Earth-Like Exoplanets and Solar Sailing”, JBIS, 69, 12, pp.439-449, Dec 2016.

  31. Benford, James N and Dominic J Benford, “Power Beaming Leakage Radiation as a SETI Observable”, The Astrophysical Journal, 825: 2, 101. 6pp, 10 Jul 2016.

  32. Poppe, A R, “An Improved Model for Interplanetary Dust Fluxes in the Outer Solar System”, Icarus, 264, pp.369-386, 2016.

  33. Ma, Dakang, Joseph Murray, Jeremy N Munday, “Controllable Propulsion by Light: Steering a Solar Sail via Tunable Radiation Pressure”, Advanced Optical Materials, 5, 4, Dec 2016.

  34. Slavin, Jonathan D, “The Outer Boundary Conditions of the Heliosphere: Observations and Models of the Local Interstellar Cloud”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1720, p.080003, 2016.

  35. Richardson, John D et al., “Voyager Observations in the Outer Heliosphere and Interstellar Medium”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1720, p.080001, 2016.


  1. White, Harold, Jerry Vera, Paul Bailey et al., “Dynamics of the Vacuum and Casimir Analogs to the Hydrogen Atom”, Journal of Modern Physics, 06, pp.1308-1320, Jan 2015.

  2. Cassibry, Jason, Ross Cortez, Milos Stanic et al., “Case and Development Path for Fusion Propulsion”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 52, 2, pp.595-612, 20 Jan 2015.

  3. Hampson, Robert E, “Space Radiation and the Brain”, JBIS, 68, 01-02, pp.5-9, Jan-Feb 2015.

  4. Ferguson, Cynthia K, Mark E Nall, David W Scott, “Space 2100: A Shared Visioning Exercise for the Future Space Economy”, JBIS, 68, 01-02, pp.10-16, Jan-Feb 2015.

  5. Ziarnick, Brent, “Starfleet Deferred: Project Orion in the 1962 Air Force Space Program”, JBIS, 68, 01-02, pp.17-25, Jan-Feb 2015.

  6. Matloff, Gregory L and Les Johnson, “An Interstellar Sail Before 2020?”, JBIS, 68, 01-02, pp.26-29, Jan-Feb 2015.

  7. Cardon, Aaron L, “Ideal Biological Characteristics for Long-Duration Manned Space Travel”, JBIS, 68, 01-02, pp.31-32, Jan-Feb 2015.

  8. Reddy, S K, and H Benaroya, “Study of Daedalus Interstellar Spacecraft Reaction Chamber and Thrust Structure”, JBIS, 68, 01-02, pp.44-47, Jan-Feb 2015.

  9. Johnson, Les, “Solar Sails: Sneaking up on Interstellar Travel”, JBIS, 68, 01-02, Jan-Feb 2015.

  10. Bowman, Anu, “StarShip Congress 2013 – Proceedings of the General Assembly”, JBIS, 68, 01-02, Jan-Feb 2015.

  11. Meserschmitt, David G, “Design for Minimum Energy in Interstellar Communication”, Acta Astronautica, 107, pp.20-39, Feb-Mar 2015.

  12. Gray, Robert H, “The Fermi Paradox is Neither Fermi’s Nor a Paradox”, Astrobiology, 15, 3, pp.195-199, Mar 2015.

  13. Freeland, Robert M II and Michel Lamontagne, “Firefly Icarus: An Unmanned Interstellar Probe using Z-Pinch Fusion Propulsion”, JBIS, 68, 03-04, pp.68-80, Mar-Apr 2015.

  14. Cobbs, C C, C Welch, M Lamontagne, E Huges, R G Kennedy and Jim Beall, “Ecological Engineering Considerations for I.S.U.s Worldship Project”, JBIS, 68, 03-04, pp.81-85, Mar-Apr 2015.

  15. Maclay, G Jordan, “The Role of the Quantum Vacuum in Space Travel”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 68, 03-04, pp.86-93, Mar-Apr 2015.

  16. Halbert, Martin, “Scenarios for Long-Term Interstellar Distributed Data Networks”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 68, 03-04, pp.94-97, Mar-Apr 2015.

  17. Williams, L L, “Back to the Future: Rise of the Scalar Field and its Implications for Interstellar Travel”, JBIS, 68, 03-04, pp.98-104, Mar-Apr 2015.

  18. Lee, Jeffrey S, “Acceleration of a Schwarzschild Kugelblitz Starship”, JBIS, 68, 03-04, pp.105-116, Mar-Apr 2015.

  19. Genovese, Angelo and Nembo Buldrini, Ivanhoe Vasilijevich, Bernhard Seifert, Alexander Reissner, Florin Plesescu, “Innovative Ultra-FEEP Thrusters for Interstellar Precursor Missions”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 68, 03-04, pp.117-124, Mar-Apr 2015.

  20. Huo, Minying, Giovanni Mengali and Alessandro A Quarta, “Mission Design for an Interstellar Probe with E-Sail Propulsion System”, JBIS, 68, 05-06, pp.128-134, May-Jun 2015.

  21. Nasseri, S Ali, “Motivations for Space Exploration: A Survey within the Space Community”, JBIS, 68, 05-06, pp.135-141, May-Jun 2015.

  22. Yu, Chao and Jiajun Liu, “The Dark Forest Rule: One Solution to the Fermi Paradox”, JBIS, 68, 05-06, pp.142-144, May-Jun 2015.

  23. Lockley, Andrew, “Deliberate Destruction of Planets and Biospheres”, JBIS, 68, 05-06, pp.150-152, May-Jun 2015.

  24. Nordley, Gerald D and Adam James Crowl, “Mass Beam Propulsion, An Overview”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 68, 05-06, pp.153-166, May-Jun 2015.

  25. Lightfoot, R S and, E Hughes, R G Kennedy and H P Shuch, “Communication, SETI, and Strategies”, JBIS, 68, 05-06, pp.167-171, May-Jun 2015.

  26. Lubin, Philip, Gary B Hughes, Johanna Bible and Isabella Johansson, “Directed Energy for Relativistic Propulsion and Interstellar Communications”, JBIS, 68, 05-06, pp.172-182, May-Jun 2015.

  27. Kammash, T, “Nuclear Energy for Space Propulsion”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 68, 07, pp.200-204, Jul 2015.

  28. Cassenti, Brice N, Robert Budica, Les Johnson, Terry Kammash, “From Laser Pulse Propulsion to Fusion Pulse Propulsion: An Evolutionary Approach”, Proceedings of the 51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, p.3858, 27-29 Jul 2015.

  29. Early, James T and Richard A London, “Dust Grain Damage to Interstellar Vehicles and Lightsails”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 68, 07, pp.205-210, Jul 2015.

  30. Weiss, David, “Creating Materials for the Starship”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 68, 07, pp.211-213, Jul 2015.

  31. Olum, Ken D, “Does General Relativity Permit Superluminal Travel?”, JBIS, 68, 07, pp.214-216, Jul 2015.

  32. Kammash, T, “Self-Fuelling Fusion Hybrid Propulsion System for Interstellar Missions”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 68, 07, pp.217-219, Jul 2015.

  33. Long, K F, “The ‘Invention’ of the Starship and Revisiting Tsiolkovsky”, Axiom, Journal of the Initiative for Interstellar Studies, 1, 1, pp.4-15, Aug 2015.

  34. Crowl, Adam, “Two-Stage vs Single-Stage: A Performance Comparison”, Axiom, Journal of the Initiative for Interstellar Studies, 1, 1, pp.16-19, Aug 2015.

  35. Ashworth, Stephen, “Exponential Growth for Another Thousand Years”, Axiom, Journal of the Initiative for Interstellar Studies, 1, 1, pp.20-25, Aug 2015.

  36. Guillochon, James and Abraham Loeb, “SETI Via Leakage From Light Sails in Exoplanetary Systems”, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 811, 2, 23 Sep 2015.

  37. Freeland, Robert M III, “Mathematics of Magsails”, JBIS, 68, 09-10, pp.306-323, Sep-Oct 2015.

  38. Sinclair, A H, “The Longest Journey: Philosophical and Religious Considerations”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 68, 09-10, pp.324-330, Sep-Oct 2015.

  39. Burke, David, “A Framework for the Design of Ethical Robotic Probes”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.217-222, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.

  40. Vigne, Janet de, “Interstellar Embryos through Interstellar Teens: Negotiating Human Development Through Education in an Off-World Context”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.223-228-, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.

  41. Gates, Jaym, “Tomorrowland: Recreating the Cultural Ambition for Interstellar Travel or Dudes, Let’s Go to Mars”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.229-233-, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.

  42. Hess, Peter M J, “What would E.T Believe? Anticipating the Contours of Extraterrestrial Religion”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.235-240-, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.

  43. Oravec, Jo Ann, “Memory Issues for 100YSS Missions: Lifelogging, Social Media, and Virtual Time Capsules”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.241-250, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.

  44. Pay, Rex, “Reconciling Religion and Science through Eternity”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.251-260, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.

  45. Sherriff, Abigail & Chris Welch, “A Roadmap to Interstellar Travel: The Societal Challenges”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.261-275, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.

  46. Gates, Jaym, “The First 72 Hours: Crisis Communications on the Edge”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.283-287, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.

  47. Corner, Christopher A, “Advanced Design Methodology for Deep Space Systems”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.295-304, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.

  48. Hine, Hank & Charles Hine, “Solid Ground in Interstellar Space: Mission and Metaphor”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.305-319, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.

  49. Cripe, Curtis, “Neurocognitive Behavioral Health Monitoring During Space Missions”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.325-336, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.

  50. Davis, Janis, Maria Absi, Macy Burr, Howard Koh, Rochelle Telles, “The Contributions of Occupational Science to the Readiness of Long Duration Deep Space Exploration”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.337-351, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.

  51. Pass, Jim, “Astrosociology: Deviance Aboard a Long-Duration Spaceflight”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.353-363, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.

  52. Richey, Manuel, “Starship Alpha: The Case for an Earth-Based Proto-Starship”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.365-379, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.

  53. Bae, Young K, “Photonic Laser Thruster Laboratory Demonstration towards Interstellar Photonic Railways”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.385-404, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.

  54. Talbot, Patrick J, “Goldilocks Zones - A Fine Grained Exoplanet Taxonomy”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.425-435, 29 Oct-01 Nov 2015.

  55. MacLeod, Christopher and Claire E Gerrard, “An Alternative Design for Electrostatically Accelerated Ion Beam Fusion”, JBIS, 68, 11, pp.336-341, Nov 2015.

  56. Jackson, Albert Allen IV, “Black Hole Beacon: Gravitational Lensing”, JBIS, 68, 11, pp.343-346, Nov 2015.

  57. Desiato, Todd J, “The Electromagnetic Quantum Vacuum Warp Drive”, JBIS, 68, 11, pp.347-353, Nov 2015.

  58. MacLeod, Christopher, Niccolo F Capanni and Kenneth S Gow, “Overcoming Fuel-Air Mixing Issues with Pulsed Scramjets and Pelletized Fuel”, JBIS, 68, 11, pp.354-362, Nov 2015.

  59. Dakka, Sam M, “Concept Design for Space Habitability for Long Term Missions”, JBIS, 68, 11, pp.363-368, Nov 2015.

  60. Lockley, Andrew, “Geoengineering on Exoplanets”, JBIS, 68, 11, pp.369-371, Nov 2015.

  61. Kowald, Axel, “Why is There no Von Neumann Probe on Ceres? Error Catastrophe can Explain the Fermi-Hart Paradox”, JBIS, 68, 12, pp.383-388, Dec 2015.

  62. Cassaniga, Daniel, “The Probability of Faster than Light Travel and our Place in the Universe”, JBIS, 68, 12, pp.400-402, Dec 2015.

  63. Lightfoot, Robert C, “Lacking Tools, Information, and Hope: The Results of the First Attempts in Colonization by the Spanish in a New and Strange World”, Axiom, Journal of the Initiative for Interstellar Studies, 1, 2, pp.4-13, Dec 2015.

  64. Armstrong, Rachel A, “Prototyping Starships: The Nature of the Interstellar Question”, Axiom, Journal of the Initiative for Interstellar Studies, 1, 2, pp.20-26, Dec 2015.

  65. Brashears, Travis, Philip Lubin, Gary B Hughes et al., “Directed Energy Interstellar Propulsion of WaferSats”, Proceedings of the SPIE 9616, Nanophotonics and Macrophotonics for Space Environments IX, 2015.

  66. Hughes, G B, P Lubin, H O’Neill et al., “DE-STAR: Phased-Array Laser Technology for Planetary Defense and Exploration”, Presented STARDUST 1st Global Virtual Workshop on Asteroids and Space Debris 2014, Advances in Space Research - Special Edition: Asteroids and Space Debris, Published by Elsevier, Edited by Massimiliano Vasile, 2015.

  67. Joosten, B K & H G White, “Human Outer Solar System Exploration via Q-Thruster Technology”, Proceedings IEEE Aerospace Conference, 7118893, pp.1-14, 2015.

  68. White, H, “A Discussion on Characteristics of the Quantum Vacuum”, Physics Essays, 28, 4, 2015.

  69. Kezerashvili, Roman Ya, “Space Exploration with a Solar Sail Coated by Materials that Undergo Thermal Desorpotion”, Acta Astronautica, 117, pp.231-237, 2015.


  1. Brin, David, “The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) and Whether to Send ‘Messages’ (METI: A Case for Conversation, Patience and Due Diligence”, JBIS, 67, 01, pp.8-16, Jan 2014.

  2. Billingham, John and James Benford, “Costs and Difficulties of Interstellar ‘Messaging’ and the Need for International Debate on Potential Risks”, JBIS, 67, 01, pp.17-23, Jan 2014.

  3. Michaud, Michael, “Seeking Contact: Issues to Consider”, JBIS, 67, 01, pp.24-26, Jan 2014.

  4. Shostak, Seth, “Sending Signals into Space: Is it Really a Bad Idea?”, JBIS, 67, 01, pp.27-29, Jan 2014.

  5. Zaitsev, Alexander, “Calling ET, or not Even Answering the Phone?”, JBIS, 67, 01, pp.30-32, Jan 2014.

  6. Dumas, Stephane, “The Fear of Contact”, JBIS, 67, 01, pp.33-37, Jan 2014.

  7. Brin, David, “Counterpoint”, Reputtal to the METI Debate, JBIS, 67, 01, Jan 2014.

  8. Billingham, John, “The Biggest Problem”, Reputtal to the METI Debate, JBIS, 67, 01, Jan 2014.

  9. Benford, James, “Rebuttal to the Advocates of Messaging”, Reputtal to the METI Debate, JBIS, 67, 01, Jan 2014.

  10. Shostak, Seth, “Comments”, Reputtal to the METI Debate, JBIS, 67, 01, Jan 2014.

  11. Dumas, Stephane, “Reply to the Three Documents Against METI”, Reputtal to the METI Debate, JBIS, 67, 01, Jan 2014.

  12. Baxter, Stephen, “Big Planets: Super-Earths in Science Fiction”, JBIS, 67, 02, pp.105-109, Mar 2014.

  13. Cartin, Daniel, “Quantifying the Fermi Paradox in the Local Solar Neighbourhood”, JBIS, 67, 02, pp.119-126, Mar 2014.

  14. Barnhart, David, Peter Garretson and Peter Will, “Enabling the 2nd Generation in Space: Building Blocks for Large Scale Space Endeavours”, JBIS, 67, 04, Apr 2014.

  15. Handberg, Roger, “Building a Bridge to the Stars: Authority, Leadership and Structure”, JBIS, 67, 04, Apr 2014.

  16. Blodgett, James, “Ethical Economics”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 67, 04, Apr 2014.

  17. Sylvester, Andre J, “Creating Long Term Income Streams for the 100 Year Starship Study Initiative”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 67, 04, Apr 2014.

  18. Dulo, Donna A, “Resilience Engineering in Critical Long Term Aerospace Software Systems: A New Approach to Spacecraft Software Safety”, JBIS, 67, 04, Apr 2014.

  19. Vinterhav, Emil, “Where is the Space for People?”, JBIS, 67, 04, Apr 2014.

  20. Glover, Daniel R, “Non-Traditional Approaches to the Organization of Long-Term Technical Programs”, JBIS, 67, 04, Apr 2014.

  21. Halprin, Len, “A Bridge to Far”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 67, 04, Apr 2014.

  22. Kramer, William R, “To Humbly Go: Guarding Against Perpetuating Models of Colonization in the 100-Year Starship Study”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 67, 05, May 2014.

  23. Nebergall, Kent, “Historic Cosmology, Identity and Exploration”, JBIS, 67, 05, May 2014.

  24. Pay, Rex, “Religion in SETI Communications”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 67, 05, May 2014.

  25. Hoffman, Thomas K, “Sacred Space: A Beginning Framework for Off-Planet Church”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 67, 05, May 2014.

  26. Michaud, Michael A G, “Long-Term Perspectives on Interstellar Flight”, JBIS, 67, 05, May 2014.

  27. Lupisella, Mark, “Cosmocultural Evolution: Cosmic Motivation for Interstellar Travel?”, JBIS, 67, 05, May 2014.

  28. Ashworth, Stephen, “A Parameter Space as an Improved Tool for Investigating Extraterrestrial Intelligence”, JBIS, 67, 06, Jun 2014.

  29. Forgan, Duncan H, “Can Collimated Extraterrestrial Signals be Intercepted?”, JBIS, 67, 06, Jun 2014.

  30. Matloff, Gregory L, “Graphene Solar Photon Sails and Interstellar Arks”, JBIS, 67, 06, Jun 2014.

  31. Parkinson, Bob, “The Philosophy of the Starship – Revisited”, JBIS, 67, 06, Jun 2014.

  32. Crawford, Ian A, “Avoiding Intellectual Stagnation: The Starship as an Expander of Minds”, JBIS, 67, 06, Jun 2014.

  33. Cooper, Keith, “The Interstellar Ethics of Self-Replicating Probes”, JBIS, 67, 06, Jun 2014.

  34. Brady, David, Harold White, Paul March et al., “Test Device Measured on a Low-Thrust Torsion Pendulum”, Aerospace Research Central, AIAA-2014-4029, 25 Jul 2014.

  35. Jones, Harry W, “Future Exponential Economic Growth in Space”, AIAA 2014=4369, Proceedings of the AIAA Space 2014 Conference and Exposition, p.4369, 04 - 07 Aug 2014.

  36. Levy, Francois, Georgi I Petrov and Constance M Adams, “Colonize the Colony Ship”, Proceedings of the AIAA Space 2014 Conference and Exposition, p.4373, 04 - 07 Aug 2014.

  37. Armstrong, Rachel, “After Machines: An Ecological Age of Space Exploration”, JBIS, 67, 07-09, Jul-Sep 2014.

  38. Adamatzky, Andrew, Rachel Armstrong, Ben De Lacy Constello et al., “Slime Mould Analogue Models of Space Exploration and Planet Colonisation”, JBIS, 67, 7/8/9, pp.290-304, Jul/Aug/Sep 2014.

  39. Field, Francis, Jon Goodbun & Victoria Watson, “Space-time and Architecture”, JBIS, 67, 7/8/9, pp.322-331, Jul/Aug/Sep 2014.

  40. Beesley, Philip, “Dissipative Prototying Methods: A Manifesto”, JBIS, 67, 7/8/9, pp.338-345, Jul/Aug/Sep 2014.

  41. Sinclair, A H, “Treatey Making for Global Exploration and the Long-Term”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.133-, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  42. Almandsmith, David & Carmene Nevarez, “When Biology Meets Exobiology”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.151-156, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  43. Provenzano, Adrienne, “Teaching HERstory: A Vital Aspect of Interstellar Education”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.157-163, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  44. Contag, Pamela Reilly, “The Concomitant Search for Habitable Exoplanets and Life in Space: Lessons from Evolution on Earth”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.165-170, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  45. Mulligan, Terrence, “Global Emergency Care and the Global Emergency Medicine Initiative”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.171-172, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  46. Barnes, Marshall, “STEM and the Oppenheimer Strain: Why Children Are Ready for Space Education”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.177-183, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  47. Vigne, Janet de, “A Utopian Education in Space - Are We There Yet?”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.185-190, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  48. Juszczak, Mark D, “Convergence to Fuzziness: Fact, Fiction, and the Evolution of Interstellar Education”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.191-203, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  49. Maher, Barbra Schuessler & John Schuessler, “Broadening the Perspective of Undergraduate Students to Prepare Them for Interstellar Travel: First Steps”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.205-216, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  50. Almon, Alires J, “Breaking Bad; Creating Predictive Models For Psychological Breaking Points During Long-Term Space Travel”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.221-232, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  51. Batt, Jason D, “Interstellar Travel in the New Science Fiction”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.233-240, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  52. Chao, Jeremy, “Space Colonization: Exploring Lessons from History”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.241-246, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  53. Hawkins, Bob, “The Enduring Challenge: Understanding Why We Explore”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.247-253, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  54. McKnight, John Carter, “Beyond Heinlein: Facing the Space-Libertarian Shortage”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.255-262, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  55. Ziola, Paul, “Challenges of the Universal State: Comparing the Social Psychologies of Early and Late Phase Cultures (Part I of IV)”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.263-284, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  56. Laine, Pauli E, “Exoplanets and Survival Kits: Where to Go and What to Pack for an Interstellar Voyage?”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.289-293, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  57. Faddoul, Antoine G, “Space Architecture: Design Aspects for Extended Space Travel”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.299-309, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  58. Wisian, Ken, “Military Planning for Interstellar Flight”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.311-317, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  59. Burke, David, “Cutting the Umbilical Cord: Designing Trustworthy Software for a Starship”,

    Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.323-329, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  60. Gates, Jaym, “Loading, Please Wait: Long-Distance Crisis Communications”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.331-336, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  61. Maccone, Claudio, “KLT Filtering, Even from Relativistic Sources”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.337-338, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  62. Frenger, Kirk Austin, “Molten Salt Reactors: A Case for Enhancing Life on Earth, and in Space”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.343-346, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  63. Chung, Randall M, “Removing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Using Terraforming Technology”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.347-354, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  64. Oravec, Jo Ann, “Celebrity and Social Media in 100YSS Missions: Another Kind of ‘Dancing with the Stars’?”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.355-365, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  65. Bordag, Natalie & Kurt Zatloukal, “Minimal Requirements for a Fully Autonomous Health Care in a Closed System”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.367-372, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  66. Chesny, David L, Hakeem M Oluseyi & Dave R Valleta, “The Magnetic Reconnection Rocket: Advanced Ion Propulsion Inspired by Solar Particle Acceleration”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.377-392, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  67. Kazykin, Alexander, “Forecast of Breakthrough Trends in Technique and Technology of Interstellar Flights”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.393-401, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  68. Stoute, C A Barry, “Simulation of the Enhanced Magnetoplasmadynamic Thruster for Interstellar Flight”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.403-412, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  69. Weber, Mark H, Kelvin G Lynn, Joshah Jennings et al., “A Novel Method to Store Charged Antimatter Particles”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.413-419, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  70. Winterberg, Friedwardt, “Thermonuclear Operation Space Lift”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.421-432, 18-21 Sep 2014.

  71. Roy, Kenneth I, Robert G Kennedy III, David E Fields, “Shell Worlds: The Question of Shell Stability”, JBIS, 67, 10, Oct 2014.

  72. Wheeler, Edd, “The ‘WoW’ Singal, Drake Equation and Exoplanet Considerations”, JBIS, 67, 11-12, Nov-Dec 2014.

  73. Weidermann, Christian, “Christian Soteriology and Extraterrestrial Intelligence”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, Orinally titled ‘Did Jesus Die for Klingons Too?’, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 67, 11-12, Nov-Dec 2014.

  74. Ceyssens, Frederik, Maarten Driesen and Kristof Wouters, “Future Geopolitical Scenarios, Their Dominant Schools of Thought and the Impact Thereof on the Promotion of Deep Space Exploration”, JBIS, 67, 11-12, Nov-Dec 2014.

