
To conduct scientific research which leads to the maturation and design readiness of starship capabilities by around the year 2100, for the purpose of exploring profound discoveries in deep space, colonising the nearby stars, or mitigating against existential risks to the prosperity of human kind.


Is it credible that our world should have two futures? I have seen them. Two entirely distinct futures lie before mankind, one dark, one bright; one the defeat of all man’s hopes, the betrayals of all his ideals, the other their hard-won triumph”.

Olaf Stapledon, Darkness and Light, 1942.


The logo depicts the two possible futures ahead of us. One filled with all our hopes and dreams, as we explore the planets and beyond. The other filled with all of our fears and the many existential threats we face, represented as a Chimera. The winged horse Pegasus represents the technological solutions which make one future more probable, and mitigate the other, best represented by our starship designs. It is important that we are Ready for Anything.

Utrinque Paratus.