The Interstellar STUDIES bibliography
Interstellar Book Publications
The citations listed in this document there is a mix of text some of which are quite easy reading and others are very technical. This would appear to be important information from the perspective of a researcher prior to a decision on say purchasing a book. For this reason we categorise each with one of three guidance level codes; Popular (P), Semi-Popular/Technical (S), Technical (T). Broadly speaking a popular text may contain just an essay or collection of essays and some nice artistic imagery. A Semi-Popular/Technical text may also include some in depth explanations of specific problems or may include some level of mathematical equations or it is considered a rigorous and in depth treatment of the subject. A technical level text can be expected to be very detailed and to include equations and this may include full derivations. In general, it is expected that Popular to Technical will follow a trend of simple overview to complex understanding of the subject and so may also be a representation of the difficulty level to be expected.
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Total Publications Recorded: 175 (last updated: 01 Apr 2022)
Philip Lubin, “The Path to Tranformational Space Exploration”, World Scientific Series on Emerging Technologies Volume 2: Applications of Directed Energy, May 2022.
Philip Lubin, “The Path to Tranformational Space Exploration”, World Scientific Series on Emerging Technologies Volume 1: Fundamentals of Directed Energy, May 2022.
Les Johnson, “A Traveller’s Guide to the Stars”, Princeton University Press, Oct 2022.
Kelvin F Long, “The Stars in Our Times, Interstellar Musings & Other Thoughtful Essays”, Interstellar Research Centre, 2020. (P)
No books published in this year.
Mae Jemison and J Daniel Batt (Editors), “100 Year Starship 205 Public Symposium Conference Proceedings”, 100 Year Starship, 2018. (T)
Hans J Deeg & Juan Antonio Belmonte (Editors), “Handbook of Exoplanets”, Springer International Publishing, 2018. (T)
Rachel A Armstrong (Editor), “Star Ark, A Living, Self-Sustaining Spaceship”, Springer-Praxis, 2017. (S)
Michel van Pelt, “Dream Missions, Space Colonies, Nuclear Spacecraft and Other Possibilities”, Springer-Praxis Books, 2017. (P)
Francisco S N Lobo (Editor), “Wormholes, Warp Drives and Energy Conditions”, Fundamental Theories of Physics 189, Springer International Publishing, 2017. (T)
Ron Miller, Spaceships, “An Illustrated History of the Real and Imagined”, Smithsonian Books, 2016. (P)
Charles Wohlforth & Amanda R Hendrix, “Beyond Earth, Our Path to a New Home in the Planets, Pantheon Books”, 2016. (P)
Bloom, Steven D, “The Physics and Astronomy of Science Fiction, Understanding Interstellar Travel, Telportation, Time Travel, Alien Life and Other Genre Fixtures”, McFarland & Co, 2016. (P)
Mae Jemison, Jason D Batt, Alires J Almon (Editors), “100 Year Starship, 2014 Symposium Conference Proceedings”, Published by 100 Year Starship, 2015. (T)
Jim Bell, “The Interstellar Age, The Story of the NASA Men and Women Who Flew The Forty-Year Voyager Mission”, Dutton, 2015. (P)
Sten Odenwald, “Interstellar Travel, An Astronomer's Guide, Astronomy Café”, 2015. (P)
Gregory L Matloff & C Bangs, “Starlight, Starbright, Are Stars Conscious?”, Curtis Press, 2015. (S)
Christopher Riley, Richard Corfield & Philip Dolling, “NASA Voyager 1 & 2, Owners' Workshop Manual”, Haynes Publishing, 2015. (S)
Louis Friedman, “Human Spaceflight, From Mars to the Stars”, University of Arizona Press, 2015. (P)
Ezekiel Nygren, “Hypothetical Spacecraft and Interstellar Travel”, Private Publication via, 2015. (P)
Ron Miler, “The Art of Space, The History of Space Art, From the Earliest Visions to the Graphics of the Modern Era”, Elephant Book Company Ltd, 2014. (P)