  75. Ashworth, Stephen, “The Starship Philosophy: Its Heritage and Competitors”, JBIS, 67, 11-12, Nov-Dec 2014.

  76. Ciupa, Martin, “The Ethical Implications of Cultural Intervention by Space-Faring Civilizations – What Science Fiction has to Say”, JBIS, 67, 11-12, Nov-Dec 2014.

  77. Hughes, G B, P Lubin, J Griswold et al., “Optical Modeling for a Laser Phased-Array Directed Energy System”, Nanophotonics and Macrophotonics for Space Environments VIII, Edited by Edward W Taylor, David A Cardimona, Proceedings of SPIE 9226, 2014.


  1. Baxter, S, “Project Icarus: Interstellar Spaceprobes and Encounters with Extraterrestial Intelligence”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 1/2, pp.51-60, Jan/Feb. 2013.

  2. Coughlin, J L, “Extrasolar Planets: What Can Be Known before Going There”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 1/2, pp.47-50, Jan/Feb. 2013.

  3. Glover, D R, “The Artificial Planet”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 1/2, pp.43-46, Jan/Feb. 2013.

  4. Gottschalk, K, “Worlds Ship – The Long Journey to the Stars” (correspondence), JBIS, 66, 1/2, p.61, Jan/Feb. 2013.

  5. Hale, A, “Exoplanet Studies for Potential Icarus Destination Stars”, JBIS, 66, 1/2, pp.38-42, Jan/Feb. 2013.

  6. Maccone, C, “Sun Focus Comes First, Interstellar Comes Second”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 1/2, pp.25-37, Jan/Feb. 2013.

  7. Noble, R J, and M V Sykes, “Small Body Exploration Technologies as Precursors for Interstellar Robotics”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 1/2, pp.15-24, Jan/Feb. 2013.

  8. Schulze-Makuch, D, and P Davies, “Destination Mars: Colonization via Initial One-Way Missions”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 1/2, pp.11-14, Jan/Feb. 2013.

  9. Silin, D V, “The Ultimate Destination: Choice of Interplanetary Exploration Path Can Define Future of Interstellar Spaceflight”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 1/2, pp.5-10, Jan/Feb. 2013.

  10. Benford, James, “Starship Sails Propelled by Cost-Optimized Directed Energy”, JBIS, 66, 3/4, pp.85-95, March/April 2013.

  11. Beyster, Mary Ann, Joseph Blasi, Joe Sibilia, Thomas Zurbuchen and Anu Bowman, “Sustained Innovation through Shared Capitalism and Democratic Governance”, JBIS, 66, 3/4, pp.133-137, March/April 2013.

  12. Cohen, M M, R E Becker, D J  O’Donnell and A R  Brody, “Interstellar Sweat Equity”,
    Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 3/4, pp.110-124, March/April 2013.

  13. Davis, Eric W, “Faster-Than-Light Space Warps, Status and Next Steps”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 3/4, pp.68-84, March/April 2013.

  14. Edwards, M R, “Sustainable Functional Foods and Medicines Support Vitality, Sex and Longevity for a 100-Year Starship Expedition”, JBIS, 66, 3/4, pp.125-132, March/April 2013.

  15. Kennedy, Andrew, “The Wait Calculation: The Broader Consequences of the Minimum Time from Now to Interstellar Destinations and its Significance to the Space Economy”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 3/4, pp.96-109, March/April 2013.

  16. Garcia-Escartin, Juan Carlos & Pedro Chamorro-Posada, “Scouting the Spectrum for Interstellar Travellers”, Acta Astronautica, 85, pp.12-18, Apr-May 2013.

  17. Bruno, Claudio & Gregory Matloff (Editors), “Key Technologies to Enable Near-Term Interstellar Scientific Precursor Missions”, International Academy of Astronautics, May 2013.

  18. Breeden, Joseph L, “Gravitational Assist via Near-Sun Chaotic Trajectories of Binary Objects”, JBIS, 66, 5/6, pp.190-194, May/June 2013.

  19. Forgan, D H, “On the Possibility of Detecting Class A Stellar Engines Using Exoplanet Transit Curves”, JBIS, 66, 5/6, pp.144-154, May/June 2013.

  20. Korhonen, Janne M, “MAD with Aliens? Interstellar Deterrence and its Implications”, Acta Astronautica, 86, pp.201-210, May-Jun 2013.

  21. Forgan, Duncan H, Semeli Papadogiannakis and Thomas Kitching, “The Effect of Probe Dynamics on Galactic Exploration Timescales”, JBIS, 66, 5/6, pp.171-177, May/Jun 2013.

  22. Vivek, Babin and Rohan M Ganapathy, “Laser Sail Propulsion using RLV Integrating Scramjet (Assisted by JATO & MAG Lev) for Interstellar Travel, A Novel Approach”, Proceedings of the 49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 14-17 Jul 2013.

  23. O’Keffe, Moira, “Science Fiction and the Big Questions”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 07/08, Jul-Aug 2013.

  24. Padowitz, G H, “Interstellar Flight, Imagination and Myth Creation as an Effective Means for Enduring Inspiration”, JBIS, 66, 07/08, Jul-Aug 2013.

  25. Andrews, Arlan Sr, “Interstellar Colonization and Multi-Generation Spaceships: Getting There is Half the Fun”, JBIS, 66, 07/08, Jul-Aug 2013.

  26. Blaize, Luke, “Utilizing Video Games”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 07/08, Jul-Aug 2013.

  27. Gilster, Paul A, “The Interstellar Vision: Principles and Practice”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 07/08, Juy-Aug 2013.

  28. Cokely, J, W Rankin, P Heinrich and M McAuliffe, “Comparison of Historic Exploration with Contemporary Space Policy Suggests a Retheorisation of Settings”, JBIS, 66, 07/08, JulyAug 2013.

  29. White, Harold ‘Sonny’, “Warp Field Mechanics 101”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 07/08, pp.242-247, Jul-Aug 2013.

  30. French, J R, “Project Icarus: A Review of the Daedalus Main Propulsion System”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 07/08, Jul-Aug 2013.

  31. Friedman, Louis, Darren Garber and Thomas Heinsheimer, “Evolutionary Lightsailing Missions for the 100-Year Starship”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 07/08, Jul-Aug 2013.

  32. Altomare, Alexander C, “Altobiobots: A Biorobotic Interface Platform for Interstellar Travel”,
    Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 09, Sep 2013.

  33. Andreadis, Athena, “Making Aliens”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 09, Sep 2013.

  34. Provenzano, Adrienne, “Getting All Hands on Deck; Using STEAM Education Strategeis to Include Girls and Women in Interstellar Space Exploration”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.37-47, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  35. Hughes, Frank E, “Grappling with 100YSS Psychosocial Problems”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.49-53, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  36. Pass, Jim & Kathleen D Toerpe, “Space Education and Exploration: Astrosociology in the Classroom”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.55-63, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  37. Webber, Paul D, “100YSS Education in Space: Are We Ready?”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.65-72, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  38. Batt, Jason D, “The Dangers of Religious and Ideological Extremism and the Mission of Interstellar Exploration”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.77-88, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  39. Batt, Jason D & Karen S Batt, “Families in Space: A Review of Family Structure and Conflict in the Starship Environment”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.89-98, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  40. Bednarz, Chase, “Suicide or Adoration: Religion in Interstellar Civilization”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.99-102, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  41. Frenger, Kirk, “The Final Frontier Extends Its Hand…but we have Clenched Fists”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.103-106, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  42. Ilves, Erika & Tyler Emerson, “Constraints Facing Future Deep Space Missions”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.107-124, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  43. Marsden, Dawn, “Indigenous Principles for a Starship Citizen Handbook”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.125-140, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  44. Popov, M A, “Quantum Strategy”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.141-142, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  45. Toerpe, Kathleen D, “Re-imaging Space Outreach: Creating a 100-Year Program Model”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.143-150, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  46. Torres, Candy, “Proving for the Common Good: A Survey of Trends for Creating a Civilized Species Ready for Interstellar Travel”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.151-155, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  47. Turner, Michael, “Exovivaria as Simulacra for Generation Starship Societies”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.157-173, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  48. Weeks, Edythe E & Cameron Ashkarkhizani, “A Holistic Approach for Including Social, Ethical, and Culural Sensitivities for an Interstellar Civilization”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.175-183, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  49. Ziolo, Paul, “Devising the ‘Prime Radiant': The Virtual Starship Program as a Strategy for Achieving the K0—>K3 Transition”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.185-218, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  50. Ziolo, Paul, “Religious Engineering for the K0—>K3 Transition”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.219-243, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  51. Barnes, Marshall, “Solutions for Factors of Time and Space Distance Challenges Outside of Proposed models Based on General Relativity”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.249-254, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  52. Cantrell, Alvin Eric, Karthik Srinivasan, James Jeff Richardson, “Gravitational Mechanics of First Contact”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.255-262, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  53. Eubanks, T M, “Powering Starships with Compact Condensed Quark Matter”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.263-272, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  54. Laine, Pauli E, “To the Stars with Current Technology?”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.273-277, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  55. Lee, Jeffrey S, “Temperature Inflation Considerations for Ultra-Relativistic Subluminal Starships”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.279-282, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  56. Dumas, Stephanie & Claudio Maccone, “Interstellar Communication with Gravitational Lens and KLT”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.283-294, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  57. Nosanov, Jeffrey, rian Trease, Daniel Grebow et al., “Solar System Escape Architecture Revolutionary Science: NIAC 2012-2013 Phase 1 Final Report”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.295-333, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  58. Kammash, T, M Orians, “Propulsion for Rapid Interstellar Travel”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.335-344, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  59. Ozkural, Eray, “Artificial Intelligence and Brain Simulation Probes for Interstellar Expeditions”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.345-362, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  60. Quarra, Charles J, “The Laser Starway: A Light Bridge to the Nearest Stars”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.363-379, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  61. Meehan, Timothy D, & Jason Held, “Reducing Operation Risk for Deep Space Mission Through Predictive Modelling”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.385-391, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  62. Ray, Zubrin, “Economies in a Stellar Civilization: Carrying a Bit of Earth to the Stars”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.393-403, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  63. Contag, Caitlin A, “Every Body is an Ark: How the Microorganisms We Carry Will Impact an Interstellar Mission”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.409-415, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  64. Frenger, Paul, “Redefining Astronaut Corps for Deep Space”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.417-424, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  65. Karavolos, Angelo, “Therapeutical Method for Repair of Bone Fracture Using Ca+ Resulting from Artificial Gravity”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.425-427, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  66. Karavolos, Angelo, “Design of Sustainable CO2 Absorbing-O_2 Materials for Extreme Environments”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.429-436, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  67. Odetunde, Christopher, Emmerson Edwards, “Is Our Closest Neighbour a Potential Threat?”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.441-446, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  68. Soloman, Benjamin T, “Empirical Evidence Suggest A Need For A Different Gravitational Theory”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.447-462, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  69. Ziolo, Paul, “The Astrobiological Matrix: Minimizing the Trauma of First Contact”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.463-483, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  70. Lambert, Scott, “Issues with Interstellar Travel: Superluminal versus Subluminal”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.489-522, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  71. Wilson, David, “Food Design; An Introduction to Food Design for Space Food Systems”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.523-527, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  72. Van, Jonathan, “Technium - Ensuring Interstellar Research Leaves Footprints on Earth”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.529-531, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  73. Dudziak, Martin, “Design and Prototyping of Life Support and Agriculture for Extended Space Habitation and Travel”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.537-551, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  74. Engler, Simon, Jean Hunter, Oleg Abramov et al., “Planetary Habitat Systems Monitoring on a Mars Analog Mission”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.553-580, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  75. Faddoul, Antoine G, “Sustainable Design for Extended Space Journeys”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.581-586, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  76. Frenger, Paul, “Redefining Astronaut Support for Deep Space”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.587-595, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  77. Lindsay, Charles, “Artists in Space?”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.597-598, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  78. Stockton, Joanne, “Constraints Facing Future Deep Space Missions”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.599-605, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  79. Orban, David, “A Pathway for Global Communications as an Inclusive Means of Participation”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.607-612, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  80. Wilson, David, “Food Design: A Primer with Thoughts on Food Design in Space”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.613-622, 9-22 Sep 2013.

  81. Gyss, Brian, “Physics-Based Human Biomechanical Simulation for Long-Duration Spaceflight-Related Applications”, JBIS, 66, 09, Sep 2013.

  82. Millis, Marc G, “Cockpit Considerations for Inertial-Affect and FTL Propulsion”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 09, Sep 2013.

  83. Freeland, Robert M III, “Project Icarus: Fission-Fusion Hybrid Fuel for Interstellar Propulsion”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 66, 09, Sep 2013.

  84. Osborn, Stephanie, “Planning for an Interstellar Jaunt”, Invited Commentary, JBIS, 66, 10/11, Oct-Nov 2013.

  85. Gilster, Paul A, “Slow Boat to Centauri: A Millennial Journey Exploiting Resources Along the Way”, JBIS, 66, 10/11, Oct-Nov 2013.

  86. Lightfoot, Robert C, “Sorry, We Didn’t Mean to Break Your Culture”, JBIS, 66, 10/11, Oct-Nov 2013.

  87. Roy, Kenneth I, Robert G Kennedy III and David E Fields, “Colonizing the Plutoids: The Key to Human Expansion into the Galaxy”, JBIS, 66, 10/11, Oct-Nov 2013.

  88. Maxwell, James L, Nicholas D Webb, Miguel Espinoza et al., “High-Temperature Nanocomposites for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion and In-Space Fabrication by Hyperbaric Pressure Laser Chemical Vapor Detection”, JBIS, 66, 10/11, Oct-Nov 2013.

  89. Woodcock, Gordon, “Interstellar Travel without ‘Magic’”, JBIS, 66, 10/11, Oct-Nov 2013.

  90. Kennedy, Robert G III, Eric Hughes, Kenneth Roy et al., “Dyson Dots & Geoengineering: The Killer App Ad Astra”, JBIS, 66, 10/11, Oct-Nov 2013.

  91. Lee, Jeffrey S, “The Effect of Hawking Radiation on Fermion Re-Inflation of a Schwarzschild Kugelblitz”, JBIS, 66, 12, Dec 2013.

  92. Matloff, Gregory L, “The Speed Limit for Graphene Interstellar Solar Photon Sails”, JBIS, 66, 12, Dec 2013.

  93. Mole, Alan, “One Kilogram Interstellar Colony Mission”, JBIS, 66, 12, Dec 2013.

  94. Bible, Johanna, Isabella Johansson, Gary B Hughes, Philip M Lubin, “Relativistic Propulsion using Directed Energy”, Proceedings of SPIE 8876, 2013.

  95. Holtzer, Nikki, “A Theoretical Warp Drive: The Mathematics of Faster Than Light Travel”, Prepared to the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Stetson University, USA in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science, 2013.

  96. Kezerashvili, Roman Ya, Justin F Vazquez-Poritz, “Can Solar Sails be used to Test Fundamental Physics?”, Acta Astronautica, 83, pp.54-64, 2013.


  1. Landis, Geoffrey, “Spaceflight and Science Fiction”, Proceedings of the 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition", p.202, 09 Jan 2012.

  2. Adams, R.B., “Mission Architectures for Achieving 0.1-0.2c Velocities”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 65, 7/8, pp.261-263, Jul/Aug. 2012.

  3. Ashworth, S., “The Emergence of the Worldship (I): The Shift from Planet-Based to Space-Based Civilisation”, JBIS, 65,4/5, pp.140-154, Apr/May 2012.

  4. Ashworth, S., “The Emergence of the Worldship (II): A Development Scenario”, JBIS, 65, 4/5, pp.155-175, Apr/May 2012.

  5. Early, James T and Richard A London, “Dust Grain Damage to Interstellar Laser-Pushed Lightsail”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 37, 4, 23 May 2012.

  6. McInnes, Colin R and John C Brown, “Terminal Velocity of a Laser-Driven Light Sail”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 27, 1, pp.48-52, 23 May 2012.

  7. Li, Qing, Xingrui Ma and Tianshu Wang, “Reduced Model for Flexible Solar Sail Dynamics”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 48, 3, pp.446-453, 23 May 2012.

  8. Ashworth, S., “The Long-Term Growth Prospects for Planetary and Space Colonies”, JBIS, 65, 6, pp.200-217, Jun 2012.

  9. Stehling, Kurt R, “Space Fight Notes, Space Travel and Relativity or How to Keep from Growing Old”, Journal of Jet Propulsion, 26, 12, p.7206, 07 Jun 2012.

  10. Williams, Lance, “Physics of the Electromagnetic Control of Spacetime and Gravity”, Proceedings of the 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.3916, 30 Jul - 01 Aug 2012.

  11. Cleaver, Gerald B, “Spacecraft Propulsion via Chiral Fermion Pair Production from Parallel Electric and Magnetic Fields”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.37-39, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  12. Crowl, “Magnetic-Sail Braking vs Two-Stage Fusion Rockets”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.41-48, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  13. Filewood, Greg, “Sailing to the Stars on Dark Energy; Seeding”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.49-62, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  14. Freeland, Robert M III, & Stephen Baxter, “A Fully Decelerated Probe to Alpha Centauri Using a Perturbed Project Daedalus Design”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.63-74, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  15. Gingell, Tom, “Starship Collision Warning Radar”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.75-87, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  16. Lee, Jeffrey S, “Challenges and Implications Imposed by Time-Distance Solutions for Relativistic Spaceflight”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.89-104, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  17. Maccone, Claudio, “Interstellar Links by Focal Spacecrafts”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.105-130, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  18. Riofrio, L, “Starship One: Power and Propulsion from a Singularity”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.131-133, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  19. Shankar, Divya, “Initial Design Considerations for Interstellar Communication”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.135-142, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  20. Talbot, Patrick, “Transition from Niche Decision Support to Pervasive Cybernetics”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.143-154, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  21. Batt, Jason D, “The Search for Successful Social Strategies for Interstellar Travel”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.159-169, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  22. Rothblatt, Martine, “The Role of Regenerative Medicine in the 100 Year Starship Project”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.171-176, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  23. Vittitow, W Lee, “Interplanetary and Interstellar Flight Lifeboats and Escape Pods”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.177-195, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  24. Wooldridge, Lee, “Training and the 100 Year Starship: Peeling Back the Layers of the Onion”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.197-208, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  25. Aslan, Alper & Bob Hawkins, “Mobilizing Emerging Countries Towards Interstellar Culture: The Case of Turkey”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.215-220, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  26. Batt, James D, “The Off-Planet Church: Preparation and Training for Ministry During Interstellar Exploration”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.221-228, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  27. Batt, Jason D, “Engaging the Church as a Champion for Interstellar Exploration & Colonization”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.229-234, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  28. Bednarz, Chase, “An Overview of Our New World”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.235-236, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  29. Carpenter, Alvin L, “The Non-Promise of Earth Bound Religions into Space”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.237-243, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  30. Cohen, Marc M & Robert E Becker, “Infrastructural Development Approach to the 100 Year Starship”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.245-254, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  31. Faddoul, Antoine George, “Stories by the Stars for an Inspired Interstellar Civilization”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.255-260, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  32. Funaro, James J, “Designing Simulations for Contact Protocols”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.261-265, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  33. Harris, Robert & Andres Fortino, “Paradigm Shift from Starfish to Star Traveler: How Do We Think About It?”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.267-274, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  34. McGettigan, Timothy, “The Future is a Fantasy”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.275-289, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  35. Cassibry, Jason, Ross Cortez, Milos Stanic et al., “The Case and Development Path for Fusion Propulsion”, Proceedings 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.4114, 30 Jul-01 Aug 2012.

  36. Nebergall, Kent, “Becoming an Interstellar Culture”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.291-299, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  37. Nielsen, J N, “The Large Scale Structure of Spacefairing Civilization”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.301-304, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  38. Oravec, Jo Ann, “From Space to Cyberspace: Social Media Utilization, Cyberbullying, Privacy and Overload”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.305-312, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  39. Patton, Melissa E, “Gameplay in Space”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.313-320, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  40. Radcliff, Karen & Chris Radcliff, “Generation Zero: Fostering a Culture of Spacefarers”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.321-330, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  41. Rezabeck, Heath, “Vessel Archives: A Strategic Approach to Existential Risk, Human Survival, and the Future of Life in the Universe”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.331-351, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  42. Rothblatt, Martine, “We Are the World: Inviting Everyone Onboard the 100YSS is Practical and Will Help to Ensure its Success”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.353-357, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  43. Rothblatt, Martine, “The Geoethics of a 100 Year Starship Mission, Including Staged O’Neill Habitats and Dispersive Technology Development”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.359-355, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  44. Smith, Cameron M, “Building An Adaptive Framework for Human Space Colonization”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.367-379, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  45. Taggart, Keith, Peter A Swan & Cathy Swan, “Stages of Flight for a Starship Program: Vision, Goals, and a Timeline”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.381-392, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  46. Toerpe, Kathleen D, “From the Moon to the Stars: Tapping into Shared Culture to Create Public Momentum for Interstellar Travel”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.393-399, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  47. Turpin, Andy, “Over the Moon and Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Genocide and Human Rights in the Age of Interstellar Travel”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.401-405, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  48. Wooldridge, Lee, “Preparing an Interstellar Civilization for the 100 Year Starship: Don’t Hold Your Breath!”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.407-420, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  49. Nebergall, Kent, “Modular Micro-Archology: A Simple Approach to Becoming an Interplanetary and Interstellar Species”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.425-434, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  50. Summerford, Steve, “Colonized Interstellar Vessel: Conceptual Master Planning”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.435-455, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  51. Weiss, David, “The Foundry in the Starship”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.457-460, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  52. Edwards, Emmerson, “Developing A Strategy for Mid-Space Communities”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.467-473, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  53. Field, John C ‘Buck’ & Patricia Alvarez Cantwell, “Developing Faster Than Light Technology: A Project Management Institute Based Approach”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.475-486, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  54. Thatcher, Alex & Keith Taggart, “Ascending to the Stars; Making Homes for All”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.487-494, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  55. Dickinson, Richard M, “100YSS Beamer: Next 30 Year Plan”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.499-506, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  56. Prokopev, E P, “Possibilities of Using Modern Technologies in Space Projects”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.507-515, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  57. Taggart, Keith, Steven Dam & Alex Thatcher, “More Permanent Commercial Space Infrastructure”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.517-526, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  58. Taggart, Keith, Steven Dam & Alex Thatcher, “Near Term Commercial Space Infrastrucure”, Proceedings of 100 Year Starship Symposium, pp.527-536, 13-16 Sep 2012.

  59. Astakhov, V., P. Astakhov and T. Astakhova, “Publicly Open Virtualized Gaming Environment for Simulation of all Aspects Related to ‘100-Year Starship Study’”, JBIS, 65, 9/10, pp.320-324, Sep/Oct 2012.

  60. Ceyssens, F., M. Driesen and K. Wouters, “On the Organization of World Ships and Other Gigascale Interstellar Space Exploration Projects”, JBIS, 65, 4/5, pp.134-139, Apr/May 2012.

  61. Cress, B., “Icarus Initiative for Interstellar Sciences (IIIS)”, JBIS, 65, 9/10, pp.306-309, Sep/Oct 2012.

  62. Crowl, A., K.F. Long and R. Obousy, “The Enzmann Starship: History and Engineering Appraisal”, JBIS, 65, 6, pp.185-199, Jun 2012.

  63. Crowl, A., J. Hunt and A.M. Hein, “Embryo Space Colonization to Overcome the Interstellar Time/Distance Bottleneck”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 65, 7/8, pp.283-285, July/Aug. 2012.

  64. Davis, B.R., “Gravitational Lens: The Space Probe Design” (thesis), AFIT/GA/ENY/12-M06, Air Force Institute of Technology, 2012.

  65. Galea, P., “Communication with World Ships – Building the Diasporanet”, JBIS, 65, 6, pp.180-184, Jun 2012.

  66. Galea, P., “Machine Learning and the Starship – A Match Made in Heaven”, roceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 65, 7/8, pp.278-282, Jul/Aug. 2012.

  67. Gifra, M., and W. Peeters, “Strategic Roadmap for the Development of an Interstellar Space Program”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 65, 9/10, pp.341-353, Sep./Oct. 2012.

  68. Hale, A., “Project Icarus: Kepler-22b and What It Means”, JBIS, 65, 11/12, pp.410-412, Nov/Dec 2012.

  69. Hein, A.M., M. Pak, D. Pütz, C. Bühler and P. Reiss, “World Ships – Architectures and Feasibility Revisited”, JBIS, 65, 4/5, pp.119-133, April/May 2012.

  70. Hein, A.M., “Evaluation of Technological/Social and Political Projections for the Next 100-300 Years and Implications for an Interstellar Mission”, JBIS, 65, 9/10, pp.330-340, Sep/Oct 2012.

  71. Keane, R.L., and W.-M. Zhang, “Beamed Core Antimatter Propulsion: Engine Design and Optimization”, JBIS, 65, 11/12, pp.382-387, Nov/Dec 2012.

  72. Matloff, G.L., “World Ships: The Solar-Photon Sail Option”, JBIS, 65, 4/5, pp.114-118, Apr/May 2012.

  73. Matloff, G.L., “Interstellar Light Sails”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 65, 7/8, pp.255-260, Jul/Aug 2012.

  74. Matloff, G.L., “Graphene: The Ultimate Interstellar Solar Sail Material?”, JBIS, 65, 11/12, pp.378-381, Nov/Dec 2012.

  75. Millis, M.G., “Space Drive Physics: Introduction and Next Steps”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 65, 7/8, pp.264-277, Jul/Aug 2012.

  76. Nosanov, J., A. Shapiro and H. Garrett, “The 34-Year Starship”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 65, 9/10, pp.310-319, Sept/Oct 2012.

  77. Obousy, R.K., “Project Icarus: A Review of Interstellar Starship Designs”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 65, 7/8, pp.225-231, Jul/Aug 2012.

  78. Obousy, R.K., “Project Icarus: A 21st-Century Interstellar Starship Study”, JBIS, 65, 9/10, pp.325-329, Sept/Oct 2012.

  79. Stanic, M., “Project Icarus: Nuclear Fusion Propulsion Concept Comparison”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 65, 7/8, pp.232-243, Jul/Aug 2012.

  80. Swinney, R.W., K.F. Long, A. Hein et al., “Project Icarus: Exploring the Interstellar Roadmap Using the Icarus Pathfinder and Starfinder Probe Concepts”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, JBIS, 65, 7/8, pp.244-254, Jul/Aug 2012.

  81. Tziolas, A., “Starflight Academy: Education in Interstellar Engineering”, JBIS, 65, 9/10, pp.294-305, Sep/Oct 2012.

  82. Carrigan, Richard A, “Is Interstellar Archeology Possible?”, Acta Astronautica, 79, pp.121-126, Sep-Oct 2012.

  83. Messerschmitt, David G, “Interstellar Communication: The Case for Spread Spectrum”, Acta Astronautica, 81, 1, pp.227-238, Dec 2012.

  84. Messerschmitt, David G & Ian S Morrison, “Design of Interstellar Digital Communication Links: Some Insights from Communication Engineering”, Acta Astronautica, 78, pp.80-89, Sep-Oct 2012.

  85. Zaitsev, Alexander, “Classification of Interstellar Radio Messages”, Acta Astronautica, 78, pp.16-19, Sep-Oct 2012.

  86. Long, K F, “Project Icarus: Nuclear Fusion Space Propulsion & The Icarus Leviathan Concept”, Space Chronicles, 65, 1, 2012.

  87. Bae, Young K, “Prospective of Photon Propulsion for Interstellar Flight”, Proceedings of NASA/DARPA 100 Year Starship Symposium, 30 Sep-02 Oct 2011, Physics Procedia, 38, pp.253-279, 2012.

  88. Tajmar, Martin and O Bertolami, “Hypothetical Gravity Control and Possible Influences on Space Propulsion”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 21, 4, p.15240, 23 May 2012.

  89. Davis, Eric, “Faster-Than-Light Space Warps, Status and Next Steps”, Proceedings of the 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.3860, 30 Jul-01 Aug 2012.


  1. Vakoch, Douglas A, “The Art and Science of Interstellar Message Composition: A Report on International Workshops to Encourage Multidisciplinary Discussion”, Acta Astronautica, 68, 3-4, pp.451-458, Feb-Mar 2011.

  2. Vakoch, Douglas A, “What does it Mean to be Human? Reflections on the Portrayal of Pain in Interstellar Messages”, Acta Astronautica, 68, 3-4, pp.445-450, Feb-Mar 2011.

  3. Vakoch, Douglas A, “A Narratological Approach to Interpreting and Designing Interstellar Messages”, Acta Astronautica, 68, 3-4, pp.520-534, Feb-Mar 2011.

  4. Vakoch, Douglas A, “A Taxonomic Approach to Communicating Maxims in Interstellar Messages”, Acta Astronautica, 68, 3-4, pp.500-511, Feb-Mar 2011.

  5. Vulpetti, G, “Reaching Extra-Solar Systems Targets via Large Post-Perihelion Lightness-Jumping Sailcraft”, Acta Astronautica, 68, 5-6, Mar-Apr 2011.

  6. Bradbury, R.J., M. Cirkoivc and G. Dvorsky, “Dysonian Approach to SETI: A Fruitful Middle Ground?”, JBIS, 64, 5, pp.156-165, May 2011.

  7. Crawford, I.A., “Project Icarus: A Review of Local Interstellar Medium Properties of Relevance for Space Missions to the Nearest Stars”, Acta Astronautica, 68, 7/8, pp.691-699, April/May 2011.

  8. Galea, P., and R. Swinney, “Project Icarus: Mechanisms for Enhancing the Stability of Gravitationally Lensed Interstellar Communications”, JBIS, 64, 1/2, pp.24-28, Jan./Feb. 2011.

  9. Hein, A.M., A.C. Tziolas and R. Osborne, “Project Icarus: Stakeholder Scenarios for an Interstellar Exploration Program”, JBIS, 64, 6/7, pp.224-233, June/July 2011.

  10. Inoue, M., and H. Yokoo, “Type III Dyson Sphere of Highly Advanced Civilisations around a Super Massive Black Hole”, JBIS, 64, 3, pp.59-62, March 2011.

  11. Long, K.F., “Interstellar Institute for Aerospace Research: A Concept Proposal”, JBIS, 64, 5, pp.166-170, May 2011.

  12. Long, K.F., “Project Icarus: The First Unmanned Interstellar Mission, Robotic Expansion and Technological Growth”, JBIS, 64, 4, pp.107-115, April 2011.

  13. Long, K.F., R. Obousy and A. Tziolas, “Project Icarus: The Origins And Aims of the Study”, JBIS, 64, 3, pp.88-91, March 2011.

  14. Long, K F, R K Obousy and A Hein, “Project Icarus: Optimisation of Nuclear Fusion Propulsion for Intertsellar Missions”, Acta Astronautica, 68, pp.1820-1829, 2011.

  15. Mathews, J.D., “From Here to ET”, JBIS, 64, 6/7, pp.234-241, June/July 2011.

  16. McNutt, R.L. Jr, and R.F. Wimer-Schweingruber, “Enabling Interstellar Probe”, Acta Astronautica, 68, 7/8, pp.790-801, April/May 2011.

  17. McNutt, R.L. Jr, M. Gruntmann, S.M. Krimigis et al., “Interstellar Probe: Impact of the Voyager and IBEX results on Science and Strategy”, Acta Astronautica, 69, 9/10, pp.767-776, Dec. 2011.

  18. Messerschmitt, D.G., and I.S. Morrison, “Design of Interstellar Digital Communications Links: Some Insights from Communication Engineering”, Acta Astronautica, Nov. 2011.

  19. Obousy, Richard., and Aram Saharian, “Casimir Energy, Extra Dimensions and Exotic Propulsion”, JBIS, 64, 6/7, pp.214-223, June/July 2011.

  20. Swinney, R., K.F. Long and P. Galea, “Project Icarus: Son of Daedalus – Flying Closer to Another Star – A Technical Update and Programme Review”, JBIS, 64, 1/2, pp.17-23, Jan./Feb. 2011.

  21. Vakoch, D.A., and M. Matessa, “An Algorithmic Approach to Communicating Reciprocal Altruism in Interstellar Messages: Drawing Analogies Between Social and Astrophysical Phenomena”, Acta Astronautica, 68, 3/4, pp.459-475, Feb./March 2011.

  22. Winterberg, F., “Negative Mass Propulsion”, JBIS, 64, 1/2, pp.3-16, Jan./Feb. 2011.

  23. Calabro, E, “Relativistic Aberrational Interstellar Navigation”, Acta Astronautica, 69, 7-8, pp.360-364, Sep-Oct 2011.

  24. Macdonald, Malcolm & Colin McInnes, “Solar Sail Science Mission Applications and Advancement”, Advances in Space Research, 48, 11, pp.1702-1716, Dec 2011.

  25. Kezerashvili, Roman Ya & Justin F Vazquez-Poritz, “Drag Force on Solar Sails Due to Absorption of Solar Radiation”, Advances in Space Research, 48, pp.1778-1784, 2011.

  26. Sterken, V J, N Altobelli, S Kempf et al., “The Flow of Interstellar Dust through the Solar System: The Role of Dust Charging”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1397, pp.179-182, 2011.

  27. Strub, Peter, Veerle J Sterken, Harold Kruger et al., “Interstellar Dust Flow Through the Solar System”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1397, p.385, 2011.

  28. Droescher, Walter and Jochem Hauser, “Physics of Axial Gravity-Like Fields”, Proceedings of the 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.6042, 31 Jul - 03 Aug 2011.

  29. Feldman, Stuart, Erica Hampton, Keithe Baggettt, Jason Hundley, Karin Feldman, “How Technologies Shaped Beyond-Low-Earth-Orbit Exploration Roadmaps”, Proceedings AIAA Space 2011 Conference and Exposition, p.7298, 27 - 29 Sep 2011.


  1. Davis, Eric W, “Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy”, US Defense Intelligence Reference Document, Acquisition Threat Support, DIA-08-1004-004, 6 Apr 2010.

  2. Baxter, S., “Project Icarus: The Challenges of Mission Longevity”, JBIS, 63, 11/12, pp.426-433, Nov./Dec. 2010.

  3. Baxter, S., “Project Icarus: Three Roads to the Stars”, JBIS, 63, 11/12, pp.444-448, Nov./Dec. 2010.

  4. Carrigan, R.A. Jr, “Starry Messages: Searching for Signatures of Interstellar Archeology”, JBIS, 63, 3, pp.90-103, March 2010.

  5. Cartin, D., “On the Maximum Sufficient Range of Interstellar Vessels”, JBIS, 63, 5/6, pp.218-221, May/June 2010.

  6. Cockell, C.S., “Essay on the Causes and Consequences of Extraterrestrial Tyranny”, JBIS, 63, 1, pp.15-37, January 2010.

  7. Crawford, I.A., “A Comment on ‘The Far Future of Exoplanet Direct Characterization – The Case for Interstellar Space Probes’”, Astrobiology, 10, pp.853-856, 2010.

  8. Crawford, I.A., “Project Icarus: Astronomical Considerations Relating to the Choice of Target Star”, JBIS, 63, 11/12, pp.419-425, Nov./Dec. 2010.

  9. DeVito, C.L., “Alien Mathematics”, JBIS, 63, 8, pp.306-309, Aug. 2010.

  10. Hensher, M., “Is ‘Alien Abduction’ Extraterrestrial Visitation? Developing Prospective Study Designs to Gather Physical Evidence of Alleged ‘Alien Abduction’”, JBIS, 63, 8, pp.310-315, Aug. 2010.

  11. Kammash, T., “Self-Fueling Fusion Hybrid Reactor for Space Power and Propulsion”, JBIS, 63, 9/10, pp.384-386, Sept./Oct. 2010.

  12. Long, K.F., and R.K. Obousy, “Project Icarus: Project Programme Document (PPD) Overview Project Plan Covering Period 2009-2014, Incorporating Major Task Plan for Phase III Concept Design Covering Period May 2010–April 2011”, Internal Project Icarus Study Group Publication, 12 May 2010.

  13. Maccone, C., “The Statistical Fermi Paradox”, JBIS, 63, 5/6, pp.222-239, May/June 2010.

  14. Droscher, Walter and Jochem Hauser, “Coupled Gravitational Fields: A New Paradigm for Propulsion Science”, Proceedings of the 46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.6575, 25-28 Jul 2010.

  15. Matloff, G.L., “Red Giants and Solar Sails”, JBIS, 63, 2, pp.74-77, Feb. 2010.

  16. McNutt, R.L., Jr, “Interstellar Probe”, White Paper for US Heliophysics Decadal Survey, 2010.

  17. Miley, G.H., X. Yang, F.A. Flippo and H. Hora, “Fusion Space Propulsion Using Fast-Ignition Inertial Confinement Fusion (FI-ICF)”, JBIS, 63, 9/10, pp.387-390, Sept./Oct. 2010.

  18. Millis, M.G., “First Interstellar Missions, Considering Energy and Incessant Obsolescence”, JBIS, 63, 11/12, pp.434-443, Nov./Dec. 2010.

  19. Moore, D., “Lost in Time and Lost in Space: The Consequences of Temporal Dispersion for Exosolar Technological Civilisations”, JBIS, 63, 8, pp.297-305, Aug. 2010.

  20. Puthoff, Harold E., “Advanced Space Propulsion Based On Vacuum (Spacetime Metric) Engineering”, JBIS, 63, 3, pp.82-89, March 2010. Published also as US Definse Intelligence Reference Document, DIA-08-1003-015, 29 March 2010.

  21. Benford, Gregory, James Benford, Dominic Benford, “Searching for Cost-Optimized Interstellar Beacons”, Astrobiology, 10, 5, p.491-498, June 2010.

  22. Benford, James, Gregory Benford and Dominic Benford, “Messaging with Cost-Optimized Interstellar Beacons”, Astrobiology, 10, 5, pp.475-490, June 2010.

  23. Vakoch, D.A., “An Iconic Approach to Communicating Musical Concepts in Interstellar Messages”, Acta Astronautica, 67, 11/12, pp.1406-1409, Dec. 2010.

  24. Winterberg, F., “Convergent Shock Wave Ignition of High Gain Magnetised Fusion for Hybrid Chemical-Nuclear Pulse Propulsion”, JBIS, 63, 8, pp.292-296, Aug. 2010.

  25. Zampino, E.J., “Lorentz Transformations Expressed in Complex and Split-Complex Form”, JBIS, 63, 8, pp.282-291, Aug. 2010.

  26. Obousy, Richard K, “Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions”, US Defense Intelligence Reference Document, Acquisition Threat Support, DIA-08-1004-001, 2 Apr 2010.

  27. Traphagen, John W, “Ritual, Meaningfulness, and Interstellar Message Construction”, Acta Astronautica, 67, 7-8, pp.954-960, Oct-Nov 2010.

  28. Brandenburg, J E, “Faster Than Light (FTL) Travel and Causality in the Context of the Gravity-Electro-Magnetism (GEM) Theory of Field Unification”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1208, p.350, 2010.

  29. Nassikas, A A, “Minimum Contradictions Physics and Propulsion via Superconducting Magnetic Field Trapping”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1208, p.339, 2010.

  30. Phipps, Claude, Willy Bohn, Thomas Lippert et al., “A Review of Laser Ablation propulsion”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1278, pp.710-722, 2010.

  31. Beckwith, Andrew Walcott, “Laser Boost of a Small Interstellar Ram Jet to Obtain Operational Velocity. Implications for the DM Rocket/Ram Jet Model”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1230, pp.219-230, 2010.

  32. McComas, David J et al., “First Results from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Mission”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1216, p.539, 2010.

  33. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert, Ralph L McNutt et al., “The Interstellar Heliopause Probe/Heliopsheric Explorer: IHP/HEX”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1216, p.655, 2010.


  1. Baxter, S., “Imagining the Alien: The Portrayal of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and SETI in Science Fiction”, JBIS, 62, pp.131-138, 2009.

  2. Whitmire, Daniel P, “Relativistic Spaceflight and the Catalytic Nuclear Ramjet”, Acta Astronautica, 2, pp.497-509, 1975.

  3. Maccone, Claudio, “SETI, Extrasolar Planets Search and Interstellar Flight; When are they Going to Merge?”, Acta Astronautica, 64, 7-8, pp.724-734, Apr-May 2009.

  4. Baxter, S., “Renaissance Versus Revelation: The Timescale of the Interpretation and Assimilation of a Message from ETI”, JBIS, 62, 11/12, pp.382-385, Nov./Dec. 2009.

  5. Cockell, C.S., “Liberty and the Limits to the Extraterrestrial State”, JBIS, 62, pp.139-157, 2009.

  6. Crawford, I.A., “The Astronomical, Astrobiological and Planetary Science Case for Interstellar Spaceflight”, JBIS, 62, 11/12, pp.415-421, Nov./Dec. 2009.

  7. Ellery, A., “Selective Snapshot of State of the Art Artificial Intelligence and Robotics with Reference to the Icarus Starship”, JBIS, 62, 11/12, pp.427-439, Nov./Dec. 2009.

  8. Lewis, R.A., K. Meyer, G.A. Smith and S.D. Howe, “AIMStar: Antimatter Initiated Microfusion for Precursor Interstellar Missions”, Internal Publication, Laboratory for Elementary Particle Science, Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University, 1999 {year to be confirmed}.

  9. Long, K.F., M. Fogg, R. Obousy, A. Tziolas, A. Mann, R. Osborne and A. Presby, “Project Icarus: Son of Daedalus – Flying Closer to Another Star”, JBIS, 62, 11/12, pp.403-414, Nov./Dec. 2009.

  10. Long, K.F., “Fusion, Antimatter and the Space Drive: Charting a Path to the Stars”, JBIS, 62, pp.89-98, 2009.

  11. Parkinson, R., “Using Daedalus for Local Transport”, JBIS, 62, 11/12, Nov./Dec. 2009.

  12. Semyonov, O.G., “Radiation Hazard of Relativistic Interstellar Flight”, Acta Astronautica, 64, 5/6, pp.644-653, Mar/Apr 2009.

  13. Hauser, Jochem and Walter Droscher, “Gravitational Field Propulsion”, Proceedings 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhbit", p.5069, 02-05 Aug 2009.

  14. Winterberg, F., “Advanced Deuterium Fusion Rocket Propulsion for Manned Deep Space Missions”, JBIS, 62, 11/12, pp.386-401, Nov./Dec 2009.

  15. Matloff, Gregory L, “Electromagnetic Starship Deceleration in a Stellar Wind”, JBIS, 62, pp.66-68, 2009.

  16. Gaviraghi, Giorgio and Maria Gimenez, “Sol Plus - A Reference Project for Interstellar Ark”, AIAA Space 2009 Conference and Exposition, 14 - 17 Sep 2009.

  17. Lobo, Francisco, S A & Miguel A Oliveira, “Wormhole Geometrics in f(R) Modified Theories of Gravity”, Phys Rev D, 80, 10, p.104012, 11 Nov 2009.

  18. Kezerashvili, Roman Ya & Justin F Vazquez-Poritz, “Escape Trajectories of Solar Sails and General Relativity”, Physics Letters B, 681, p.387390, 2009.

  19. Beckwith, Andrew, “Hypothetical Dark Matter/Axion Rockets: What Can Be Said About Dark Matter in Terms of Space Physics Propulsion”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1103, pp.276-284, 2009.

  20. Jackson, Gerald P, “Antimatter as an Energy Source”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1103, pp.441-449, 2009.

  21. McComas, D J, “Exploring the Boundaries of our Heliosphere: The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) and Solar Probe”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1144, p.223, 2009.

  22. Slavin, Jonathan D, “The Most Interstellar Medium”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1156, p.162, 2009.


  1. Garrett, Henry, Andrew Shapiro and J Yang, “Interstellar Space Missions: Ultra-Reliability Requirements and Engineering Issues - Part II”, Proceedings 46th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, 07-10 Jan 2008.

  2. Cockell, Charles S, “Interstellar Planetary Protection”, Advances in Space Research, 42, 6, pp.1161-1165, 15 Sep 2008.

  3. Baxter, S., “SETI Before Marconi: Sunlight Beacons and the Fermi Paradox”, JBIS, 61, pp.440-443, 2008.

  4. Fearn, D.G., “Technologies to Enable Near-Term Interstellar Precursor Missions: Is 400 AU Accessible?”, JBIS, 61, pp.279-283, 2008.

  5. Long, K.F., “The Status of the Warp Drive”, JBIS, 61, pp.347-352, 2008.

  6. Obousy, R.K., and G. Cleaver, “Warp Drive: A New Approach”, JBIS, 61, pp.364-369, Jan 2008.

  7. Winterberg, F., “Lasers for Inertial Confinement Fusion Driven by High Explosives”, Laser and Particle Beams, 26, 1, pp.127-135, March 2008.

  8. Thomas, Michael, “Advanced Linear Electron Beam Phased Propulsion”, Proceedings 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.4613, 21-23 Jul 2008.

  9. Matloff, Gregory L & Roman Ya Kezerashvili, “Interstellar Solar Sailing: A Figure of Merit for Monolayer Sail”, JBIS, 61, pp.330-333, 2008.

  10. Frisbee, Robert, “Optimization of Antimatter Rocket Performance”, Proceedings of 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.4796, 2008.

  11. Cassenti, B, “Design Considerations for the Interstellar Ramjet”, Proceedings 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, p.4797, 21-23 Jul 2008.

  12. Woodward, James F, “Mach Effects and Rapid Spacetime Transport”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 969, p.1070, 2008.

  13. Robertson, Glen A, “Propulsion in the Chameleon Model”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 969, p.1137, 2008.

  14. Taylor, Thomas C, Werner Grandl, Martina Pinni, Haym Benaroya, “Space Colony from a Commercial Asteroid Mining Company Town”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 969, p.934, 2008.

  15. You, A-P, G Hobbs, W A Coles et al., “The Effect of Interstellar and Interplanetary Medium on Precision Pulsar Timing”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 968, p.181, 2008.

  16. Zurbuchen, T H, P Patel and L A Fisk et al., “Leaving the Heliosphere: A Nuclear-Powered Interstellar Probe”, AIAA and NASA Space Science Vision Missions Report, 25 May 2008.


  1. Obousy, Richard K & Gerald Cleaver, “Supersymmetry Breaking Casimir Warp Drive”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 880, 1, pp.1163-1169, 01 Feb 2007.

  2. Froning, H David Jr & Robert L Roach, “Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Warp Drive Flight Through Negative Pressure Zero-Point Vacuum”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 880, pp.1125-1131, 2007.

  3. Matloff, Gregory L, Les Johnson & Claudio Maccone, “Helios and Prometheus: A Solar/Nuclear Outer-Solar System Mission”, JBIS, 60, pp.439-442, 2007.

  4. Kezerashvili, Roman Y & Gregory L Matloff, “Solar Radiation and the Beryllium Hollow-Body Sail: 1. The Ionization and Disintegration Effects”, JBIS, 60, pp.169-179, 2007.

  5. Millis, Marc, “Energy Considerations of Hypothetical Space Drives”, Proceedings of the 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit”, pp.5594, 08 - 11 Jul 2007.

  6. White H G, “Inertial Mass Dependency on Local Vacuum Fluctations Means Free Path”, Published in Proceedings Space Technology and Applications International Forum STAIF, 880, p.987-994, Jan 2007.

  7. Gauthier, Richard F, “FTL Quantum Models of the Photon and the Electron”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 880, p.1099, 2007.

  8. Matloff, Gregory L, “Interim Missions for Photon Sailcraft: How to Prep for Centaurus”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 886, p.235-238, 2007.