Kelvin F Long (Editor), “Beyond the Boundary, Exploring the Science and Culture of Interstellar Spaceflight”, Initiative for Interstellar Studies, 2014. (S)
Kip Thorne, “The Science of Interstellar”, W W Norton & Company, 2014. (P)
Mae Jemison, Jason D Batt, Alires J Almon (Editors), “100 Year Starship, 2013 Symposium Conference Proceedings”, Published by 100 Year Starship, 2014. (T)
James F Woodward, “Making Starships and Stargates, The Science of Interstellar Transport and Absurdly Benign Wormholes”, Springer, 2013. (T)
James Benford and Gregory Benford (Editors), “Starship Century, Toward the Grandest Horizon”, Lucky Bat Press, 2013. (P)
Mae Jemison, Alires J Almon (Editors), “100 Year Starship, 2012 Symposium Conference Proceedings”, Published by 100 Year Starship, 2013. (T)
Giovanni F Bignami and Andrea Sommariva, “A Scenario for Interstellar Exploration and its Financing”, Springer Briefs in Space Development, Springer, 2013. (T)
Mae Jemison and Dana Meachen Rau, “The 100 Year Starship (A True Book: Dr Mae Jemison and 100 Year Starship)”, Children's Press, 2013. (P)
Mae Jemison and Dana Meachen Rau, “Journey Through Our Solar System (A True Book: Dr Mae Jemison and 100 Year Starship)”, Children's Press, 2013. (P)
Mae Jemison and Dana Meachen Rau, “Discovering New Planets (A True Book: Dr Mae Jemison and 100 Year Starship)”, Children's Press, 2013. (P)
Kelvin F Long, “Deep Space Propulsion, A Roadmap to the Stars”, Springer, 2012. (T)
Claudio Maccone, “Mathematical SETI, Statistics, Signal Processing, Space Missions”, Springer, 2012. (T)
Stephen Baxter, “The Science of Avatar”, Orbit, 2020. (P)
Les Johnson & Jack McDevitt (Editors), “Going Interstellar, Build Starship Now”, Baen Publishing Enterprises, 2012. (P)
Allen Everett and Thomas Roman, “Time Travel and Warp Drives, A Scientific Guide to Shortcuts Through Time and Space”, The University of Chicago Press, 2012. (T)
Brian J Robb, “Star Trek, The Essential History of the Classic TV Series and the Movies”, Running Press, 2012. (P)
Vulpetti, Giovanni, “Fast Solar Sailing: Astrodynamics of Special Sailcraft Trajectories”, Space Technology LIbrary, Springr, 2012.
Kelvin F Long and Pat Galea (Editors), “Project Daedalus: Demonstrating the Engineering Feasibility of Interstellar Travel”, Published by the British Interplanetary Society, 2011. (T)
Michio Kaku, “Physics of the Future, The Inventions That Will Transform Our Lives”, Penguin Books, 2011. (P)
Bruce T Draine, “Physics of the Interstellar and Intergalactic Medium”, Princeton Series in Astrophysics, Princeton University Press, 2011. (T)
Simone Caroti, “The Generation Starship in Science Fiction, A Critical History, 1934-2001”, McFarland & Company Inc, 2011. (P)
Takaaki Musha, Yoshinari Minami (Editors), “Field Propulsion System for Space Travel, Physics of Non-Conventional Propulsion Methods for Interstellar Travel”, Bentham Science Publications Ltd, 2011. (T)
Stephen J Pyne, “Voyager, Exploration, Space, And the Third Great Age of Discovery”, Penguin Books, 2010. (P)
Claudio Maccone, “Deep Space Flight and Communications: Exploiting the Sun as a Gravitational Lens”, Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co, November 2010. (T)
Michael A G Michaud, “Contact with Alien Civilizations, Our Hopes and Fears About Encountring Extraterrestrials”, Copernicus Books in association with Springer Science, 2010. (S)
Giancarlo Genta, “Lonely Minds in the Universe, The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence”, Copernicus Books in association with Praxis Publishing Ltd, 2010. (S)
Friedwardt Winterberg, “The Release of Thermonulcear Energy by Inertial Confinement, Ways Towards Ignition”, World Scientific Publishing Co Ltd, 2010.