  9. Bickford, J, W Schmitt, W Spjeldvik et al., “Natural Sources of Antiparticles in the Solar System and the Feasibility of Extraction for High Delta-V Space Propulsion”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 886, p.187, 2007.

  10. Johnson, Les, Roy M Young, Edward E Mongomery IV, “Status of Solar Sail Propulsion: Moving Toward an Interstellar Probe”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 886, p.207, 2007.

  11. Maccone, Claudio, “Sun’s Focus Comes First, Interstellar Target Comes Second”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 886, p.215, 2007.

  12. Gilster, Paul A, “Closing Remarks: A Charter for Interstellar Studies”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 886, p.204-206, 2007.

  13. Semay Claude & Bernard Silvestre-Brac, “Equation of Motion of an Interstellar Bussard Ramjet with Radiation Loss”, Acta Astronautica, 61, 10, pp.817-822, Nov 2007.

  14. Peck, Mason A, “Very Small Interstellar Spacecraft”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 886, p.239, 2007.

  15. Henkel, Torsten, Julia Tizard, David J Blagburn & Ian C Lyon, “Interstellar Dust Laser Explorer: A New Instrument for Elemental and Isotopic Analysis and Imaging of Interstellar and Interplanetary Dust”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 78, p.055107, 2007.


  1. Vulpetti, G, “The Sailcraft Splitting Concept”, JBIS, 59, 2, pp.48-53, Feb 2006.

  2. White, H G & E W Davis, “The Alculbierre Warp Drive in Higher Dimensional Spacetime”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 813, 1, pp.1382-1389, 01 Feb 2006.

  3. Little, Scott, “Null Tests of Breakthrough Energy Claims”, Proceedings of 42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.4909, 09-12 Jul 2006.

  4. Benford, Gregory and James Benford., “Power-Beaming Concepts for Future Deep Space Exploration”, JBIS, 59, pp.104-107, 2006.

  5. Benford, James, Gregory Benford & Tom Kuiper, “Max-Microwave Acceleration Experiment with Cosmos-1”, JBIS, 2006.

  6. Launius, Roger and Howard McCurdy, “Robots and Humans in Space Flight: Technology, Evolution and Interplanetary Travel”, Proceedings of the 4th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference and Exhibit (IECEC), p.4006, 26 - 20 Jun 2006.

  7. Benford, Gregory & Paul Nissenson, “Reducing Solar Sail Escape Times From Earth Orbit using Beamed Energy”, JBIS, 59, pp.108-111, 2006.

  8. Buniy, R.V., and S.D.H. Hsu, “Semi-Classical Wormholes are Unstable”, Physics Letters B, 632, pp.127-130, 2006.

  9. Deutsch, Claude & Naeem A Tahir, “Fusion Reactions and Matter-Antimatter Annihilation for Space Propulsion, Laser and Particle Beams”, Laser and Particle Beams, 24, pp.605-616, 2006.

  10. Fearn, D., “Ion Propulsion: An Enabling Technology for Interstellar Precursor Missions”, JBIS, 59, pp.88-93, 2006.

  11. Gruntmann, M., R.L. McNutt Jr et al., “Innovative Explorer Mission to Interstellar Space”, JBIS, 59, 2, 2006.

  12. Gruntman, Mike, “Exploring the Solar System Galactic Frontier in Extreme Ultraviolet”, Proceedings of the 57th IAC, IAC-06-A3.2.09, 02-06 Oct 2006.

  13. Millis, Marc G, “Responding to Mechanical Antigravity”, NASA/TM-2006-214390, AIAA-2006-4913, Dec 2006.

  14. Matloff, Gregory L, “The Beryllium Hollow-Body Solar Sail and Interstellar Travel”, JBIS, 59, pp.349-354, 2006.

  15. Matloff, Gregory L, “Solar-Sail Earth Defense (SOSED) from NEO Impacts”, Proceedings 57th IAC, IAC-06-C4.6.04, 02 - 06 Oct 2006.

  16. Musso, Paolo, “What the Fermi Paradox tells us about the Dangers of Active SETI”, Proceedings 57th IAC, 6.IAC-06-A4.2.05, 02-06 Oct 2006.

  17. Lenard, Roger X & Dana G Andrews, “Use of Mini-Mag Orion and Superconducting Coils for Near-Term Interstellar Travel”, Proceedings of the 57th IAC, 02-06 Oct 2006.

  18. Frisbee, Robert, “Impact of Interstellar Vehicle Acceleration and Cruise Velocity on Total Mission Mass and Trip Time”, Proceedings of the 42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.5224, 2006.

  19. Mankins, John C, “Reaching for the Stars: The Past and Future of Interstellar Flight”, Proceedings of the 57th IAC, 2006.

  20. Davis, E W, V L Teofilo, B Haische et al., “Review of Experimental Concepts for Studying the Quantum Vacuum Field”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 813, p.1390, 2006.

  21. McComas, D J, F Allegrini, L Bartolone et al., “The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX): Update at the End of Phase B”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 858, p.241, 2006.

  22. Tsvetkov, Pavel V, Ron R Hart, Don B King, Gary E Rochau, “Planetary Surface Power and Interstellar Propulsion Using Fission Fragment Magnetic Collimator Reactor”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 813, pp.803-810, 2006.

  23. McNutt, Ralph L Jr, Robert E Gold, Tom Krimigis et al., “Innovative Interstellar Explorer”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 858, p.341-347, 2006.

  24. Jensen, Raymond W, “Is Faster-Than-Light Communication Possible?”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 813, p.1409, 2006.

  25. Fontana, Giorgio, “Traveling in the Computational Universe”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 813, pp.1402-1408, 2006.

  26. Felber, Franklin S, “Exact Relativistic ‘Antigravity’ Propulsion”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 813, p.1374, 2006.

  27. Davis, Eric W & Harold E Puthoff, “Experimental Concepts for Generating Negative Energy in the Laboratory”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 813, pp.1362-1373, 2006.

  28. Woodward, James F & Peter Vadeventer, “Mach’s Principle, Flux Capacitors, and Propulsion”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 813, p.1341, 2006.

  29. Miley, George H, Hiromu Momota, Prajakti J Shrestha, Robert Thomas, Yoshikazu Takeyama, “Space Propulsion Based on Dipole Assisted IEC System”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 813, p.1240, 2006.

  30. Pass, Jim, “The Astrosociology of Space Colonies: Or the Social Construction of Societies in Space*, AIP Conference Proceedings, 813, pp.1153-1161, 2006.

  31. Benton, Mark G, Sr, “Conceptual Design for Interplanetary Spaceship Discovery”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 813, p.1049-1060, 2006.

  32. Martin, Adam K, Richard H Eskridge, Peter J Fimognari, Michael H Lee, “Fireball: Fusion Ignition Rocket Engine with Ballistic Ablative Lithium Liner”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 813, pp.783-794, 2006.

  33. Davis, Eric, “An Assessment of Faster-Than-Light Spacetimes: Make or Break Issues”, Proceedings of the 42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.4908, 09 - 12 Jul 2006.

  34. Palaszewski, Bryan, “Atmospheric Mining in the Outer Solar System: Vehicle Sizing Issues”, Proceedings of the 42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.5222, 09-12 Jul 2006.

  35. Teofilo, Vincent, “Space Power Systems for the 21st Century”, Space 2006, p.7288, 19 - 21 Sep 2006.

  36. Greschik, Gyula, “Solar Sail Scalability and the Concept of a Truly Scalable Architecture”, Proceedings of the 47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Strucural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, p.1703, 01-04 May 2006.


  1. Garattini, Remo, “Self Sustained Traversable Wormholes?”, Class.Quantum Grav, 22, pp.1105-1117, 28 Feb 2005.

  2. Williams, Craig H, Leonard A Dudzinski, Stanley K Borowski & Albert J Juhasz, “Realizing ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’: Piloted Spherical Torus Nuclear Fusion Propulsion”, NASA/TM-2005-213559, AIAA-2001-3805, Mar 2005.

  3. Johnson, L., D. Harris, A. Trausch, G.L. Matloff, T. Taylor and K. Cutting, “A Strategic Roadmap to Centauri”, JBIS, 58, 9/10, pp.316-325, Sept./Oct. 2005.

  4. Long, K.F., “Black Holes, Worm Holes and the Development of a Dynamic Warp Drive Metric”, JBIS, 58, 5, pp.146-154, 2005.

  5. Millis, M.G., “Assessing Potential Propulsion Breakthroughs”, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1065, pp.441-461, 2005.

  6. Moir, R.W., and W.L. Barr, “Analysis of Interstellar Spacecraft Cycling between the Sun and the Near Stars”, JBIS, 58, 9/10, pp.332-341, Sept./Oct. 2005.

  7. Shmatov, M.L., “Some Problems Related to Safety and Efficiency of the Use of Antihydrogen and Antiprotons”, JBIS, 58, 9/10, pp.326-331, Sept./Oct. 2005.

  8. Taylor, Randall, “Prometheus Project Final Report”, NASA/JPL, 982-R120461, 01 Oct 2005.

  9. Winterberg, F., “Fusion-Fission-Fusion Fast Ignition Plasma Focus”, Physics Letters A, 336, pp.188-192, 2005.

  10. Semay, Claude & Bernard Silvestre-Brac, “The Equation of Motion of an Interstellar Bussard Ramjet”, European Journal of Physics, 26, pp.75-83, 2005.

  11. Droscher, Walter & Jochem Hauser, “Heim Quantum Theory for Space Propulsion Physics”, Proceedings of Space Technology and Applications International Forum STAIF 2005, edited by M S El-Genk.

  12. Robertson, Glen A, “Manipulating the Vacuum Scalar Field with Superconductors: A Search for Exotic Material”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 746, p.1371, 2005.

  13. Murad, P A, “Warp-Drives: The Dreams and Realities Part I: A Problem Statement and Insights”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 746, p.1256, 2005.

  14. Murad, P A, “Warp-Drives: The Dreams and Realities Part II: Potential Solutions”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 746, p.1411, 2005.

  15. McNutt, Ralph, James Leary, Robert Gold et al., “Innovative Interstellar Explorer: Radioistope Propulsion to the Interstellar Medium”, Proceedings 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhbit, p.4272, 10-3 Jul 2005.

  16. Fontana, Giorgio, “The Four Space-Times Model of Reality”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 746, p.1403, 2005.

  17. Howe, Steven D, Gerald P Jackson, J Boise Pearson, Raymond A Lewis, “Deceleration of Antiprotons in Support of Antiproton Storage/Utilization Research”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 746, p.520, 2005.

  18. Howe, Steven D & Gerald P Jackson, “Antimatter Driven Sail for Deep Space Mission”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 746, pp.544-551, 2005.

  19. Pearson, J Boise & Raymond A Lewis, “RF Stabilization for Storage of Antiprotons”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 746, p.552, 2005.

  20. Dwek, Eli, “Interstellar Dust: What is it, How does it Evolve, and What are its Observational Consequences?”, AIP Conference proceedings, 761, p.103, 2005.

  21. Minami, Yoshinari, “A Perspective of Practical Interstellar Exploration: Using Field Propulsion and Hyper-Space Navigation Theory”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 746, pp.1419-1429, 2005.


  1. Black, Jonathan, Jack Leifer, Joshua DeMoss, Eric Walker, W Keith Belvin, “Experimental and Numerical Correlation of Gravity Sag In Solar Sail Quality Membranes”, Proceedings of the 45th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference”, p.1579, 19 - 22 Apr 2004.

  2. Hayward, Sean A, Hiroko Koyama, “How to Make a Traversable Wormhole from a Schwarzschild Black Hole”, Phys Rev D, 70, 101502, 22 Jun 2004.

  3. Carpenter, Scott A & James Cannady, “Tool for Sharing and Assessing Models of Fusion-Based Space Transportation Systems”, 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Florida, AIAA 2004-3535, 11-14 July 2004.

  4. Frisbee, Robert, “Beamed-Momentum LightSails for Interstellar Missions: Mission Applications and Technology Requirements”, Proceedings of the 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.3567, 11 - 14 Jul 2004.

  5. Lobo, F & M Visser, “Fundamental Limitations on ‘Warp Drive’ Spacetimes”, Class. Quantum Grav., 21, 24, pp.5871-5892, Nov 2004.

  6. McNutt, R.L. Jr, et al., “A Realistic Interstellar Explorer”, Advances in Space Research, 34, 2004.

  7. Millis, M.G., “Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project: Project Management Methods”, NASA/TM-2004-213406, Dec. 2004.

  8. Scheffer, L., “Aliens Can Watch ‘I Love Lucy’: Contact in Context”, The SETI League, 2004.

  9. Shmatov, M.L., “Creation of the Directed Plasma Fluxes with Ignition of Microexplosions by and with the use of Distant Microexplosions”, JBIS, 57, pp.362-378, 2004.

  10. Williams, C.H., et al., “Recommended Design Practices for Conceptual Nuclear Fusion Space Propulsion Systems”, Special Project Report, AIAA SP-108-2004.

  11. Zurbuchen, T.H., A. Gallimore, D. Scheeres, N. Murphy, G. Zank, R. Malhotra and H. Funsten, “Interstellar Probe: Breakthrough Science Enabled by Nuclear Propulsion”, IEEEAC Paper, 2604, 2004.

  12. Zurbuchen, T H, A Prashant, A Gallimore, et al and NASA Interstellar Probe Vision Mission Team., “Interstellar Probe: Breakthrough Science Enabled by Nuclear Propulsion”, Proceedings of the 55th IAC, 6.IAC-04-IAA., 04-08 Oct 2004.

  13. Gruntman, Mike, “Instrumentation for Interstellar Exploration”, Advances in Space Research, 34, 1, pp.204-212, 2004.

  14. Coreano, L & B Cassenti, “A Comparison of Antimatter Driven Interstellar Propulsion Systems”, Proceedings of the 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, p.3705, 11-14 Jul 2004.

  15. Cassenti, B, “The Interstellar Ramjet”, Proceedings of the 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit”, p.3568, 11 - 14 Jul 2004.

  16. Andrews, D, “Things to do While Coasting Through Interstellar Space”, Proceedings of the 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, p.3706, 11-14 Jul 2004.

  17. March, Paul, “Woodward Effect Experimental Verifications”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 699, p.1138, 2004.

  18. Goff, Alan & Dale Lehmann, “Relativistically Consistent Faster-than-Light (FTL) Communication Using Self-Referential Quantum States”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 699, p.1182, 2004.

  19. Froning, H David, “Paradox-Free FTL Travel in Higher Dimensional Spaces”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 699, p.1168, 2004.

  20. Murad, P A, “Understanding Anomalies to Extract Vacuum Energy”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 699, p.1190, 2004.

  21. Robertson, Tony & Gerald D Nordley, “A Review of Past Insights by Robert L Forward, PhD: Emerging Technologies and Future Concepts”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 699, pp.1247-1254, 2004.

  22. Lallement, R, “The Heliosphere and the Local Interstellar Medium”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 719, p.393, 2004.

  23. McComas, David, Frederic Allegrini, Peter Bochsler et al., “The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX)”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 719, p.162, 2004.

  24. Black, Jonathan and Richard Pappa, “Photogrammetry and Videogrammetry Methods for Solar Sails and Other Gossamer Structures”, Proceedings of the 45th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, p.1662, 19-22 Apr 2004.

  25. Gruntman, M, R L McNutt Jr, R E Gold et al., “Innovative Interstellar Explorer”, Proceedings of the 55th IAC, 6.IAC-04-IAA., 04 - 08 Oct 2004.

  26. Goff, Allan and Joel Siegel, “Can Conventional Warp Drive Avoid Temporal Paradox?” Proceedings of the 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.3699, 11-14 Jul 2004.


  1. Benford, J., “Flight and Spin of Microwave-Driven Sails: First Experiments”, Proc. Pulsed Power Plasma Science, IEEE 01 CH37251, p.548, 2003.

  2. Matloff, G.L., “The Perforated Solar Sail: Its Application to Interstellar Travel”, JBIS, 56, pp.255-261, 2003.

  3. McNutt, R.L. Jr, et al., “Phase II Final Report: A Realistic Interstellar Explorer”, NIAC, 7600-039, 2003.

  4. McNutt, R.L. Jr, et al., “Low-Cost Interstellar Probe”, Acta Astronautica, 52, 2003.

  5. Orth, C.D., “VISTA: A Vehicle for Interplanetary Space Transport Applications Powered by Inertial Confinement Fusion”, Systems Analysis Final Report, UCRL-TR-110500, 16 May 2003.

  6. Visser, Matt, Sayan Kar & Naresh Dadhich, “Traversable Wormholes with Arbitrarily Small Energy Condition Violations”, Phys Rev Lett, 90, 20, p.201102, 21 May 2003.

  7. Shepherd, L.R., “Interstellar Flight, Space Chronicle”, JBIS, 56, Suppl.2, pp.80-91, 2003 (republication of 1952 paper).

  8. Benford, Gregory and Olga Gornostaeva, “Experimental Tests of Beam-Riding Sail Dynamics”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 664, 325, 21 May 2003.

  9. Kuhfittig, Peter K F, “Can A Wormhole Supported by Only Small Amounts of Exotic Matter Really Be Traversable?”, Phys Rev D, 68, 6, p.067502, 11 Sep 2003.

  10. Adams, R.B, R.A. Alexander, J.M. Chapman. S.S. Fincher, R.C. Hopkins, A.D. Philips, T.T. Polsgrove, R.J. Litchford, B.W. Patton, G. Statham, P.S. White and Y.C.F. Thio, “Conceptual Design of In-Space Vehicles for Human Exploration of the Outer Planets”, NASA/TP-2003-212691, Nov. 2003.

  11. White, Harold G, “A Discussion on Space-Time Metric Engineering”, General Relativity and Gravitation, 35, 11, pp.2025-2033, Nov 2003.

  12. Andrews, Dana G, “Interstellar Propulsion Opportunities using Near-Term Technologies”, Proceedings of the 54th IAC, 29 Sep - 03 Oct 2003.

  13. Froning, H, “The Quantum Interstellar Ramjet Revisited”, Proceedings of the 39th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, p.4883, 20 - 23 Jul 2003.

  14. Froning, H David, “The Quantum Ramjet Revisited”, Proceedings of the 54th IAC, IAC-03-S.P.04, 29 Sep - 03 Oct 2003.

  15. Cassenti, Brice and H Ringemacher, “Warp Drives: How and When?”, Proceedings of the 39th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.4677, 20 - 23 Jul 2003.

  16. Martin, James, Raymond Lewis, Suman Chakrabarti et al., “Ion Dynamic Capture Experiments with the High Performance Antiproton Trap (HiPAT)”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 654, p.563, 2003.

  17. Kammash, Terry, James Martin and Thomas Godfroy, “Antimatter Driven p-B11 Fusion Propulsion System”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 654, pp.497-501, 2003.

  18. Taylor, Travis, R Charles Anding, D Halford, Gregory L Matloff, “Space Based Energy Beaming Requirements for Interstellar Laser Sailing”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 664, pp.369-381, 2003.

  19. McNutt, Ralph L Jr, G B Andrews, R E Gold, “A Realistic Interstellar Explorer”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 679, p.830, 2003.

  20. McComas, D J, P A Bochsler, L A Fisk et al., “Interstellar Pathfinder – A Mission to the Inner Edge of the Interstellar Medium”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 679, p.834, 2003.

  21. Izmodenov, Vlad, Pradip Gangopadhyay, Mike Gruntman, Darrell Judge, “Interstellar Pioneer 10 EUV Data: Possible Constraints on the Local Interstellar Parameters”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 679, p.198, 2003.

  22. Genta, Giancarlo, “Will Space Actually be the Final Frontier of Humankind?”, Proceedings of the 54th IAC, IAC-03-IAA.8.3.08, Sep - 03 Oct 2003.

  23. Taylor, Travis and Thomas Powell, “Current Status of Metric Engineering with Implications for the Warp Drive”, Proceedings of the 39th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 20-23 Jul 2003.

  24. Shostak, Seth, “When Will We Detect the Extraterrestrials?”, Proceedings 54th IAC, IAC-03-IAA.9.1.10, 29 Sep - 03 Oct 2003.

  25. McNeill, Malcolm, “Interstellar Transportation”, Proceedings of the 39th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.4734, 20 - 23 Jul 2003.

  26. Wilson, T L, “Power Consideration in the Context of SETI”, Proceedings of the 54th IAC, 6.IAC-03-IAA.9.1.09, 29 Sep - 03 Oct 2003.

  27. Sanger, Hartmut E and Alexandre D Szames, “From the Silverbird to Interstellar Voyages”, Proceedings 54th IAC, 6.IAC-03-IAA.2.4.a.07, 29 Sep-03 Oct 2003.


  1. Harris, M.J., “Limits from CGRO/EGRET Data on the Use of Antimatter as a Power Source by Extraterrestrial Civilizations”, JBIS, 55, 11/12, pp.383-393, Nov./Dec. 2002.

  2. Kammash, T., “Antiproton Driven Magnetically Insulated Inertial Confinement Fusion (MICF) Propulsion System”, NIAC 98-02 Final Report, 2002.

  3. Natario, {initial?}, “Warp Drive with Zero Expansion”, Class. Quantum Grav., 19, 6, pp.1157-1165, 21 Mar 2002.

  4. Borde, A, L H Ford & T A Roman, “Constraints on Spatial Distributions of Negative Energy”, Physical Review D, 65, pp.084002-, 2002.

  5. Vulpetti, G, “Sailcraft Trajectory Options for the Interstellar Probe: Mathematical Theory and Numerical Results”, Chapter IV of NASA/CR-2002-211730 ‘The Interstellar Probe (ISP): Pre-Perihelion Trajectories and Application of Holography’, June 2002.

  6. Kuhfittig, Peter K F, “Static and Dynamic Traversable Wormhole Geometries Satisfying the Ford-Roman Constraints” Phys Rev D, 66, 2, p.024015, 03 Jul 2002.

  7. Barcelo, Carlos & Matt Visser, “Twighlight for the Energy Conditions?”, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 11, 10, pp.1553-1560, 2002.

  8. Ford, L H & N F Svaiter, “Focusing Vacuum Fluctuations II”, Phys Rev A, 66, 6, p.062106, 10 Dec 2002.

  9. Martin, James, Raymond Lewis, Suman Chakrabarti, Boise Pearson, “Ion Storage Tests with the High Performance Antiproton Trap (HiPAT)”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 608, p.793, 2002.

  10. Johnson, Les, “Propulsion Technologies for Exploration of the Solar System and Beyond”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 73, 2, p.1079-1082, Feb 2002.

  11. Kare, Jordin T, “Interstellar Precursor Missions using Microsail Beams”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 608, pp.313-317, 2002.

  12. Kramer, Kevin J & Gerald A Smith, “Antimatter-Initiated Microfusion: Direct Energy Conversion for Propulsion Applications”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 608, pp.787-788, 2002.

  13. Wie, Bong, “Dynamic Modeling and Attitude Control of Solar Sail Spacecraft: Part I”, Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, p.4572, 05-08 Aug 2002.


  1. Benford, J., et al, “Microwave Beam-Driven Sail Flight Experiments”, Proc. Space Technology and Applications International Forum, Space Exploration Technology Conf., AIP Conf. Proceedings 552, ISBN 1-56396-980-7 STAIF, p.540, 2001.

  2. Chew, G., M. Doyle and M. Stancati, “Interstellar Spaceflight Primer”, NASA Contract No.NASAW-5067, Science Applications International Corporation, Final Report for Delivery Order 167, March 2001.

  3. Safonova, Margarita, Diego T Torres & Gustavo E Romero, “Microlensing by Natural Wormholes: Theory and Simulations”, Physical Review D: Particles and Fields, 65, 2, p.3001, May 2001.

  4. Williams, C.H., et al., “Realizing ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’: Piloted Spherical Torus Nuclear Fusion Propulsion”, NASA/TM-2005-213559, 2001.

  5. Williams, C.H., “Trajectory Design and Mission Analysis of Fast Outer Solar System Travel”, AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, AAS 01-161, Santa Barbara California, 11-14 Feb. 2001.

  6. Zubrin, R., “Interstellar Panspermia Reconsidered”, JBIS, 54, 7/8, pp.262-269, July/Aug. 2001.

  7. Eiroa, E, G E Romero & D F Torres, “Chromaticity Effects in Microlensing by Wormholes”, Modern Physics Letters A, 16, pp.973-983, 2001.

  8. Torres, Diego F, Ernesto F Eiroa & Gustavo E Romero, “On the Possibility of an Astronomical Detection of Chromaticity Effects in Microlensing by Wormhole-Like Objects”, Modern Physics Letters A, 16, 28, pp.1849-1861, 2001.

  9. Meyer, K, K Kramer & G A Smith, “Antiproton Initiated Fusion: Precursor Experiments to Identify Critical Physics and Technical Issues”, Proceedings of 37th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA 2001-3232, 8-11 Jul 2001.

  10. Smith, Darrel and Jonathan Webb, “The Antimatter Photon Drive - A Relativistic Propulsion System”, Proceedings of the 37th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, AIAA 2001-3231, p.3231, 08-11 Jul 2001.

  11. Maker, David, “Propulsion Implications of a New Source for the Einstein Equations”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 552, p.618, 2001.

  12. Martin, James, Raymond Lewis, Kevin Kramer, Kirby Meyer, Gerald Smith, “Design and Preliminary Testing of a High Performance Antiproton Trap (HiPAT)”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 552, p.931, 2001.

  13. Smith, Gerald A & Dan P Coughlin, “High Density Storage of Antimatter for Space Propulsion Applications”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 552, p.939, 2001.

  14. Gavit, Sarah A, Paulett, C Liewar et al., “Interstellar Travel – Challenging Propulsion and Power Technologies for the Next 50 years”, AIP Conference Proceedings 552, pp.716-726, 2001.

  15. Landis, Geoffrey A, “Interstellar Flight by Particle Beam”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 552, pp.393-396, 2001.

  16. Maccone, Claudio, “Interstellar Propulsion by SunLensing”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 552, p.606, 2001.

  17. Dickinson, Richard M, “Interstellar Beamer Engineering”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 552, pp.565-570, 2001.

  18. Brito, Hector, “Research on Achieving Thrust by EM Inertia Manipulation”, Proceedings 37th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.3656, 08-11 Jul 2001.


  1. Zubrin, Robert & Andrew Martin, “The Magnetic Sail”, Final Report to the NASA Institute of Advanced Concepts (NIAC), 07 Jan 2000.

  2. Vulpetti, G, “Sailcraft-Based Mission to the Solar Gravitational Lens”, Proceedings of STAIF 2000, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 30 Jan-03 Feb 2000.

  3. Bonometti, J.A., and P.J. Morton, “External Pulsed Plasma Propulsion (EPP) Analysis Maturation”, AIAA-2000-3610, 2000.

  4. Landis, Geoffrey A, “Dust Erosion of Interstellar Propulsion Systems”, 36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Alabama, AIAA-2000-3339, 16-19 July 2000.

  5. Johnson, Les and S Leifer, “Propulsion Options for Interstellar Exploration”, Proceedings of hte 36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.3334, 24 - 28 Jul 2000.

  6. Early, James T & Richard A London, “Dust Grain Damage to Interstellar Laser-Pushed Lightsail”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 37, 4, pp.526-531, Jul-Aug 2000.

  7. Schmidt, George R, H P Gerrish, J J Martin, G A Smith, K J Meyer, “Antimatter Production for Near-Term Propulsion Applications”, Proceedings 35th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, AIAA 99-2691, 20-24 Jun 1999 and subsequently printed Journal of Propulsion and Power, 16, 5, Sep-Oct 2000.

  8. Myrabo, Leik, Timothy Knowles,Henry Harris, John Bagford, Dan Seibert, “Experimental Investigation of Laser-Pushed Light Sails in a Vacuum”, Proceedings of the 36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, AIAA 00-3336, 24 - 28 Jul 2000.

  9. Orth, C.D., “Parameter Studies for the VISTA Spacecraft Concept”, UCRL-JC-141513, 21 Nov. 2000, presented at the NASA Advanced Propulsion Workshop in Fusion Propulsion, Huntsville, Alabama, 21 Nov 2000.

  10. Solem, J.C., “The Moon and the Medusa: Use of Lunar Assets in Nuclear-Pulse-Propelled Space Travel”, JBIS, 53, pp.362-370, 2000.

  11. Landis, G A, “Microwave-Pushed Interstellar Sail: Starwisp Revisited”, Proceedings of the 36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, p.3337, 24 - 28 Jul 2000.

  12. McInnes, Colin R, “Near-Term, Low Cost Missions for Solar Sails”, JBIS, 53, pp.48-61, 2000.

  13. Krasnikov, S, “A Traversable Wormhole”, Phys.Rev. D, 62, 084028, 2000. Erratum published Phys.Rev D, 76, 2007.

  14. Krasnikov, Serguei, “Toward a Traversible Wormhole”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, 1, p.1113, 2000.

  15. Barcelo, Carlos & Matt Visser, “Scalar Fields, Energy Conditions and Traversable Wormholes”, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 17, 18, pp.3843-3864, Sep 2000.

  16. Ford, L H & N F Svaiter, “Focusing Vacuum Fluctuations”, Phys Rev A, 62, 6, p.062105, 15 Nov 2000.

  17. Kammash, Terry, “Pulsed Fusion Propulsion System for Rapid Interstellar Missions”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 16, 6, Nov-Dec 2000.

  18. Fontana, Giorgio, “Gravitational Radiation and its Application to Space Travel”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, p.1085, 2000.

  19. Maccone, Claudio, “Computational Tools for Breakthrough Propulsion Physics: State of the Art and Future Prospects”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, p.1099, 2000.

  20. Cassenti, Brice N & Harry I Ringermacher, “Engineering Warp Drives”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, p.1079, 2000.

  21. Broeck, Chris Van Den, “Alcubierre’s Warp Drive: Problems and Prospects”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, p.1105, 2000.

  22. Matloff, Gregory L, “Laser-light Sailing and Non-Stationary Power Stations Applied to Robotic Star Probes”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, pp.993-997, 2000.

  23. Bakes, Emma, “The Science Case for In-Situ Sampling of Kuiper Belt Objects”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, p.925, 2000.

  24. Andrews, Jason & Dana Andrews, “The MagOrion – A Propulsion System for Human Exploration of the Outer Planets”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, pp.1533-1517, 2000.

  25. Kramer, Kevin J, Raymond A Lewis, Kirby J Meyer, Gerald A Smith, Steven D Howe, “AIMStar: Antimatter Initiated Microfusion for Pre-Cursor Interstellar Missions”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, pp.1412-1419, 2000.

  26. Bonometti, J A, P J Morton and G R Schmidt, “External Pulsed Plasma Propulsion and its Potential for the Near Future”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, pp.1236-1241, 2000.

  27. Howe, Steven D & Gerald A Smith, “Development of High-Capacity Antimatter Storage”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, p.1230, 2000.

  28. Lenard, Roger X & Ronald J Lipinski, “Interstellar Rendezvous Missions Employing Fission Propulsion Systems”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, pp.1544-1555, 2000.

  29. Haisch, Bernhard & Alfonso Rueda, “Toward an Interstellar Mission: Zeroing in on the Zero-Point-Field Inertia Resonance”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, p.1047, 2000.

  30. Garner, Charles E, William Layman, Sarah A Gravit, Timothy Knowles, “A Solar Sail Design for A Mission to the Near-Interstellar Medium”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, p.947, 2000.

  31. Fearn, David G, “The Ultimate Performance of Gridded Ion Thrusters for Interstellar Missions”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, p.941, 2000.

  32. Kare, Jordin T, “Pulsed Laser Thermal Propulsion for Interstellar Precursor Missions”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, pp.1278-1284, 2000.

  33. Kammash, Terry & Brice N Cassenti, “MICF: A Fusion Propulsion System for Interstellar Missions”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, pp.984-988, 2000.

  34. Lipinski, Ronald J, Roger X Lenard, Steven A Wright et al., “Fission-Based Electric Propulsion for Interstellar Precursor Missions”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, p.974, 2000.

  35. Wallace, Richard A & Juan A Ayon, “The Quest for Interstellar Exploration”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, pp.935-940, 2000.

  36. McNutt, Ralph L Jr, G B Andrews, J McAdams, “A Realistic Interstellar Explorer”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, p.917-924, 2000.

  37. Liewer, P C, R A Mewaldt, J A Ayon & R A Wallace, “NASA’s Interstellar Probe Mission”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 504, pp.911-916, 2000.

  38. Matloff, Gregory and Les Johnson, “Magnetic Surfing - Reformulation of Lenz’s Law and Applications to Spacecraft Propulsion”, Proceedings of the 36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, AIAA 2000-3338, 24-28 Jul 2000.

  39. Froning, H and R Roach, “Preliminary Simulations of Vehicle Interactions with the Zero Point Vacuum by Fluid Dynamic Approximations”, Proceedings of the 36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, AIAA 2000-3478, p.3478, 24-28 Jul 2000.

  40. Mewaldt, R and P Liewer, “An Interstellar Probe Mission to the Boundaries of the Heliosphere and Nearby Interstellar Space”, Proceedings Space 2000 Conference and Exposition, AIAA-2000-5173, p.5173, 19 - 21 Sep 2000.

  41. Patterson, Michael, Robert Roman and John Foster, “Ion Engine Development for Interstellar Precursor Missions”, Proceedings of the 36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.3811, 24-28 Jul 2000.


  1. Clark, Hiscock and Larson, “Null Geodesics in the Alcubierre Warp Drive Spacetime: The View from the Bridge”, Class. Quantum Grav., 16, 3965-3972, 1999.

  2. Gaidos, G., “AIMSTAR: Antimatter Initiated Microfusion for Precursor Interstellar Missions”, Acta Astronautica, 44, 2-4, pp.183-186, 1999.

  3. Gaidos, Gerard, Raymond A Lewis, Kirby Meyer et al., “AIMStar: Antimatter Initiated Microfusion for Pre-Cursor Interstellar Missions”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 458, pp.954-959, 1999.

  4. Kuhfittig, P.K.F, “A Wormhole with a Special Shape Function”, Am. J. Phys., 67, 2 Feb. 1999.

  5. Landis, G.A., “Beamed Energy Propulsion for Practical Interstellar Flight”, JBIS, 52, pp.420-423, 1999.

  6. Landis, G.A., “Advanced Solar and Laser Pushed Lightsail Concepts”, Final Report for NIAC, 31 May 1999.

  7. Vulpetti, G, “Problems and Perspectives in Interstellar Exploration”, JBIS, 52, 9-10, Sep-Oct 1999.

  8. McNutt, R.L., Jr, et al., “Phase I Final Report; A Realistic Interstellar Explorer”, NIAC CP, 98-01, 1999.

  9. Van Den Broeck, Chris, “A ‘Warp Drive’ with More Reasonable Total Energy Requirements”, Class. Quantum Grav., 16, 12, pp.3973-3979, Nov 1999.

  10. Anchordoqui, L A et al., “In Search for Natural Wormholes”, Modern Physics Letters A, 14, pp.791-797, 1999.

  11. Ida, Daisuke & Sean A Hayward, “How Much Negative Energy Does a Wormhole Need?”, Physics Letters A, 260, 3-4, pp.175-181, 13 Sep 1999.

  12. Barcelo, Carlos & Matt Visser, “Traversable Wormholes from Massless Conformally Coupled Scalar Fields”, Physics Letters B, 466, 2-4, pp.127-134, 04 Nov1999.

  13. Visser, Matt, Bruce Bassett and Stefano Liberati, “Perturbative Superluminal Censorship and the Null Energy Condition”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 493, p.301, 1999.

  14. Iwanaga, Noriki, “Review of Some Field Propulsion Methods from the General Relativistic Standpoint”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 458, pp.1051-1059, 1999.

  15. Campbell, Jonathan W, Charles R Taylor, Larry L Smalley, Thomas Dickerson, “Laser-Space Material Uncooperative Propulsion for Orbital Debris Removal and Asteroid, Meteoroid, And Comet Deflection”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 458, p.1237, 1999.

  16. Cassenti, Brice N and Terry Kammash, “Antiproton Triggered Fusion Propulsion for Interstellar Missions”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 458, pp.1333-1338, 1999.

  17. Lipinski, Ronald J, “A Fission-Powered Interstellar Precursor Mission”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 458, p.1247, 1999.

  18. Henry, Richard C, “The Interstellar Medium”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 499, p.100, 1999.

  19. Schmidt, G, H Gerrish, J Martin et al., “Antimatter Production for Near-Term Propulsion Applications”, Proceedings of the 35th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.2691, 20-24 Jun 1999.



  1. Coule, D H, “No Warp Drive”, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 15, 8, pp.2523-2527, 01 Aug 1998.

  2. Krasnikov, {initial?}, “Hyperfast Interstellar Travel in General Relativity”, Phys. Rev. D, 57, 4760, 1998.

  3. Torres, D F, G E Romero & L A Anchordoqui, “Might Some Gamma Ray Bursts be an Observable Signature of Natural Wormholes?”, Physical Review D, 58, 123001, 1998.

  4. Kammash, Terry, “Antiproton Driven Magnetically Insulated Inertial Confinement Fusion (MICF) Propulsion System”, NIAC 98-02 Final Report, 1998.

  5. Klumpp, A, R Smithwick, D Eyles, J Jordan and L Woeltjen, “Concepts for Project Galaxy”, Proceedings of the AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference and Exhibit”, p.4195, 10 - 12 Aug 1998.

  6. Harris, Henry et & Neville Marzwell et al., “Interstellar Science, Technology, Mission, Roadmap”, JPL/NASA Advanced Concepts Office, Nov 1998.

  7. Haisch, Bernhard & Alfonso Rueda, “An Electromagnetic Basis for Inertia and Gravitation: What are the Implications for 21st Century Physics and Technology”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 420, p.1443, 1998.

  8. Davis, Eric W, “Interstellar Travel by Means of Wormhole Induction Propulsion (WHIP)”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 420, pp.1502-1508, 1998.

  9. Gaidos, G, J Laiho, R A Lewis et al., “Antiproton-Catalyzed Microfission/Fusion Propulsion Systems for Exploration of the Outer Solar System and Beyond”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 420, pp.1365-1372, 1998.

  10. Millis, Marc G, “Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Workshop Preliminary Results”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 420, 3, 1998.

  11. Larson, Arthur A, “Twisting Gravity: An Interstellar Propulsion System Utilizing a New Theory of Gravity”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 420, pp.1535-1541, 1998.

  12. Haisch, Bernhard, Alfonso Rueda and Hal Puthoff, “Advances in the Proposed Electromagnetic Zero-Point Field Theory of Inertia”, Proceedings of the 34th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.3143, 13-15 Jul 1998.

  13. Frisbee, Robert and Stephanie Leifer, “Evaluation of Propulsion Options for Interstellar Missions”, Proceedings 34th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.3403, 13-15 Jul 1998.


  1. Crawford, I.A., “How Common are Technological Civilisations in the Galaxy?”, Astronomy and Geophysics, 38(4), pp.24-26, 1997.

  2. Vulpetti, G, “Sailcraft at High Speed by Orbital Angular Momentum Reversal”, Acta Astronautica, 40, 10, pp.733-758, May 1997.

  3. Everett, {initial?}, “Superluminal Subway: The Krasnikov Tube”, Phys. Rev. D, 56, 4, Aug. 1997.

  4. Ford, H R. & Thomas A Roman, “Restrictions on Negative Energy Density in Flat Spacetime”, Phys. Rev. D, 55, pp.2082-2089, 1997.

  5. Halyard, R.J., “Comparison of Proposed Inertial Confinement Fusion Propulsion Systems for Interstellar Travel”, JBIS, 50, pp.129-136, 1997.

  6. Hiscock, “Quantum Effects in the Alcubierre Warp Drive Spacetime”, Class. Quantum Grav., 14, L183-L188, 1997.

  7. Millis, M.G., “Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Workshop Preliminary Results”, NASA/TM-97-206241, Nov. 1997.

  8. Millis, M.G., “Challenge to Create the Space Drive”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 13, 5, pp.577-582, Sept./Oct. 1997. Also published as NASA TM-107289.

  9. Millis, M.G., “Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Research Program”, NASA TM-107381, prepared for the Space Technology and Applications International Forum, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 26-30 Jan 1997.

  10. Millis, Marc G, “Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Research Program”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 387, p.1297, 1997.

  11. Rider, Todd H, “Fundamental Constraints on Large-Scale Antimatter Rocket Propulsion”, Journal of Spacecraft and Power, 13, 3, May-Jun 1997.

  12. Andrews, Dana, “Update on Cost Considerations for Interstellar Flight”, Proceedings of 33rd Joint Propulsion Conference, 06-09 Jul 1997.

  13. Andrews, Dana, Robert Zubrin, “Nuclear Device-Pushed Magnetic Sails (MagOrion)”, Proceedings of the 33rd Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.3072, 06 - 09 Jul 1997.

  14. Landis, G A, “Small Laser-Pushed Lightsail Interstellar Probe: A Study of Parameter Variation”, JBIS, 50, pp.149-154, 1997.

  15. Pfenning, F., “The Unphysical Nature of Warp Drive”, Class. Quantum Grav., 14, 1743-1751, Jul 1997.

  16. Williams, C.H., and S.K. Borowski, “An Assessment of Fusion Space Propulsion Concepts and Desired Operating Parameters for Fast Solar System Travel”, AIAA 97-3074, 33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Seattle, WA, 6-9 July 1997.

  17. Hochberg, David & Matt Visser, “Geometric Structure of the Generic Static Traversable Wormhole Throat”, Phys Rev D, 56, 8, pp.4745-4755, Oct 1997.

  18. Bennett, Gary L and Robert H Frisbee, “Summary of the NASA/JPL Workshop on Advanced Quantum/Relativity Theory Propulsion”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 387, pp.1515-1520, 1997.

  19. Holzscheiter, M H, R A Lewis, E Mitchell, J Rochet and G A Smith, “Production and Trapping of Antimatter for Space Propulsion Applications”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 387, p.1493, 1997.

  20. Jones, A P, A G G M Tielens, D J Hollenbach, C F McKee, “The Propagation and Survival of Interstellar Grains”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 402, p.595, 1997.


  1. Anderson, J.L., “Leaps of the Imagination: Interstellar Flight and the Horizon Mission Methodology”, JBIS, 49, pp.15-20, 1996.

  2. Everett, A E, “Warp Drive and Causality”, Phys. Rev. D, V53, 12, June 1996.

  3. Vulpetti, G, “3D High-Speed Escape Heliocentric Trajectories by All-Metallic-Sail Low-Mass Sailcraft”, Acta Astronautica, 39, pp.161-170, Jul-Aug 1996.

  4. Preble, J C, & A C Tribble, “Small Solar Probe”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 33, 5, pp.729-733, Sep-Oct 1996.

  5. Lesh, J.R., C.J. Ruggier and R.J. Cesarone, “Space Communications Technologies for Interstellar Missions”, JBIS, 49, pp.7-14, 1996.

  6. Williams, C.H., “An Analytic Approximation to Very High Specific Impulse and Specific Power Interplanetary Space Mission Analysis”, NASA TM107058, 1996.

  7. Matloff, Gregory L, “Robosloth: A Slow Interstellar Thin-Film Robot”, JBIS, 49, pp.33-36, 1996.

  8. Williams, Craig H & Stanley K Borowski, “Commercially-Driven Human Interplanetary Propulsion Systems: Rationale,Technology and Performance Requirements”, 13th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, 7-11 Jan 1996.

  9. Ford, L H & Thomas A Roman, “Quantum Field Theory Constrains Traversable Wormhole Geometries”, Phys Rev D, 53, 10, pp.5496-5507, 15 May 1996.

  10. Kammash, Terry & Myoung-Jae Lee, “Antiproton Annihilation Dynamics in the Gasdynamic Fusion Rocket”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 361, p.1401, 1996.

  11. Lewis, Raymond A, Gerald A Smith, Brian J Watson et al., “Antiproton-Catalyzed Microfission/Fusion Propulsion”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 361, pp.1423-1433, 1996.

  12. Goebel, William A, Michael H Holzscheiter et al., “Trapping Antimatter for Space Propulsion Applications”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 361, p.1415, 1996.

  13. Bennett, Gary L & Robert H Frisbee, “Preparing for the Next Millennium: Report on the Sixth Annual Advanced Space Propulsion System Workshop”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 361, p.1407, 1996.


  1. Anderson, J.L., “Virtual Business Targets Using the Horizon Mission Methodology”, AIAA 95-3831, AIAA 1995 Space Programs and Technologies Conference, Huntsville, AL, 26-28 Sept. 1995.

  2. Bennett, G.L., R.L. Forward and R.H. Frisbee, “Report on the NASA/JPL Workshop on Advanced Quantum/Relativity Theory Propulsion”, AIAA 95-2599, 31st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 10-12 July San Diego, CA, 1995.

  3. Crawford, I.A., “Some Thoughts on the Implications of Faster-Than-Light Interstellar Space Travel”, Q. J. R. Astro. Soc., 36, pp.205-218, 1995.

  4. Ford, R., “Averaged Energy Conditions and Quantum Inequalities”, Phys. Rev. D, 51, 4277-4286, 1995.

  5. Mankins, J.C., “Technology Readiness Levels”, A White Paper, NASA Advancd Concepts Office, 6 April 1995.

  6. Bloomer, J, “Foundations of Optics Technology for Mars Colonization, Paid Astronautics, Energy Millenium, Interplanetary/Interstellar Shuttles”, Proceedings of 31st Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.2896, 10 - 12 Jul 1995.

  7. Benford, James, “Space Propulsion and Power Beaming using Millimeter Systems”, Proceedings of SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, September 1995.

  8. Zubrin, Robert, “Detection of Extraterrestrial Civilizations via the Spectral Signature of Advanced Interstellar Spacecraft”, Published in Progress in the Search for Extraterrestrial LIfe, ASP Conference Series, Edited by G Seth Shostak, 74, 1995.

  9. Cramer, John G Robert L Forward, Michael Morris et al., “Natural Wormholes as Gravitational Lenses”, Physical Review D, 51, pp.3117-3120, 1995.

  10. Low, Robert J, “Time Machines without Closed Causal Geodesics”, Class. Quantu. Grav, 12, L37-L38, 1995.

  11. Kammash, Terry, David L Galbraith, Brice N Cassenti, “An Antiproton-Driven Magnetically Insulated Inertial Fusion Propulsion System”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 324, p.567, 1995.


  1. Alcubierre, M., “The Warp Drive: Hyper-Fast Travel within General Relativity”, Class. Quantum Grav., 11-5, L73-L77, 1994.

  2. Solem, J.C., “Nuclear Explosive Propulsion for Interplanetary Travel: Extension of the Medusa Concept for Higher Specific Impulse”, JBIS, 47, pp.229-238, 1994.

  3. Benford, James N and Leik N Myrabo, “Propulsion of Small Launch Vehicles using High-Power Millimeter Waves”, Proceedings of SPIE 2154, Intense Micowave Pulses II, 13 May 1994.

  4. Grun, E et al, “Interstellar Dust in the Heliosphere”, Astron.Astrophysics, 286, pp.915-924, 1994.

  5. Augenstein, B W, “Why Antihydrogen – and not just Bare Antiprotons?”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 303, p.401, 1994.

  6. Cassenti, Brice N, “Concepts for the Efficient Production of Antiprotons”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 301(1), p.1429, 1994.

  7. Zubrin, Robert, “Detection of Extraterrestrial Civilizations via the Spectral Signature of Advanced Interstellar Spacecraft”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 301, pp.1407-1413, 1994.