Claudio Bruno & Paul A Czysz, “Future Spacecraft Propulsion Systems, Enabling Spacecraft Propulsion Systems”, Springer, 2009. (T)
Marc G Millis & Eric W Davis (Editors), “Frontiers of Propulsion Science”, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Volume 227, AIAA, 2009. (T)
Dave Doody, “Deep Space Craft, An Overview of Interplanetary Flight”, Springer-Praxis, 2009. (T)
Giovanni Vulpetti, Les Johnson, Gregory L Matloff, Solar Sails, “A Novel Approach to Interplanetary Travel”, Praxis Publishing Ltd, 2008. (T)
Michio Kaku, “Physics of the Impossible, A Scientific Exploration of the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation and Time Travel”, Penguin Books, 2008. (P)
Piers Bizony, “How to Build Your Own Spaceship, The Science of Personal Space Travel”, Portobello Books Ltd, 2008. (P)
Richard F Tinder, “Relativistic Flight Mechanics and Space Travel, A Primer for Students, Engineers and Scientists”, Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2007. (T)
Michel van Pelt, “Space Invaders, How Robotic Spacecraft Explore the Solar System”, Praxis Publishing Ltd, 2007. (P)
Gerard't Hooft, “Playing with Planets”, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, 2008. Translated from Dutch edition Planetenbiljart, 2006. (P)
Stephen Kemble, “Interplanetary Mission Analysis and Design”, Springer-Praxis, 2006. (T)
Gregory L Matloff, “Deep Space Probes, To the Outer Solar System and Beyond”, Praxis Publishing Ltd, 2005. (T)
Paul Gilster, “Centauri Dreams, Imagining and Planning Interstellar Exploration”, Copernicus Books, 2004. (P)
David A Hardy & Patrick Moore, “Futures, 50 Years in Space, The Challenge of the Stars”, Artists and Photographers Press Ltd (AAPPL), 2004. (P)
Homer B Tilton & Florentin Smarandache, “Begin the Adventure, How to Break the LIght Barrier by A.D 2070”, Pima College Press, 2004. Second edition produced in 2005.
Tim McElyea, “A Vision of Futrue Space Transportation, A Visual Guide to Future Spacecraft Concepts”, Apogee Books, 2003. (P)
Giancarlo Genta, Michael Rycroft, Franco Malerba, “Space, The Final Frontier?”, Cambridge University Press, 2003. (S)
Hoiland, Paul & Edward Halerewicz Jr, “Hyperbolic Geometrodynamic Warp Drives & Beyond”, E-book published privately and avialable online, 19 June 2013.
George Dyson, “Project Orion, The Atomic Spaceship 1957-1965”, Penguin Group, 2002. (S)
Stephen Webb, “If the Universe is Teeming with Aliens, Where is Everybody? Fifty Solutions to the Fermi Paradox and the Problem of Extraterrestrial Life”, Copernicus Books in association with Praxis Publishing Ltd, 2002. (P)
Jack Hagerty & Jon C Rogers, “Spaceship Handbook, Rocket and Spacecraft Designs of the 20th Century: Fictional, Factual and Fantasy”, ARA Press, 2001. (P)
J Richard Gott, “Time Travel in Einstein's Universe, The Physical Possibilities of Travel Through Time”, Weidenfield & Nicholson, 2001. (P)
Robert Zubrin, “Entering Space, Creating A Spacefaring Civilization”, Jeremy P Tarcher/Putnam, 2000. (P)
Adrian Berry, “The Giant Leap, Mankind Heads for the Stars”, Headline Book Publishing, 1999. (P)
Brian Stapleford, “The Dictionary of Science Fiction Places”, The Wonderland Press, 1999. (P)
Arthur C Clarke, “Profiles of the Future, An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible”, Victor Gollancz, 1999. (P)
Michio Kaku, “Visions, How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century and Beyond”, Oxford University Press, 1998. (P)
John S Lewis, “Mining the Sky, Untold Riches from the Asteroids, Comets, and Planets”, Basic Books, 1997. (P)
Ben Bova and Anthony R Lewis, “Space Travel, A Writer's Guide to the Science of Interplanetary and Interstellar Travel”, Writers Digest Books, 1997. (P)
Claudio Maccone, “The Sun as a Gravitational Lens: Proposed Space Missions”, IPI Press, 1997. (T)
William E Wiesel, “Spaceflight Dynamics”, McGraw-Hill Companies Inc, 1997. (T)
Vincent Di Fate, “Infinite Worlds, The Fantastic Visions of Science Fiction Art”, Virgin Books, 1997. (P)