  8. Gray, Robert H, “A Search of the ‘Wow’ Locale for Intermittent Radio Signals”, Icarus, 112, 2, pp.485-489, Dec 1994.

  9. Steffes, Paul G and David R DeBoer, “A SETI Search of Nearby Solar-Type Stars at the 203-GHz Positronium Hyperfine Resonance”, Icarus, 107, 1, pp.215-218, Jan 1994.

  10. Dailey, J, W Werthman and S Chakrabarti, “Challenges to Computing Fusion Plasma Thruster Dynamics”, Proceedings of the 40th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.3268, 27 - 29 Jun 1994.


  1. Solem, J.C., “Medusa: Nuclear Explosive Propulsion for Interplanetary Travel”, JBIS, 46, pp.21-26, 1993.

  2. Bennett, Gary L & H B Knowles, “Boundary Conditions on Faster-Than-Light Transportation Systems”, AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE, AIAA 93-1995, 29th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, p.1995, Monterey, CA, 28-30 June 1993.

  3. Bennett, Gary L, “Paper Session I-C - Interstellar Transportation, An Enabling Technology for Interstellar Civilizations”, The Space Congress Proceedings 10, 27 Apr 1993.

  4. Gott, J Richard III, “Implications of the Copernican Principle for our Future Prospects”, Nature, 363, 27 May 1993.

  5. Cassenti, Brice, “Antimatter Rockets and Interstellar Propulsion”, Proceedings of 29th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 28 - 30 Jun 1993.

  6. Belbruno, E & G L Matloff, “A Fast and Light Mission to Alpha/Proxima Centauri”, in Proceedings of the 1993 AINA Conference - Advances in Non-Linear astrodynamics, Geometry Centre, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 8-9 November 1993.

  7. Bussard, Robert W, “The QED Engine System: Direct-Electric Fusion-Powered Rocket Propulsion Systems”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 271, p.1601-1611, 1993.


  1. Vulpetti, G, “Missions to the Heliopause and Beyond by Staged Propulsion Spacecraft”, 43rd Congress of the IAF, The World Space Congress, Washington D.C, IAA-92-0240, 28 Aug-05 Sep 1992.

  2. Hur, Sun and Arthur Cryson Jr, “Minimum Time Solar Sailing from Geosynchronous Orbit to the Sun-Earth L2 Point”, Proceedings of the Astrodynamics Conference, p.4657, 10-12 Aug 1992.


  1. Cassenti, B N., “Design Concepts for the Interstellar Ramjet”, AIAA 91-2537, 27th AIAA/ASME Joint Propulsion Conference, Sacramento, CA, 24-26 Jun 1991.

  2. Matloff, Gregory, Evan Walker and Kelly Parks, “Interstellar Solar Sailing - Application of Electrodynamic Turning”, Proceedings of the 27th Joint Propulsion Conference, 24 - 26 Jun 1991.

  3. Halyard, R J., “Optimum Interstellar Travel Times for Pulsed Fusion Propulsion Systems”, JBIS, 44, 8, pp.377-384, Aug. 1991.

  4. Lawton, A T., et al., “Searching for Other Worlds”, JBIS, 44, 8, Aug. 1991.

  5. Matloff, G L, “Earth Interstellar Precursor Solar Sail Probes”, JBIS, 44, 8, Aug. 1991.

  6. Nussinov, M D., et al., “Evolutionary Approach to SETI Problems”, JBIS, 44, 8, Aug. 1991.

  7. Rather, J D G, “Lasers Revisited: Their Superior Utility for Interstellar Beacons, Communications and Travel”, JBIS, 44, 8, Aug. 1991.

  8. Schulze, NORMAN R, “Fusion Energy for Space Missions in the 21st Century”, NASA TM-4298, Aug. 1991.

  9. Zubrin, R, “The Use of Magnetic Sails to Escape from Low Earth Orbit”, AIAA-91-2533, presented at the AIAA/ASME Joint Propulsion Conference, Sacramento, CA, Jun 1991.

  10. Zubrin, R, “Nuclear Salt Water Rockets: High Thrust at 10,000 Seconds Isp”, JBIS, 44, 8, Aug. 1991.

  11. Zubrin, R & D Andrews, “Magnetic Sails and Interplanetary Travel”, Journal of Spacecraft & Rockets, 28, 2, pp.197-203, Mar-Apr 1991.

  12. Kammash, Terry and David L Galbraith, “An Inertial Fusion Propulsion Scheme for Solar System Exploration”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 217, pp.754-760, 1991.


  1. Khalil, Ali, “Futuristic Approach for Interstellar Travel, Advanced Magnetic Monopole Propulsion Concept”, Proceedings 28th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, AIAA 90-0615, 8-11 Jan 1990.

  2. Andrews, D.G., and R.M. Zubrin, “Magnetic Sails and Interstellar Travel”, JBIS, 43, pp.265-272, 1990.

  3. Visser, Matt, “Wormholes, Baby Universes, and Causality”, Phys Rev D, 41, 4, p.1116, 15 Feb 1990.

  4. Augenstein, B.W., “Interstellar Colonisation by Visiting Card”, JBIS, 42, 6, June 1990.

  5. Crawford, I.A., “Interstellar Travel: A Review for Astronomers”, Q. Jl. R. Astr. Soc., 31, pp.377-400, 1990.

  6. Devito, C.L., and R.T. Oehrle, “A Language Based on the Fundamental Facts of Science”, JBIS, 43, 12, pp.561-568, Dec. 1990.

  7. Gray, R.H., “Isotropically Detectable Interstellar Beacons”, JBIS, 43, 12, pp.531-536, Dec. 1990.

  8. Harris, M.J., “A Search for Linear Alignments of Gamma-Ray Burst Sources”, JBIS, 43, 12, pp.551-555, Dec. 1990.

  9. Lawton, A.T., and P. Wright, “The Search for Companions to Epsilon Eridani”, JBIS, 43, 12, pp.556-558, Dec. 1990.

  10. Maccone, C., “Relativistic Interstellar Flight and Genetics”, JBIS, 43, 12, pp.569-572, Dec. 1990.

  11. Michaud, M.A.G., “A Manifesto for Expansion”, JBIS 43, 12, pp.559-560, Dec. 1990.

  12. Nordley, Gerald D, “Application of Antimatter-Electric Power to Interstellar Propulsion”, JBIS, 43, pp.241-258, June 1990.

  13. Oliver, B.M., “A Review of Interstellar Rocketry Fundamentals”, JBIS, 43, pp.259-264, June 1990.

  14. Varsi, G., “Telerobotics for the Efficient Utilisation of Space”, JBIS, 43, 6, June 1990.

  15. Fuhs, Allen, “Future Science and Technology for Military Space”, AIAA Space Programs and Technologies Conference, AIAA 90-3827, p.3827, 25 - 28 Sep 1990.

  16. Vulpetti, G., “Multiple Propulsion Concept for Interstellar Flight: General Theory and Basic Results”, JBIS, 43, 12, pp.537-550, 1990.

  17. Vulpetti, G, “Dynamics of a Field-Sail Spaceship”, Acta Astronautica, 21, 10, pp.679-687, 1990.

  18. Landis, G, “Vision-21: Space Travel for the Next Millennium”, Proceedings of a Symposium held at the NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleaveland, Ohio, 3-4 Apr 1990. NASA 10059.

  19. McInnes, Colin R & John C Brown, “Terminal Velocity of a Laser-Driven Light Sail”, Journal of Spacecraft & Rockets, 27, 1, pp.48-52, 1990.

  20. Mewaldt, R A & E C Stone, “Cosmic Ray Studies with an Interstellar Probe”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 203, p.264, 1990.


  1. Visser, Matt, “Traversable Wormholes: Some Simple Examples”, Phys Rev D, 39, 10, pp.3182-3184, May 1989.

  2. Zubrin, Robert and Dana Andrews, “Magnetic Sails and Interplanetary Travel”, Proceedings of the 25th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, p.2441, 12 - 16 Jul 1989.

  3. Forward, Robert, “Grey Solar Sails”, Proceedings of the 25th Joint Propulsion Conference, p.2343, 12 - 16 Jul 1989.

  4. Matloff, Gregory and K Parks, “Hyperthin and Perforated Solar Sails in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) - A Step to the Moon, Mars and Beyond”, Proceedings of the 25th Joint Propulsion Conference, p.2442, 12 - 16 Jul 1989.

  5. Landis, Geoffrey A (Editor), “Optics and Materials Considerations for a Laser-Propelled Lightsail”, Presented IAA-89-664, 40th IAC, Malaga, Spain, 7-12 Oct 989, Revised Dec 1989.


  1. Beals, Keith A, Martin Beaulieu, Frank J Dembia, Joseph Kerstiens, Daniel L Kramer, Jeffrey R West, James A Zito,, “Project Longshot, An Unmanned Probe to Alpha Centauri”, US Naval Academy, N89-16904, NASA-CR-184718, 1988.

  2. Fogg, M.J., “The Feasibility of Intergalactic Colonisation and its Relevance to SETI”, JBIS, 41, 11, Nov. 1988.

  3. Kammash, T., et al., “A Promising Fusion Approach to Advanced Space Propulsion”, JBIS, 41, 11, Nov. 1988.

  4. Lebon, B.A., “An International Space Telpher System (ISTS) Using an Earth Grain Ring”, JBIS, 41, 11, Nov. 1988.

  5. Matloff, G.L., “Interstellar Gravity Assist Propulsion: A Correction and New Application”, JBIS, 41, 11, Nov. 1988.

  6. Morris, M.S., and K.S. Thorne, “Wormholes in Spacetime and their Use for Interstellar Travel: A Tool for Teaching General Relativity”, Am. J. Phys., 56, 5, May 1988.

  7. Patagiannis, M.D., “Bioastronomy – The Next Steps, A Report on IA Collquium 99”, JBIS, 41, 11, Nov. 1988.

  8. Schultz, F.W., “The Effects of Investment in Extraterrestrial Resources and Manufacturing on the Limits to Growth”, JBIS, 41, 11, pp.497-508, Nov. 1988.


  1. Matloff, Gregory, “Electric Propulsion and Interstellar Flight”, Proceedings 19th International Electric Propulsion Conference, 11 - 13 May 1987.

  2. Deardorff, J.W., “Examination of the Embargo Hypothesis as an Explanation for the Great Silence”, JBIS, 40, 8, Aug. 1987.

  3. Early, J.T., “Space Transportation System with Energy Transfer and Force Beams”, JBIS, 40, 8, Aug. 1987.

  4. Lebon, B.A., “Space Transportation through Magnetic Shepherding of a Grazing Earth Ring: An Ecological Heart-Shaped Earth Ring by 2010”, JBIS, 40, 8, Aug. 1987.

  5. Minovitch, M.A., “A Generalised Theory of Classical Rocket Propulsion for Future Space Travel”, JBIS, 40, 8, Aug. 1987.

  6. Nock, K.T., “TAU – A Mission to a Thousand Astronomical Units”, presented at 19th AIAAIDGLR/JSASS International Electric Propulsion Conference, Colorado Springs, AIAA-87-1049, 1-13 May 1987.

  7. Paptrony, Z., et al., “Interstellar Travel and Communication Bibliography – 1986 Update”, JBIS, 40, 8, Aug. 1987.

  8. Etchegaray, Maria Ines, “Preliminary Scientific Rationale for a Voyage to a Thousand Astronomical Units”, JPL Publication 87-17, 15 May 1987.

  9. Bahns, J T, “The ‘Containerless’ Condensation of ‘mirror’ Matter”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 160, p.344, 1987.

  10. Fogg, Martyn J, “Temporal Aspects of the Interaction Among the First Galactic Civilizations: The Interdict Hypothesis”, Icarus, 69, 2, pp.370-384, Feb 1987.


  1. Aston, G., “Electric Propulsion: A Far-Reaching Technology”, JBIS, 39, 11, pp.503-507, Nov. 1986.

  2. Bloomfield, M., “Sociology of an Interstellar Vehicle”, JBIS, 39, 3, pp.116-120, March 1986.

  3. Bond, A., and A.R. Martin, “Project Daedalus Reviewed”, JBIS, 39, pp.385-390, Sept. 1986.

  4. Coffey, E.J., “Evolutionary Objections to Alien Design Models”, JBIS, 39, 11, pp.508-512, Nov. 1986.

  5. Fogg, M.J., “Extra-Solar Planetary Systems III: Potential Sites for the Origin and Evolution of Technical Civilisations”, JBIS, 39, 7, pp.99-109, pp.317-324 {check pages}, July 1986.

  6. Forward, R.L., “Feasibility of Interstellar Travel: A Review”, Acta Astronautica, 14, pp.243-252, 1986.

  7. Forward, R.L., “Feasibility of Interstellar Travel”, JBIS, 39, 9, pp.379-384, Sept. 1986.

  8. Froning, H.D., “Use of Vacuum Energies for Interstellar Space Flight”, JBIS, 39, 9, pp.410-415, Sept. 1986.

  9. Jones, E.M., P.W. Quigg and J.I. Gabrynowicz, “The Space Settlement Papers”, JBIS, 39, 7, pp.291-311, July 1986.

  10. Ksanfomality, L.V., “Problem of Habitation on Planetary Systems of Red Dwarf Stars”, JBIS, 39, 9, pp.416-417, Sept. 1986.

  11. Lebon, B.A., “Magnetic Shepherding of Orbital Grain Streams”, JBIS, 39, 11, pp.486-490, Nov. 1986.

  12. Matloff, G.L., “Faster Non-Nuclear World Ships”, JBIS, 39, 11, pp.475-485, Nov. 1986.

  13. Matloff, G.L., “World Ships and White Dwarfs”, JBIS, 39, 3, pp.114-115, March 1986.

  14. McLaughlin, W.I., “A SETI Experiment”, JBIS, 39, 7, pp.325-326, July 1986.

  15. Meisner, R.D., “The Compatibility of the Universe to Complex Order: Paradigms and Speculations”, JBIS, 39, 3, pp.121-126, March 1986.

  16. Paprotny, Z., et al., “Interstellar Travel and Communication Bibliography – 1985 Update”, JBIS, 39, 3, pp.127-137, March 1986.

  17. Subotowicz, M., “Possible Existence of Terrestrial-Like Civilisations”, JBIS, 39, 11, pp.499-502, Nov. 1986.

  18. Subotowicz, M., “Energy for Interstellar Flights Delivered through Nuclear Matter Compression in Heavy Nuclei Collisions and in Muon Catalysed ‘Cold’ Fusion in Compressed Hydrogen”, JBIS, 39, 7, pp.312-316, July 1986.

  19. Tarter, J.C., “Review of Methodology and Technology Available for the Detection of Extrasolar Planetary Systems”, JBIS, 39, 9, pp.418-424, Sept. 1986.

  20. Tough, A., “What Role Will Extraterrestrials Play in Humanity’s Future?”, JBIS, 39, 11, pp.491-498, Nov. 1986.

  21. Vulpetti, G., “Antimatter Propulsion for Space Exploration”, JBIS, 39, 9, pp.391-409, Sept. 1986.

  22. Zito, R.R., “Antimatter Reactor Dynamics”, JBIS, 39, 3, pp.110-13, March 1986.

  23. Horowitz, Paul, Brian S Matthews, John Forster et al., “Ultranarrowband Searches for Extraterrestrial Intelligence with Dedicated Signal-Processing Hardware”, Icarus, 67, 3, pp.525-539, Sep 1986.

  24. Sercel, J and S Krauthamer, “Multimegawatt Nuclear Electric Propulsion - First Order System Design and Performance Evaluation”, Proceedings of the 2nd Aerospace Maintenance Conference, p.1202, 21-23 May 1986.


  1. Birch, P., “Can Populations Grow Forever?”, JBIS, 38, 3, pp.99-105, Mar 1985.

  2. Elliott, J.O., and W.K. Terry, “Plasma Expansion in the Daedalus First-Stage Engine”, JBIS, 38, 3, pp.120-128, Mar 1985.

  3. Freitas, R.A., “Observable Characteristics of Extra-Terrestrial Technological Civilisations”, JBIS, 38, 3, pp.106-112, Mar 1985.

  4. Matloff, G.L., “On the Potential Performance of Non-Nuclear Interstellar Arks”, JBIS, 38, 3, pp.113-119, Mar 1985.

  5. Wallace, R A, W H Blume, D N Hulkower & C L Yen, “Interplanetary Missions for the Late Twentieth Century”, J. Spacecraft, 22, 3, pp.316-324, May-Jun 1985.

  6. Prytz, J., “CETI: What are the Benefits?”, Correspondence, JBIS, 38, 11, pp.524-526, Nov. 1985.

  7. Coffey, E.J., “The Improbability of Behavioural Convergence in Aliens – Behavioural Implications of Morphology”, JBIS, 38, 11, pp.515-520, Nov. 1985.

  8. Finney, B.R., “SETI and Interstellar Migration”, JBIS, 38, 6, pp.274-275, Jun 1985.

  9. Fogg, M.J., “Extra-Solar Planetary Systems: A Microcomputer Simulation”, JBIS, 38, 11, pp.501-514, Nov. 1985.

  10. Forward, R.L., “Starwisp: An Ultra-Light Interstellar Probe”, J. Spacecraft, 22, 3, pp.345-350, May/Jun 1985.

  11. Gerard, V.B., “The Zoo We Live In”, JBIS, 38, 3, pp.137-138, Mar 1985.

  12. Hands, J., “Suspended Animation for Space Flight”, JBIS, 38, 3, pp.139-142, Mar 1985.

  13. Jones, E.M., “A Manned Interstellar Vessel Using Microwave Propulsion: A Dysonship”, JBIS, 38, 6, pp.270-273, Jun 1985.

  14. Lebon, B., “A Rational Goal for Mankind”, JBIS, 38, 6, pp.262-264, Jun 1985.

  15. Martin, A.R., “Space Resources and the Limits to Growth”, JBIS, 38, 6, pp.243-252, Jun 1985.

  16. Martin, A.R., “International Academy of Astronautics Review Meeting on Communications with Extraterrestrial Intelligence”, JBIS, 38, 6, pp.276-280, Jun 1985.

  17. Matloff, G.L., and C.B. Ubell, “Worldships: Prospects for Non-Nuclear Propulsion and Power Sources”, JBIS, 38, 6, pp.253-261, Jun 1985.

  18. Matloff, G.L., and E. Mallove, “Non-Nuclear Interstellar Flight: Application of Planetary Gravitational Assists”, JBIS, 38, 3, pp.133-136, Mar 1985.

  19. Aston, G, “Electric Propulsion - A Far Reaching Technology”, Proceedings International Electric Propulsion Conference, 30 Sep - 02 Oct 1985.

  20. Ney, P., “Extraterrestrial Intelligence Contact Treaty”, JBIS, 38, 11, pp.521-523, Nov. 1985.

  21. Nussinov, M.D., et al., “Evolutionary Approach to Developing Abiogenesis Models”, JBIS, 38, 11, pp.494-500, Nov. 1985.

  22. Papagiannis, M.D., “The Search for Extraterrestrial Life: Recent Developments. A Report on IAU Symposium 112”, JBIS, 38, 6, pp.281-286, Jun 1985.

  23. Reupke, W.A., “Inertial Fusion Systems Studies and Nuclear Pulse Propulsion”, JBIS, 38, 11, pp.483-493, Nov. 1985.

  24. Smith, A.G., “Failures, Setbacks and Compensations in Interstellar Expansion”, JBIS, 38, 6, pp.265-269, Jun 1985.

  25. Stalker, R.J., “Trend Analysis for Interstellar Ramjet Technologies”, JBIS, 38, 3, pp.129-132, Mar 1985.

  26. Wallace, R.A., W.H. Blume, N.D. Hulkower and C.L. Yen, “Interplanetary Missions for the Late Twentieth Century”, J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 22, 3, pp.316-324, May/Jun 1985.

  27. Forward, R L, “Antiproton Annihilation Propulsion”, Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory, Edwards Air Force Base, AD-A160 734, AFRPL TR-85-034, Sep 1985.

  28. Aston, G, “Electric Propulsion - A Far Reaching Technology”, Proceedings of the International Electric Propulsion Conference, p.2028, 30 Sep - 02 Oct 1985.

  29. Forward, R L, “Antiproton Annihilation Propulsion”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 1, pp.370-374, 1985.

  30. Vulpetti, G, “Maximum Terminal Velocity of Relativistic Rocket”, Acta Astronautica, 12, 2, pp.81-90, 1985.

  31. Freitas, Robert A, “There is No Fermi Paradox”, Icarus, 62, 3, pp.518-520, Jun 1985.


  1. Bainbridge, W.S., “Computer Simulation of Cultural Drift: Limitations on Interstellar Colonisation”, JBIS, 37, 9, pp.420-429, Sep. 1984.

  2. Birch, P., “Is Faster Than Light Travel Causually Possible?”, JBIS, 37, 3, pp.117-123, Mar 1984.

  3. Bond, A., and A.R. Martin, “World Ships – An Assessment of the Engineering Feasibility”, JBIS, 37, pp.254-266, Jun 1984.

  4. Cassenti, B.N., “Optimisation of Relativistic Antimatter Rockets”, JBIS, 37, 11, pp.483-490, Nov. 1984.

  5. Cesarone, R.J., A.B. Sergeyevsky and S.J. Kerridge, “Prospects for the Voyager Extra-Planetary and Interstellar Mission”, JBIS, 37, 3, pp.99-116, Mar 1984.

  6. Denton, T., “Dancing in our Lenses: Why There Are Not More Technological Civilisations”, JBIS, 37, 11, pp.522-525, Nov. 1984.

  7. Dunlop, A., “Existence of Extra-Terrestrial Life”, JBIS, 37, 11, pp.513-514, Nov. 1984.

  8. Forward, R.L., “Roundtrip Interstellar Travel Using Laser-Pushed Lightsails”, J. Spacecraft, 21, 2, pp.187-195, Mar/Apr 1984.

  9. Grant, T.J., “The Population Stability of Isolated World Ships and World Ship Fleets”, JBIS, 37, 6, pp.267-284, Jun 1984.

  10. Holmes, D.L., “World Ships: A Sociological View”, JBIS, 37, 6, pp.296-304, Jun 1984.

  11. Lacey, D., “Some Social Implications of a Generation Starship”, JBIS, 37, 11, pp.499-501, Nov. 1984.

  12. Legget, N.E., et al., “Space Greenhouse Designs”, JBIS, 37, 11, pp.495-498, Nov. 1984.

  13. Matloff, G.L., “The State of the Art Solar Sail and the Interstellar Precursor Mission”, JBIS, 37, 11, pp.491-494, Nov. 1984.

  14. Martin, A.R., “World Ships – Concept, Cause, Cost, Construction and Colonisation”, JBIS, 37, pp.243-253, Jun 1984.

  15. Matloff, G.L., “Interstellar Solar Sailing: Consideration of Real and Projected Sail Materials”, JBIS, 37, 3, pp.135-141, Mar 1984.

  16. Molik, P., “Artificial Intelligence as an Evolutionary Stage of Human Mind”, JBIS, 37, 9, pp.414-419, Sep. 1984.

  17. Paprotny, Z., et al., “Interstellar Travel and Communications Bibliography”, JBIS, 37, 11, pp.502-512, Nov. 1984.

  18. Smith, A.G., “Worlds in Miniature – Life in the Starship Environment”, JBIS, 37, 5, pp.285-295, Jun 1984.

  19. Tang, T.B., “The Number of Inhabited Planets in the Galaxy”, JBIS, 37, 9, pp.410-413, Sep. 1984.

  20. Vulpetti, G., “Relativistic Astrodynamics: The Problem of Payload Optimisation in a Two-Star Exploration Flight with an Intermediate Powered Swing-By”, JBIS, 37, 11, pp.515-521, Nov. 1984.

  21. Vulpetti, G., “An Approach to the Modelling of Matter-Antimatter Propulsion Systems”, JBIS, 37, 9, pp.403-409, Sep. 1984.

  22. Vulpetti, G., “A Propulsion-Oriented Synthesis of the Antiproton-Nucleon Annihilation Experimental Results”, JBIS, 37, 3, pp.124-134, Mar 1984.

  23. Sullivan, Woodruft T and Kenneth J Mighell, “A Milky Way Search Strategy for Extraterrestrial Intelligence”, Icarus, 60, 3, pp.675-684, Dec 1984.


  1. Bainbridge, W.S., “Attitudes Towards Interstellar Communication: An Emperical Study”, JBIS, 36, 7, Jul 1983.

  2. Birch, P., “Orbital Ring Systems and Jacob’s Ladders – III”, JBIS, 36, 5, May 1983.

  3. Cathcart, R.B., “A Megastructural End to Geologic Time”, JBIS, 36, 7, Jul 1983.

  4. Crowe, D.G., “Laser Induced Pair Production As a Matter-Antimatter Source”, JBIS, 36, 11, Nov. 1983.

  5. Freitas, R.A. Jr, “The Case for Interstellar Probes”, JBIS, 36, 11, Nov. 1983.

  6. Freitas, R.A. Jr, “Extraterrestrial Intelligence in the Solar System: Resolving the Fermi Paradox”, JBIS, 36, 11, Nov. 1983.

  7. Freitas, R.A. Jr, “The Search for Extraterrestrial Artifacts (SETA)”, JBIS, 36, 11, Nov. 1983.

  8. Froning, H.D., “Requirements for Rapid Transport to the Further Stars”, JBIS, 36, 5, May 1983.

  9. Martin, A.R., and A. Bond, “Is Mankind Unique? – The Lack of Evidence for Extraterrestrial Intelligence”, JBIS, 36, 5, pp.223-225, May 1983.

  10. Martin, A.R., “A Delphi Experiment on Mankind’s Interstellar Future”, JBIS, 36, 11, Nov. 1983.

  11. Martin, A.R., “Computer Programs and JBIS Interstellar Studies – Some Guidelines for Submission”, JBIS, 36, 7, Jul 1983.

  12. Matloff, G.L., “Beyond the Thousand-Year-Ark: Further Study of Non-Nuclear Interstellar Flight”, JBIS, 36, 11, Nov. 1983.

  13. Matloff, G.L., et al., “The Interstellar Solar Sail – Optimization and Further Analysis”, JBIS, 36, 5, pp.201-209, May 1983.

  14. McLaughlin, W.I., “Pathways of Evolution for Man and Machine”, JBIS, 36, 5, May 1983.

  15. Nussinov, M.D., et al., “Space Vacuum Hinders Radiopanspermia”, JBIS, 36, 5, May 1983.

  16. Papagiannis, M.D., “Search for Extraterrestrial Life – A New Commision of the IAC”, JBIS, 36, 7, Jul 1983.

  17. Paprotny, Z., et al., “Interstellar Travel and Communication Bibliography: 1982 Update”, JBIS, 36, 7, Jul 1983.

  18. Stephenson, D.G., “Comets and Interstellar Travel”, JBIS, 36, 5, May 1983.

  19. Zito, R.R., “Chain Reactions in a Hydrogen Antiproton Pile”, JBIS, 36, 7, Jul 1983.

  20. Forward, R L, “Alternate Propulsion Energy Sources”, Prepared for Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory, Edwards Air Force Base, AFRPL TR-83-067, Dec 1983.

  21. Freitas, Robert A, “If they are Here, Where are they? Observatinal and Search Considerations”, Icarus, 55, 2, pp.337-343, Aug 1983.


  1. Bond, A., “On the Improbability of Intelligent Extraterrestrials”, JBIS, 35, 5, pp.195-207, May 1982.

  2. Cassenti, B.N., “A Comparison of Interstellar Propulsion Methods”, JBIS, 35, 3, pp.116-124, March 1982.

  3. Cassenti, Brice N, “Design Considerations for Relativistic Antimatter Rockets”, JBIS, 35, 9, pp.396-404, Sept. 1982.

  4. Chapline, G., “Antimatter Breeders”, JBIS, 35, 9, Sept. 1982.

  5. Forward, R.L., “Antimatter Propulsion”, JBIS, 35, 9, pp.391-395, Sept. 1982.

  6. Garrison, P.W., “Advanced Propulsion for Future Planetary Spacecraft”, J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 19, 6, pp.534-538, Nov./Dec. 1982.

  7. Grant, T.J., “Daedalus Probe Requirements and Deployment as a Function of Reliability”, JBIS, 35, 5, pp.226-234, May 1982.

  8. Grant, T.J., “Estimation of Reliability and Maintainability Improvement Rates Using the Duane Model”, JBIS, 36, 3, March 1982.

  9. Massier, P.F., “The Need for Expanded Exploration of Matter-Antimatter Annihilation for Propulsion Applications”, JBIS, 35, 9, Sept. 1982.

  10. Michaud, M.A., “The Final Question: Paradigms for Intelligent Life in the Universe”, JBIS, 36, 3, March 1982.

  11. Morgan, David L. Jr, “Concepts for the Design of an Antimatter Annihilation Rocket”, JBIS, 35, 9, pp.405-412, Sept. 1982.

  12. Siebrand, W.J., “Radiospectroscopic Study of Astrophysical Photon Source Flares and the SETI”, JBIS, 36, 3, March 1982.

  13. Singer, C.E., “Galactic Extraterrestrial Intelligence 1 – The ConstraintS on Search Strategies Imposed by the Possibility of Interstellar Travel”, JBIS, 35, 3, pp.99-, Mar 1982.

  14. Smith, A.G., “Settlers and Metals – Industrial Supplies in a Barren Planetary System”, JBIS, 35, 5, May 1982.

  15. Tang, T.B., “Fermi Paradox and CETI”, JBIS, 35, 5, May 1982.

  16. Taube, M., “Future of the Terrestrial Civlization over a Period of Billions of Years (Red Giant and Earth Shift)”, JBIS, 35, 5, May 1982.

  17. Zito, R.R., “The Cyrogenic Confinement of Antiprotons for Space Propulsion Systems”, JBIS, 35, 9, Sept. 1982.

  18. Garrison, P W, “Advanced Propulsion for Future Planetary Spacecraft”, J. Spacecraft, 19, 6, pp.534-538, Nov-Dec 1982.


  1. Bahadur, K., et al., “Formaldehyde Partially Replaced by Other Organic Sources”, JBIS, 34, 3, March 1981.

  2. Bolie, V.W., “Cosmic Background Radiation Drag Effects at Relativistic Speeds”, JBIS, 34, 11, Nov. 1981.

  3. Coffey, E.J., “A Matter of Methodology: Reply to God”, JBIS, 34, 9, Sept. 1981.

  4. Coffey, E.J., “Hominid Evolution and SETI”, JBIS, 34, 3, March 1981.

  5. de San, M.G., “The Ultimate Destiny of an Intelligent Species – Everlasting Nomadic Life in the Galaxy”, JBIS, 34, 6, June 1981.

  6. Frietas, R.A. Jr, “Report on the NASA/ASEE 1980 Summer Study on Advanced Automation for Space Missions”, JBIS, 34, 9, Sept. 1981.

  7. Good, L.J., “Thinking about Thinking, or: Why Authors Should See Page Proofs”, JBIS, 34, 9, Sept. 1981.

  8. Grant, T.J., “In-Flight Maintenance: Part 1 – The Policy Change”, JBIS, 34, 9, Sept. 1981.

  9. Hilton, W.F., “The SETI Ellipsoid”, JBIS, 34, 9, Sept. 1981.

  10. Jackson, A.A., et al., “Accretion Shocks as Evidence of Extrasolar Planets”, JBIS, 34, 11, Nov. 1981.

  11. Lemke, H., “Instantaneous Communication over Cosmic Distances”, JBIS, 34, 6, June 1981.

  12. Matloff, G.L., et al., “Solar Sail Starships: The Clipper Ships of the Galaxy”, JBIS, 34, 9, pp.371-380, Sept. 1981.

  13. Molton, P.M., “Exobiological Notebook”, JBIS, 34, 3, March 1981.

  14. Murphy, J.R., “Medical Considerations for Manned Interstellar Flight”, JBIS, 34, 11, Nov. 1981.

  15. Ranganayaki, S., et al., “Photochemical Fixation of Carbon Dioxide by Jeewanu”, JBIS, 34, 6, June 1981.

  16. Rao, U.R.,  “Geomagnetic Field – its Role in the Evolution of Life and Intelligence on Earth”, JBIS, 34, 11, Nov. 1981.

  17. Rao, U.R., “Evolution of Life and Intelligence on Earth”, JBIS, 34, 3, March 1981.

  18. Richards, I.R., “A Closed System for Space Colonies”, JBIS, 34, 9, Sept. 1981.

  19. Ruppe, H.O., “Comments on ‘Interstellar Propulsion Using A Pellet Stream for Momentum Transfer’ by C.E. Singer (JBIS, 33, 107-115, 1980)”, JBIS, 34, 3, March 1981.

  20. Saunders, M.W., “Star Distance Diagrams”, JBIS, 34, 6, June 1981.

  21. Singer, C.E., “Questions Concerning Pellet-Stream Propulsion”, JBIS, 34, 3, March 1981.

  22. Smith, A.G., “Constraints Limiting the Rate of Human Expansion into the Galaxy”, JBIS, 34, 9, Sept. 1981.

  23. Stephenson, D.G., “A Classification of Extraterrestrial Cultures”, JBIS, 34, 11, Nov. 1981.

  24. Stimets, R.W., et al., “The Celestial View from a Relativistic Starship”, JBIS, 34, 3, March 1981.

  25. Stuiver, W., et al., “On the Composition and Deployment of a Space Based Interstellar Search System”, JBIS, 34, 6, June 1981.

  26. Tang, T.B., “Recurrent Supernovae as Time Markers in Interstellar Communications”, JBIS, 34, 11, Nov. 1981.

  27. Vulpetti, G., “Relativistic Astrodynamics: Non-Rectilinar Trajectories for Star Exploration Flights”, JBIS, 34, 11, Nov. 1981.

  28. Zuckerman, R., “Space Telescopes, Interstellar Probes and Directed Panspermia”, JBIS, 34, 9, Sept. 1981.

  29. Newman, William I & Carl Sagan, “Galactic Civilizations: Population Dynamics and Interstellar Diffusion”, Icarus, 46, 3, pp.293-327, Jun 1981.

  30. de San, M G, “The Ultimate Destiny of an Intelligent Species - Everlasting Nomadic Life in the Galaxy”, JBIS, 34, pp.219-, 1981.

  31. Cassenti, B, “Design Considerations for Relativistic Antimatter Rockets”, Proceedings of 17th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsoin Conference, 1981.

  32. Jones, Eric M, “Discrete Calculations of Interstellar Migration and Settlement”, Icarus, 46, 3, pp.328-336, Jun 1981.


  1. Bond, A et al., “A Conservative Estimate of the Number of Habitable Planets in the Galaxy: Part 2”, JBIS, 33, 3, pp.101-106, March 1980.

  2. Clancy, P F, “Some Advantages of Wide over Narrow Band Signals in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)”, JBIS, 33, 11, pp.391-395, Nov. 1980.

  3. Coffey, E J, “The Nature of Living Organisms”, JBIS, 33, 11, pp.396-401, Nov. 1980.

  4. Coffey, E J, “Computer and Intelligence”, JBIS, 33, 7, pp.271-278, July 1980.

  5. Ehricke, K A, “The Extraterrestrial Imperative:  Part Three: New Earth-Space Energy Metabolism – 1”, JBIS, 33, 11, pp.379-390, Nov. 1980.

  6. Freitas, R A, “A Self-Reproducing Interstellar Probe”, JBIS, 33, 7, pp.251-264, July 1980.

  7. Freitas, R A, “Interstellar Probes: A New Approach to SETI”, JBIS, 33, 3, pp.95-100, March 1980.

  8. Cassenti, B, “A Comparison of Interstellar Propulsion Methods”, Proceedings 16th Joint Propulsion Conference, pp.1229, 30 Jun-02 Jul 1980.

  9. Froning, H D Jr, “Propulsion Requirements for a Quantum Interstellar Ramjet”, JBIS, 33, 7, pp.265-270, July 1980.

  10. Jackson, A A, “Some Considerations on the Antimatter and Fusion Ram Augmented Interstellar Rocket”, JBIS, 33, 3, pp.117-120, March 1980.

  11. Jaffe, L D, C Ivie, J C Lewis, R Lipes, H N Norton, JW. Steans, L D Stimpson and P Weissman, “An Interstellar Precursor Mission”, JBIS, 33, 1, pp.3-26, March 1980.

  12. Mallove, E F, R L Forward, Z Paprotny and J Lehmann, “Interstellar Travel and Communication: A Bibliography”, JBIS, 33, 6, pp.201-248, June 1980.

  13. Matloff, G L, et al., “The First Interstellar Colonisation Mission”, JBIS, 33, 3, pp.84-88, March 1980.

  14. Forward, Robert L, “Interstellar Flight Systems”, Proceedings of International Meeting and Technical Display on Global Technology 2000, 06-08 May 1980.

  15. Molton, P M, “Exobiology Notebook”, JBIS, 33, 7, pp.278-280, July 1980.

  16. Phillips, W M, “Nuclear Electric Power System for Solar System Exploration”, J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 17, 4, pp.348-353, July/Aug. 1980.

  17. Valdes, F and R A Freitas Jr, “Comparison of Reproducing and Non-Reproducing Starprobe Strategies for Galactic Evolution”, JBIS, 33, 11, pp.402-406, Nov. 1980.

  18. Vulpetti, G, “Noise Effects in Relativistic Pure Rocket Dynamics”, JBIS, 33, 1, March 1980.

  19. Ross, M, “Design of an Optical Receiver for Space Signals”, JBIS, 33, 3, pp.89-94, March 1980.

  20. Singer, C E, “Interstellar Propulsion Using a Pellet Stream for Momentum Transfer”, JBIS, 33, 3, pp.107-116, March 1980.

  21. Tipler, F J, “Extraterrestrial Intelligent Beings Do Not Exist”, QJRAS, 21, 267, 1980.

  22. Solem, J C, “Medusa: Nuclear Explosive Propulsion for Interplanetary Travel”, JBIS, 33, pp.107-115, 1980.

  23. Tipler, F J, “Additional Intelligent Beings do not Exist”, QJRAS, 21, 267, 1980.

  24. Walters, Clifford, Raymond A Hoover, R K Kotra, “Interstellar Colonization: A New Parameter for the Drake Equation”, Icarus, 46, 3, pp.293-327, Jun 1980.

  25. Makovetskii, P V, “Mutual Strategy of Search for CETI Call Signals”, Icarus, 41, 2, pp.178-192, Feb 1980.

  26. Whitmire, Daniel P and David P Wright, “Nuclear Waste Spectrum as Evidence of Technological Extraterrestrial Civilizations”, Icarus, 42, 1, pp.149-156, Apr 1980.

  27. Cohen, Nathaniel L, Matthew A Malan, John M Dickey, “A Passive SETI in Globular Clusters in the Hydroxyl and Water Lines”, Icarus, 41, 2, pp.198-204, Feb 1980.


  1. Ehricke, K A, “The Extraterrestrial Imperative”, JBIS, 32, 11, pp.410-418, Nov. 1979.

  2. Ehricke, K A, “The Extraterrestrial Imperative: Part 1: Evolutionary Logic”, JBIS, 32, 8, pp.311-317, Aug. 1979.

  3. Martin, A R and A Bond, “Nuclear Pulse Propulsion: A Historical Review of an Advanced Propulsion Concept”, JBIS, 32, 8, pp.283-310, Aug. 1979.

  4. Martin, A, D Viewing, A Bond, G Webb, E Coffey, B Parkinson, I Ridpath and D Speed, “The Fermi Paradox: A Forum for Discussion”, JBIS, 32, 11, Nov. 1979.

  5. Matloff, G, “The Interstellar Ramjet Acceleration Runway”, JBIS, 32, 6, pp.219-220, June 1979.

  6. Meot-Ner, J et al., “Directed Panspermia: A Technical and Ethical Evaluation of Seeding Nearby Solar Systems”, JBIS, 32, 11, pp.419-423, Nov. 1979.

  7. Michaud, M A G, “SETI Hearings in Washington”, JBIS, 32, 3, pp.116-118, March 1979.

  8. Molton, P M, “Exobiological Notebook”, JBIS, 32, 8, pp.318-320, Aug. 1979.

  9. Pace, G W, “The Use of Binary Stars as Time Markers in Interstellar Communication”, JBIS, 32, 6, pp.215-218, June 1979.

  10. Pant, A K et al., “Acetonitrile: A Plausible Source of Amino Acids on the Primitive Earth”, JBIS, 32, 6, pp.223-227, June 1979.

  11. Pathak, C K et al., “Photochemical Synthesis of Amino Acides from Aqueous Solutions of Ethyl Alcohol Ammonia/Nitrogen under Varied Conditions”, JBIS, 32, 3, pp.103-106, March 1979.

  12. Ross, M, “The Likelihood of Finding Extraterrestrial Laser Signals”, JBIS, 32, 6, pp.203-208, June 1979.

  13. Spall, N J, “The Physical Appearance of Intelligent Aliens”, JBIS, 32, 3, pp.99-102, March 1979.

  14. Stull, M A, “On the Significance of the Apparent Absence of Extraterrestrials on Earth”, JBIS, 32, 6, pp.221-222, June 1979.

  15. Tang, T B, “The Fundamental Dimensionless Numbers and the Possibility of Life: Part One”, JBIS, 32, 3, pp.84-87, March 1979.

  16. Tang, T B, “The Fundamental Dimensionless Numbers and the Possibility of Life: Part Two”, JBIS, 32, 3, pp.88-94, March 1979.

  17. Vulpetti, G, “Multiple Propulsion Concept: Theory and Performance”, JBIS, 32, 6, pp.209-214, 1979.

  18. Waldron, R A, “The Ballistic Theory of Light and its Implications for Space Travel”, JBIS, 32, 3, pp.95-98, March 1979.

  19. Winterberg, F, “Rocket Propulsion by Nuclear Microexplosions and the Interstellar Paradox”, JBIS, 32, 11, pp.403-409, Nov. 1979.

  20. Weiss, R F, A N Pirri & N H Kemp, “Laser Propulsion”, Astronautics & Aeronautics, 17, pp.50-58, 1979.

  21. Jaffe, Leonard D, Charles V Ivie, “Science Aspects of a Mission Beyond the Planets”, 39, 3, pp.486-494, Sep 1979.

  22. Neugebauer, M, D K Yeomans, J C Brandt, R W Hobbs (editors), “Space Missions to Comets”, NASA Conference Publication 2089, 1979.


  1. Betinis, E J, “On ETI Alien Probe Flux Density”, JBIS, 31, 6, pp.217-221, June 1978.

  2. Bond, A et al., “Project Daedalus: The Mission Profile”, Final Study Report, JBIS Special Supplement, pp.S37-S42, 1978.

  3. Bond, A et al., “Project Daedalus: The Propulsion System Part 2: Engineering Design Considerations and Calculations”, Final Study Report, JBIS Special Supplement, pp.S63-S82, 1978.

  4. Bond, A et al., “A Conservative Estimate of the Number of Habitable Planets in the Galaxy”, JBIS, 31, 11, pp.411-415, Nov. 1978.

  5. Griffith, J S, “Astronomical Notebook”, JBIS, 31, 11, pp.432-437, Nov. 1978.

  6. Griffith, J S, “Astronomical Notebook”, JBIS, 31, 9, pp.354-360, Sept. 1978.

  7. Griffith, J S, “Astronomical Notebook”, JBIS, 31, 6, pp.235-240, June 1978.

  8. Griffith, J S, “Astronomical Notebook”, JBIS, 321, 3, pp.113-118, March 1978.

  9. Heppenheimer, T A, “On the Infeasibility of Interstellar Ramjets”, JBIS, 31, 6, pp.222-224, June 1978.

  10. Jackson, A A et al., “A Laser Powered Interstellar Rocket”, JBIS, 31, 9, pp.335-338, Sept. 1978.

  11. Jones, E M, “Interstellar Colonization”, JBIS, 31, 3, pp.103-107, March 1978.

  12. Martin, A R et al., “Project Daedalus: The Propulsion System, Part 1: Theoretical Considerations and Calculations”, Final Study Report, JBIS Special Supplement, pp.S44-S62, 1978.

  13. Mallove, E F et al., “Bibliography of Interstellar Travel and Communication – April 1977 Update”, JBIS, 31, 6, pp.225-234, June 1978.

  14. Molton, P M, “Exobiological Notebook”, JBIS, 31, 9, pp.352-353, Sept. 1978.

  15. Molton, P M, “On the Likelihood of a Human Interstellar Civilization”, JBIS, 31, 6, pp.203-208, June 1978.

  16. Molton, P M, “Exobiological Notebook”, JBIS, 31, 3, Mar 1978.

  17. Ridpath, I, “A Signalling Strategy for Interstellar Communication”, JBIS, 31, 3, pp.108-109, Mar 1978.

  18. Rooney, K J, “Interstellar Probes – A Communications Philosophy”, JBIS, 31, 9, pp.323-334, Sep. 1978.

  19. Seward, F D, “A Trip to the Crab Nebula”, JBIS, 31, 3, pp.83-92, Mar 1978.

  20. Subotowicz, M, “CETI from an Earth Satellite Orbit”, JBIS, 31, 3, pp.109-110, Mar 1978.

  21. Viewing, D R J et al., “Is Catastrophe Possible?”, JBIS, 31, 6, pp.209-216, Jun 1978.

  22. Vulkov, K, “Astronautical Generalisation of the Effects of Relativity Due to Flyby of a Central Field of Gravitation”, JBIS, 31, 3, pp.111-112, March 1978.

  23. Friedman, Lious, W Carroll, R Goldstein et al., “Solar Sailing - The Concept Made Realistic”, AIAA Paper 78-82, 16th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, pp.16-18, 16 Jan 1978.

  24. Vulpetti, G, “A Problem of Relativistic Navigation: The Three-Dimensional Rocket Equation”, JBIS, 31, 9, pp.344-351, Sept. 1978.

  25. Vulpetti, G, “Direct Fission Propulsion: Improvement of a Series-Staged Starship from Impulsive Jettisoning Policy”, JBIS, 31, 3, pp.93-102, Mar 1978.

  26. Winterberg, F, “Launching of Large Payloads into Earth Orbit by Intense Relativistic Electron Beams”, JBIS, 31, 9, pp.339-343, Sep. 1978.

  27. Vulpetti, G, “Starship Flight Optimisation: Time Plus Energy Minimisation Criterion”, JBIS, 31, 11, pp.403-410, Nov. 1978.

  28. Parfitt, J et al., “Project Daedalus: Structural Material Selection”, Final Study Report, JBIS Special Supplement, pp.S97-S103, 1978.

  29. Parkinson, R, “Project Daedalus: Propellant Acquisition Techniques”, Final Study Report, JBIS Special Supplement, pp.S83-S89, 1978.

  30. White, A et al., “Project Daedalus: The Structure”, Final Study Report, JBIS Special Supplement, pp.S104-S115, 1978.

  31. Ford, L H, “Quantum Coherence Effects and the Second Law of Thermodynamics”, proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 364, 1717, pp.227-236, 1978.


  1. Armitage, J, “The Prospect of Astro-Palaeontology”, JBIS, 30, 12, pp.466-469, Dec. 1977.

  2. Coffey, E J, “The Evolution of Terrestrial Intelligence”, JBIS, 30, 12, pp.451-459, Dec. 1977.

  3. Coffey, E J, “The Nature of Intelligence”, JBIS, 30, 12, pp.445-450, Dec. 1977.

  4. Cross, C A, “Optimal Transfer Between Points in Relative Uniform Motion”, JBIS, 30, 12, pp.463-464, Dec. 1977.

  5. Fabian, A C, “Signalling over Interstellar Distances with X-Rays”, JBIS, 30, 3, pp.112-113, March 1977.

  6. Gatland, K W, “Second BIS Conference on Interstellar Travel and Communications”, JBIS, 30, 12, pp.443-444, Dec. 1977.

  7. Gray, R H, “Broadcast Strategies in the Galaxy: A Principal Message Source Locale”, JBIS, 30, 9, pp.341-343, Sept. 1977.