Matt Visser, “Lorentzian Wormholes, From Einstein to Hawking”, Springer-Verlag New York Inc, 1996. (T)
Stanley Schmidt and Robert Zubrin, “Islands in the Sky, Bold New Ideas for Colonizing Space”, John Wiley & Sons, 1996. (T)
Robert L Forward, “Any Sufficiently Advanced Technology is Indistinguishable from Magic”, Baen, 1995. (P)
Carl Sagan, “Pale Blue Dot, A Vision of the Human Future in Space”, Headline Book Publishing, 1995. (P)
Lawrence M Krauss, “The Physics of Star Trek”, Basic Books, Harper Collins Publishers, 1995. (P)
Ronald W Humble, Gary N Henry, Wiley J Larson, “Space Propulsion Analysis and Design”, Space Technology Series, The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc, 1995. (T)
Terry Kammash (editor), “Fusion Energy in Space Propulsion”, Volume 167 Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, AIAA, 1995. (T)
Kip Thorne, “Black Holes & Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy”, W W Norton & Company Inc, 1994. (P)
Paul J Nahin, “Time Machines, Time Travel in Physics, Metaphysics, and Science Fiction”, Springer-Verlag, 1993. (S)
Jerome L Wright, “Space Sailing”, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1992. (T)
Marshall T Savage, “The Millennial Project, Colonizing the Galaxy in Eight Easy Steps”, Little, Brown & Company, 1992. (P)
John H Mauldin, “Prospects for Interstellar Travel”, Volume 80 Science and Technology Series, American Astronautical Society Publication, 1992. (T)
Edwin F Taylor & John Archibald Wheeler, “Spacetime Physics, Introduction to Special Relativity”, W H Freeman & Company, 1992. (T)
James Benford and John A Swegle, “High Power Microwaves”, Artech House, Boston MA, 1992. (T)
Roberta Conlan (Series Director), “Starbound, Voyage Through the Universe”, Time-Life Books, 1991. (P)
K Eric Drexler, “Engines of Creation, The Coming Era of Nanotechnology”, Oxford University Press, 1990. (P)
Robin Kerrod, “The Journeys of Voyager, NASA Reaches for the Planets, Once in a Lifetime Encounters with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune”, Prion, Multimedia Books Limited, 1990. (P)
Michael Freeman, “The Guide to Space Travel, A Comprehensive Space Flight Manual”, New Burlington Books, 1990. (P)
IO Kolesnikov, “You Build Starships”, Children’s Literature, USSR, 1990.
Eugene Mallove & Gregory Matloff, “The Starflight Handbook, A Pioneer's Guide to Interstellar Travel”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1989. (T)
Roberta Conlan (Series Director), “Spacefarers, Voyage Through the Universe”, Time-Life Books, 1989. (P)
David A Hardy, “Visions of Space, Artists Journey Through The Cosmos”, Dargon's World, 1989. (P)
Louis Friedman, “Starsailing: Solar Sails & Interstellar Travel”, John Wiley & Sons, 1988. (P)
Robert L Forward, “Future Magic, How Today's Science Fiction Will Become Tommorow's Reality”, Avon Books, 1988. (P)
Robert L Forward and Joel Davis, “Mirror Matter, Pioneering Antimatter Physics”, Published by, Inc, 1988. (T)
Bill Yenne (General Editor) with Gary Deichsel, Gary Hudson and Josepth A LeBlanc, “Interplanetary Spacecraft”, Brompton Books, Bison Books Publishing, 1988. (S)
Robert C Parkinson, “Citizens of the Sky”, 2100 Ltd, 1987. (P)
Arthur C Clarke, “July 20 2019, Life in the 21st Century”, Serendib B. V & Omni Publications International Ltd, 1986. (P)
John D Barrow & Frank J Tipler, “The Anthropic Cosmological Principle”, Oxford University Press, 1986. (T)
Ben R Finney & Eric M Jones, “Interstellar Migration and the Human Experience”, University of California Press, 1985. (S)
William K Hartmann, Ron Miller, Pamela Lee, “Out of the Cradle, Exploring the Frontiers Beyond Earth”, Workman Publishing Company Inc, 1984. (P)
John W Macvey, “Colonizing Other Worlds”, Stein & Day, 1984. (P)
Michael Noah Mautner, “Principles of Life and Survival”, Precept Press, 1984. Later published under 'Seeding the Universe with Life, Securing Our Cosmological Future' and then 'Seeding the Universe with Life' with Legacy Books. (T)