  8. Griffith, J S, “Astronomical Notebook”, JBIS, 30, 12, pp.470-474, Dec. 1977.

  9. Griffith, J S, “Astronomical Notebook”, JBIS, 30, 6, pp.232-221, June 1977.

  10. Griffith, J S, “Astronomical Notebook”, JBIS, 30, 3, pp.114-118, March 1977.

  11. Jaffe, L.D et al., “An Interstellar Precursor Mission”, JPL Publication 77-70, 1977.

  12. Johnson, R D and C Holbrow (editors), “Space Settlements: A Design Study”, NASA SP-413, NASA, 1977.

  13. Langton, N H et al., “Materials in Interstellar Flight”, JBIS, 30, 3, pp.109-111, March 1977.

  14. Matloff, G L et al., “Interstellar Applications and Limitations of Several Electrostatic/Electromagnetic Ion Collection Techniques”, JBIS, 30, 6, pp.213-222, June 1977.

  15. Matloff, G L, “Cosmic Ray Shielding for Manned Interstellar Arks and Mobile Habitats”, JBIS, 30, 3, pp.96-98, March 1977.

  16. Michaud, M A G, “Spaceflight, Colonization and Independence: A Synthesis, Part Three: The Consequences of Colonization”, JBIS, 30, 9, pp.323-331, Sept. 1977.

  17. Michaud, M A G, “Colonization and Independence: A Synthesis, Part Two: Manned Interstellar Flight and the Colonization of Other Systems”, JBIS, 30, 6, pp.203-212, June 1977.

  18. Michaud, M A G, “Colonization and Independence: A Synthesis, Part One: Expanding the Human Biosphere”, JBIS, 30, 3, pp.83-95, March 1977.

  19. Powel, C et al., “Optimal Exhaust Velocity Programming for a Single-Stage Constrant-Power Starship”, JBIS, 30, 12, pp.460-462, Dec. 1977.

  20. Ruppe, H O, “Manned Planetary Missions – A New Look”, JBIS, 30, 6, pp.227-231, June 1977.

  21. Saunders, M W, “Databank for an Inhabited Extrasolar Planet: Purpose, Indication and Installation”, JBIS, 30, 9, pp.349-358, Sept. 1977.

  22. Sears, D W, “Meteorites and the Origin of the Solar System”, JBIS, 30, 9, pp.344-448, Sept. 1977.

  23. Stephenson, D G, “Factors Limiting the Interaction Between Twentieth-Century Man and Interstellar Cultures”, JBIS, 30, 3, pp.105-108, March 1977.

  24. Tang, T B, “The Number of Communicative Civilisations in the Galaxy”, JBIS, 30, 9, p.332, Sept. 1977.

  25. Viewing, D R J et al., “Detection of Starships”, JBIS, 30, 3, pp.99-104, March 1977.

  26. Whitmire, D P & Al Jackson, “Laser Powered Interstellar Ramjet”, JBIS, 30, 6, pp.223-226, June 1977.

  27. Winterberg, F., “Rocket Propulsion by Staged Thermonuclear Microexplosions”, JBIS, 30, 9,  pp.333-340, Sept. 1977.

  28. McLaughlin, William I, “On the Timing of an Interstellar Communication”, Icarus, 32, 4, pp.464-470, 1977.

  29. Schwartzman, David W, “The Absence of Extraterrestrials on Earth and the Prospects for CETI”, Icarus, 32, 4, pp.473-475, Dec 1977.

  30. Hohlfeld, Robert G and Yervant Terzian, “Multiple Stars and the Number of Habitable Planets in the Galaxy”, Icarus, 30, 3, pp.598-600, Mar 1977.


  1. Bond, A, and A R Martin, “Project Daedalus: The Mission Profile”, JBIS, 29, 2, pp.{page ref?}, Feb. 1976.

  2. Coffey, E J, “Life: Its Definition and Some Consequences”, JBIS, 29, 10, pp.{page ref?}, Oct. 1976.

  3. Eyjólfsson, R, “Cyanogenic Compounds and their Possible Significance Concerning the Origin of Life”, JBIS, 29, 7/8, pp.{page ref?}, July/Aug. 1976.

  4. Fennelly, A J, et al., “Some Solar System Applications of an Interstellar Ion Scoop”, JBIS, 29, 7/8, pp.{page ref?}, July/Aug. 1976.

  5. Forward, R L, “A Programme for Interstellar Exploration”, JBIS, 29, 10,  pp.611-632, Oct. 1976.

  6. Griffith, J S, “Astronomical Notebook”, JBIS, 29, 12, pp.{page ref?}, Dec. 1976.

  7. Griffith, J S, “Astronomical Notebook”, JBIS, 29, 7/8, pp.{page ref?}, July/Aug. 1976.

  8. Langton, N H, “The Probability of Contact with Extraterrestrial Life”, JBIS, 29, 7/8, pp.{page ref?}, July/Aug. 1976.

  9. Mallove, E J, et al., “Bibliography of Interstellar Travel and Communications – Aug. 1975 Update”, JBIS, 29, 7/8, pp.{page ref?}, July/Aug. 1976.

  10. Martin, A R, “Project Daedalus: The Ranking of Nearby Stellar Systems for Exploration”, JBIS, 29, 2, pp.{page ref?}, Feb. 1976.

  11. Mattinson, H R, “Project Daedalus: Astronomical Data on Nearby Stellar Systems”, JBIS, 29, 2, pp.{page ref?}, Feb. 1976.

  12. Matloff, G L, “Utilization of O’Neill’s Model I Lagrange Point Colony as an Interstellar Ark”, JBIS, 29, 12, pp.775-785, Dec. 1976.

  13. Matloff, G L, et al., “Optical Techniques for the Detection of Extrasolar Planets: A Critical Review”, JBIS, 29, 7/8, pp.{page ref?}, July/Aug. 1976.

  14. Parker, P J, “Space Colonies”, JBIS, 29, 12, pp.{page ref?}, Dec. 1976.

  15. Powell, C, “The Effect of Subsystem Inefficiencies upon the Performance of the Ram-Augmented Interstellar Rocket”, JBIS, 29, 12, pp.{page ref?}, Dec. 1976.

  16. Powell, C, “System Optimisation for the Ram-Augmented Interstellar Rocket”, JBIS, 29, 2, pp.{page ref?}, Feb. 1976.

  17. Richards, I R, et al., “Estimates of Crop Areas for Large Space Colonies”, JBIS, 29, 12, pp.{page ref?}, Dec. 1976.

  18. Roberts, W B, “The Relativistic Dynamics of a Sub-Light-Speed Interstellar Ramjet Probe”, JBIS, 29, 12, pp.795-812, Dec. 1976.

  19. Tang, T B, “Supernovae as Time Markers in Interstellar Communications”, JBIS, 29, 7/8, pp.{page ref?}, July/Aug. 1976.

  20. Vulpetti, G, “Series-Staged Spaceship Powered by Fission Engines: Display and Discussion of the Results”, JBIS, 29, 10, pp.{page ref?}, Oct. 1976.

  21. Vulpetti, G, “Fission Engine Model: Data Processing and Improvement”, JBIS, 29, 2, pp.{page ref?}, Feb. 1976.

  22. Wertz, J R, “The Human Analogy and the Evolution of Extraterrestrial Civilisations”, JBIS, 29, 7/8, pp.{page ref?}, July/Aug. 1976.


  1. Anderson, G M, “Some Problems in Communications with Relativistic Interstellar Rockets”, JBIS, 28, 3, pp.{page ref?}, March 1975.

  2. Bielkowicz, P, “A Voyage to a Neutron Star”, JBIS, 28, 8, pp.{page ref?}, Aug. 1975.

  3. Bond, A, and A R Martin, “Project Daedalus: The Origins and Aims of the Study”, JBIS, 28, 3, pp.147-149, March 1975.

  4. Dickerson, I W, et al., “Long Range Communications with Pioneer 10 at Jupiter”, JBIS, 28, 6, pp.{page ref?}, June 1975.

  5. Ehricke, K A, “A Long Range Perspective and Some Fundamental Aspects of Interstellar Evolution”, JBIS, 28, 11, pp.{page ref?}, Nov. 1975.

  6. Fennelly, A J, et al., “Photometric Detection of Extrasolar Planets Using IST-Type Telescopes”, JBIS, 28, 6, pp.{page ref?}, June 1975.

  7. Griffith, J S, “Astronomical Notebook”, JBIS, 28, 6, pp.{page ref?}, June 1975.

  8. Hart, M, “An Explanation for the Absence of Extraterrestrials on Earth”, QJRAS, 16, 128, 1975.

  9. Haviland, R P, “On Communications with Extra-Terrestrial or Alien Intelligences”, JBIS, 28, 3, pp.{page ref?}, March 1975.

  10. Heppenheimer, T A, “Some Advanced Applications of a 1-Million-Second Isp Rocket Engine”, JBIS, 28, 3, pp.175-181, March 1975.

  11. Hoerner, S V, “Population Explosion and Interstellar Exploration”, JBIS, 28, 11, pp.{page ref?}, Nov. 1975.

  12. Mallove, E F, et al., “Bibliography of Interstellar Travel and Communication – 2”, JBIS, 28, 3, pp.{page ref?}, March 1975.

  13. Martin, A R, “The Detection of Extrasolar Planetary Systems, Part 3; Review of Recent Developments”, JBIS, 28, 3, pp.{page ref?}, March 1975.

  14. Molton, P M, “The Multiplicity of Potential Systems Based on C, H, O, N”, JBIS, 28, 6, pp.{page ref?}, June 1975.

  15. Parkinson, B, “The Starship as a Philosophical Vehicle”, JBIS, 28, 11, pp.{page ref?}, Nov. 1975.

  16. Powell, C, “Heating and Drag at Relativistic Speeds”, JBIS, 28, 8, pp.{page ref?}, Aug. 1975.

  17. Powell, C, “Flight Dynamics of the Ram-Augmented Interstellar Rocket”, JBIS, 28, 8, pp.{page ref?}, Aug. 1975.

  18. Richards, G R, “Planetary Detection from an Interstellar Probe”, JBIS, 28, 8, pp.{page ref?}, Aug. 1975.

  19. Richards, G R, “Project Daedalus: The Navigation Problem”, JBIS, 28, 3, pp.{page ref?}, March 1975.

  20. Viewing, D, “Directly Interacting Extra-Terrestrial Technological Communications”, JBIS, 28, 11, pp735-, Nov. 1975.

  21. Vulpetti, G, et al., “Probe-Fission-Drive: Dynamics and Payload Optimisation”, JBIS, 28, 8, pp.{page ref?}, Aug. 1975.

  22. Vulpetti, G, “A Starting Model for A Fission Engine”, JBIS, 28, 8, pp.{page ref?}, Aug. 1975.

  23. Whitmire, Daniel P, “Relatistic Spaceflight and the Catalytic Nuclear Ramjet”, Acta Astronautica, 2, pp.497-509, 1975.

  24. Freeman, J and M Lampton, “Interstellar Archaeology and the Prevalence of Intelligence”, Icarus, 25, 2, pp.368-369, Jun 1975.

  25. Gerritsen, Hendrik J and Sean J McKenna, “The Luneberg Lens and the IMportance of Transmission in Establishing Contact with Extraterrestrial Civilizations”, Icarus, 26, 2, pp.250-256, Oct 1975.

  26. unknown, “The Soviet CETI Program”, Icarus, 26, 3, pp.377-385, Nov 1975.


  1. Anderson, G M, “Optimal Interstellar Relativistic Rocket Trajectories with Both Thrust and Acceleration Constraints”, JBIS, 27, 4, pp.273-285, April 1974.

  2. Bond, A, “An Analysis of the Potential Performance of the Ram Augmented Interstellar Rocket”, JBIS, 27, 9, pp.674-685, Sept. 1974.

  3. Fennelly, A J, et al., “Radio Detection of Jupiter-Like Extra-Solar Planets”, JBIS, 27, 9, pp.{page ref?}, Sept. 1974.

  4. Griffith, J S, “Astronomical Notebook”, JBIS, 27, 12, pp.{page ref?}, Dec. 1974.

  5. Griffith, J S, “Astronomical Notebook”, JBIS, 27, 9, pp.{page ref?}, Sept. 1974.

  6. Griffith, J S, “Astronomical Notebook”, JBIS, 27, 4, pp.301-304, April 1974.

  7. Lawton, A T, et al., “Long Delayed Echoes – The Trojan Ionosphere”, JBIS, 27, 12, pp.286-294,  Dec. 1974.

  8. Lawton, A T, “Interstellar Communication – Antenna or Artifact”, JBIS, 27, 4, pp.{page ref?}, April 1974.

  9. Mallove, E F, and R.L. Forward, “Bibliography of Interstellar Travel and Communication – 1”, JBIS, 27, 12, pp.{page ref?}, Dec. 1974.

  10. Martin, A R, “The Detection of Extrasolar Planetary Systems, Part 2 – Discussion of Astrometric Results”, JBIS, 27, 12, pp.{page ref?}, Dec. 1974.

  11. Martin, A R, “The Detection of Extrasolar Planetary Systems, Part 1 – Methods of Detection”, JBIS, 27, 9, pp.{page ref?}, Sept. 1974.

  12. Matloff, G L, “A Superconducting Ion Scoop and its Applications to Interstellar Flight”, JBIS, 27, 9, pp.{page ref?}, Sept. 1974.

  13. Molton, P, “Non-Aqueous Biosystems; The Case for Liquid Ammonia as a Solvent”, JBIS, 27, 4, pp.243-262, April 1974.

  14. Parkinson, B, “The Starship As An Exercise In Economics”, JBIS, 27, 9, pp.692-696, Sept. 1974.

  15. Parkinson, B, “The Starship as Third Generation Technology”, JBIS, 27, 4, pp.295-300, April 1974.

  16. Powell, C, “Parallel Staging for Starships”, JBIS, 27, 9, pp.686-691, Sept. 1974.

  17. Powell, C, “Flight-Time Minimisation for an Energy-Limited Flyby Star Probe”, 27, 4, pp.267-272, April 1974.

  18. Powell, C, “Optimal Exhaust Velocity Programming for an Energy-Limited Single-Stage Relativistic Rocket”, JBIS, 27, 4, pp.263-266, April 1974.


  1. Martin, A R, “Magnetic Intake Limitations on Interstellar Ramjets”, Astronautica Acta, 18, pp.1-10, 1973.

  2. Winterberg, F., “Micro-Fission Explosions and Controlled Release of Thermonuclear Energy”, Nature, 241, pp.449-450, 16 Feb. 1973.

  3. Powell, C, “Propulsion System Optmisation for a Single-Stage Constant Thrust Relativistic Rocket”, JBIS, 26, 8, pp.466-474, August 1973.

  4. Rogozhin, Yu A, “Variational Theory of Relativistic Rockets”, JBIS, 26, 8, pp.475-480, August 1973.

  5. Langton, N H, “The Erosion of Interstellar Drag Screens”, JBIS, 26, 8, pp.481-484, August 1973.

  6. Powell, Conley and Ottfried J Hahn, “Propulsion System Optmisation for Interstellar Probes”, JBIS, 26, 6, pp.334-342, June 1973.

  7. King, H J and R L Poeschel, “An Ion Thruster Module for Primary Propulsion Systems”, JBIS, 26, 4, pp.203-219, April 1973.

  8. Sagan, Carl, “On the Detectivity of Advanced Galactic Civilizations”, Icarus, 19, 3, pp.350-352, Jul 1973.

  9. Martin, Anthony R, “Magnetic Intake Limitations on Interstellar Ramjets”, Astronautica Acta, 18, pp.1-10, 1973.

  10. Dixon, Robert S, “A Search Strategy for Finding Extraterrestrial Radio Beacons”, Icarus, 20, 2, pp.187-199, Oc 1973.

  11. Oliver, Bernard M, “Project Cyclops Study: Conclusions and Recommendations”, Icarus, 19, 3, pp.425-428, Jul 1973.

  12. Ball, John A, “The Zoo Hypothesis”, Icarus, 19, 3, pp.374-349, Jul 1973.


  1. Martin, Anthony R, “Scaling Laws in Electron Bombardment Ion Engines”, JBIS, 25, 1, pp.19-30, January 1972.

  2. Molitor, J H and H J King, “Solar Electric Propulsion Systems and Applications”, 25, 8, pp.463-476, August 1972.

  3. Oggero, Mario V and Carlo V Bertolo, “Propulsion Performance of a 30 KW Arc-Jet Thruster Stabilized by Vortex and Magnetic Forces”, JBIS, 25, 8, pp.477-490, August 1972.

  4. Martin, A R, “A Comparison of Argon and Mercury Propelled Ion Engines”, JBIS, 25, 8, pp.491-502, August 1972.

  5. Bond, A, “A Nuclear Rocket for the Space Tug”, JBIS, 25, 11, pp.625-644, November 1972.

  6. Martin, Anthony R, “The Effects of Drag on Relativistic Spaceflight”, JBIS, 25, 11, pp.643-654, November 1972.

  7. Mockel, W E, “Propulsion by Impinging Laser Beams”, J.Spacecraft, 9, 12, pp.942-944, December 1972.


  1. Martin, Anthony R, “Electron-Bombardment Ion Source Performance Limits”, JBIS, 24, 7, pp.385-392, July 1971.

  2. Vertregt, M, “Theory of the Step Rocket”, JBIS, 24, 7, pp.409-430, July 1971.

  3. Day, B P, D G Fearn and G E Burton, “Ion Engine Development at the Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough”, 24, 10, pp.573-590, October 1971.

  4. Martin, Anthony R, “Structural Limitations on Interstellar Spaceflight”, Astronautica Acta, 16, pp.353-357, 1971.

  5. Oliver, B M & J Billingham, "Project Cyclops”, NASA CR-14445, 1971.

  6. Werner, Michael W, “The Relationship of Interstellar Molecules to the Origin of Life: A Review of the Conference Held at the NASA Ames Research Center, Feb 25-26, 1971”, Icarus, 15, 2, pp.352-355, Oct 1971.

  7. Kreifeldt, J G, “A Formulation for the Number of Communicative Civilizations in the Galaxy”, Icarus, 14, 3, pp.419-430, Jun 1971.


  1. Balcomb, J D, L A Booth, T P Cotter, J C Hedstrom, C P Robinson, T E Springer and C.W. Watson, “Nuclear Pulsed Space Propulsion Systems”, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, LA-4541-MS, Oct./Nov, 1970.

  2. Molton, P, “Biological Aspects of Long-Term Space Flight”, JBIS, 23, 7, pp.515-526, July 1970.

  3. Hammerschlag, A, “Structural Design of Astronomical Instruments for Use in Spacecraft”, JBIS, 23, 11, pp.741-758, November 1970.


  1. Norem, P C, “Interstellar Travel, A Round Trip Propulsion System with Relativistic Velocity Capabilities”, American Astronautical Society, 69, 388, 1969.

  2. Fishback, John Ford, “Relativistic Interstellar Spaceflight”, Astronautica Acta, 15, pp.25-35, 1969.


  1. Dyson, F, “Interstellar Transport”, Physics Today, 21, 10, pp. 41-45, Oct. 1968.


  1. Redding, J L, “Interstellar Vehicle Propelled by Terrestrial Laser Beam”, Nature, 213, pp.588-589, 11 February 1967.


  1. Carter, B, “Complete Analytic Extension of the Symmetry Axis of Kerr’s Solution of Einstein’s Equations”, Physical Review, 141, 4, pp.1242-1247, January 1966.

  2. Marx, G, “Interstellar Vehicle Propelled by Terestrial Laser Beam”, Nature, 211, pp.22-23, 2 July 1966.


  1. Dyson, F, “Death of a Project”, Science, 149, 3680, pp.141-149, 9 July 1965.


  1. {name?}, “Nuclear Pulse Vehicle Study Condensed Summary Report”, (General Dynamics Corp.), NASA Contract NAS 8-11053, GA-4891, January 1964.

  2. Forward, Robert L, “Zero Thrust Velocity Vector Control for Interstellar Probes; Lorentz Force Navigation and Circling”, AIAA Journal, 2, 5, pp.885-889, May 1964.

  3. Kardashev, N S, “Transmission of Information by Extraterrestrial Civilizations”, Soviet Astronomy AJ, 8, 2, pp.217-221, September-October 1964.

  4. Hilton, J L, J S Luce & A S Thompson, “Hypothetical Fusion Propulsion Rocket Vehicle”, J. Spacecraft, pp.276-282, 1, May-Jun 1964.


  1. Spencer, D F and L D Jaffe, “Feasibility of Interstellar Travel”, Astronautica Acta, 9, pp.49-58, 1963.

  2. Hilton, J L and J S Luce, “A Hypothetical Fusion Propulsion Rocket Vehicle”, AIAA, No.63-239, California, June 17-20 1963.

  3. Sagan, Carl, “Direct Contact Among Galactic Civilizations by Relativistic Interstellar Spaceflight”, Planet. Space Sci, 11, pp.485-498, 1963.


  1. Forward, Robert L, “Pluto - the Gateway to the Stars”, Missiles and Rockets, pp.26-28, 2 April 1962. 


  1. Bussard, R.W., “Galactic Matter and Interstellar Flight”, Astronautica Acta, 6, pp.170-194, Fasc.4, 1960.


  1. Tsu, T C, “Interplanetary Travel by Solar Sail”, Aerospace Research Central (ARS) Journal, 29, pp.442-447, June 1959.


  1. Bussard, R, “Concepts for Future Nuclear Rocket Propulsion”, Journal of Jet Propulsion, 28, 4, pp.223-227, April 1958.

  2. Garwin, R L, “Solar Sailing - A Practical Method of Propulsion with the Solar System”, Jet Propulsion, 28, pp.188-190, 1958.


  1. Lawson, J D, “Some Criteria for a Power Producing Thermonuclear Reactor”, Proceedings of the Physical Society B, 70, p.6, 1957.

  2. Gustavson, John, “The Possibility of Interstellar Flight”, Journal of Jet Propulsion, 27, 1, pp.69-70, 1957.


  1. Shepherd, L., “Interstellar Flight”, JBIS, 11, pp.149-167, 1952. This is the first known technical paper on interstellar spaceflight.


  1. Sanger, Eugen, “On the Limits of Space Travel”, L’Astronef, 1950.


  1. Einstein, Albert & Nathan Rosen, “The Particle Problem in the General Theory of Relativity”, Phys Rev, 48, 1, pp.73-77, Jul 1935.


  1. Tsiolkovsky, K E, “Extension of Man into Outer Space”, 1921, c.f. also Presented Symposium on Jet Propulsion, 2, United Scientific and Technical Presses (NIT), 1936 (in Russian).


  1. Goddard, Robert, “The Last Migration” and “The Ultimate Migration”, Unpublished speculations on interstellar flight, sealed until 1972.


  1. Einstein, Albert, “Fundamental Ideas of the General Theory of Relativity and the Application of this Theory in Astronomy”, Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungsberichte, p315, 1915.

  2. Einstein, Albert, “On the General Theory of Relativity”, Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungsberichte, pp.778-786, 799-801, 1915.

  3. Einstein, Albert, “Explanation of the Perihelion Motion of Mercury from the General Theory of Relativity”, Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungsberichte, pp.831-839, 1915.

  4. Einstein, Albert, “The Field Equations of Gravitation”, Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungsberichte, pp.844-847, 1915.


  1. Einstein, Albert, “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”, Annalen der Physik, 17, pp.891-921, 1905.

  2. Einstein, Albert, “Does the Inertia of a Body Depend upon its Energy Content”, Annalen der Physik, 18, pp.639-641, 1905.

= = = End of List = = =