John W Macvey, “Where Will We Go When the Sun Dies?”, Stein & Day, 1983. (P)
Patrick Moore, “Travellers in Space and Time”, Park Lane Press, 1983. (P)
Robert M Powers, “Planetary Encounters, Unmanned Spaceflight: Its History and its Future”, Sidgwick & Jackson Ltd, 1982. (P)
John W Macvey, “Space Weapons, Space War”, New English Library Ltd, 1982. (P)
Peter Nicholls (Editor), “The Science in Science Fiction, Does Science Fiction Foretell the Future?”, Boxby Science Fiction Limited, 1982. (P)
Colin A Ronan, “Deep Space, Quasars, Star Probes, Black Holes, Parallel Universes, Big Bang, Steady State, Alien Life and All the Theories and Phenomena of the Cosmos”, Roxby Astronomy Limited, 1982. (P)
Fred Hoyle & N C Wickramasinghe, “Evolution From Space, An Amazing New Theory About Genes from Outer Space”, J M Dent & Sons, 1981. (S)
Ian Ridpath, “Hamlyn Encyclopedia of Space”, The Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd, 1981. (P)
Carl Sagan, “Cosmos, The Story of Cosmic Evolution Science and Civilisation”, Abacus Book, 1980. (P)
Roy A Gallant, “National Geographic Picture Atlas of Our Universe”, National Geographic, 1980. (P)
Isaac Asimov, “Extraterrestrial Civilizations”, Robson Books Ltd, 1980. (P)
Vincent Di Fate & Ian Summers, “Di Fate's Catalog of Science Fiction Hardware”, Sidgwick & Jackson Limited, 1980. (P)
A T Lawton, “A Window in the Sky, Astronomy from Beyond The Earth's Atmosphere”, David & Charles Inc, 1979. (S)
Harry Harrison & Malcolm Edwards, “Spacecraft in Fact and Fiction”, Orbis Publishing Ltd, 1979. (P)
Paul Davies, “Stardoom”, J M Dent & Sons Ltd, 1978. Later published under 'The Runaway Universe' in 1979. (P)
Chris Boyce, “Extraterrestrial Encounter”, A Personal Perspective, David & Charles, 1979. (S)
John Man (Editor), “The Encyclopedia of Space Travel & Astronomy”, Octopus Books Limited, 1979. (P)
John W Macvey, “Space Weapons, Space War, The Hardware for the War to Come”, New English Library, 1979. (P)
Alan Bond, Anthony Martin (Editors/Co-Leaders), “Project Daedalus, The Final Report
on the BIS Starship Study”, The British Interplanetary Society, 1978. (T)Brian Ash (Editor), “The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction”, Triune Books, 1978. (P)
Iain Nicholson, “The Road to the Stars”, Book Club Associates, 1978. (S)
Kenneth Brower, “The Starship and the Canoe”, Holt, Rinehart and Winston Ltd, 1978. (P)
Nigel Calder, “Spaceships of the Mind, The Deserts of Space are Rich in Energy and Materials that Could Support Life, It Will Be Human Life By the Look of Things”, British Broadcasting Corporation, 1978. (P)
Ian Ridpath, “Messages from the Stars, Communication and Contact with Extraterrestrial Life”, Harper & Row Publishers, 1978. (P)
Bert Holdstock (Consultant Editor), “Encyclopedia of Science Fiction”, Octopus Books Ltd, 1978. (P)
John W Macvey, “Interstellar Travel, Past, Present and Future: How We and Alien Beings May Travel Between the Stars, Between Galaxies, and Even Into Time”, Scarborough House Publishers, 1977. (P)
Adrian Berry, “The Iron Sun, Crossing the Universe through Black Holes”, Book Club Associates, 1977. (P)
L S Shklovskii & Carl Sagan, “Intelligent Life in the Universe”, Picador, 1977. (P)
Gerard K O'Neill, “The High Frontier, Human Colonies in Space”, William Morrow & Co, 1976. (T)
Patrick Moore, “The Next Fifty Years in Space”, William Luscombe Publisher Limited, 1976. (P)
Patrick Moore, “Guide to the Stars, An Introduction and Fully Illustrated Practical Guide to Stellar Astronomy”, Lutterworth Press Guildford and London, 1974. (P)
Carl Sagan (editor), “Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence CETI”, MIT Press, 1974. (P)
Isaac Asimov, “The Stars in their Courses”, White Lion Publishers, 1974. (P)
Duncan Lunan, “Man and the Stars, Contact and Communication with Other Intelligence”, Souvenir Press, 1974. (S)
Adrian Berry, “The Next Ten Thousand Years, A Vision of Mans Future in the Universe”, Jonathan Cape Ltd, 1974. (P)
Ronald N Bracewell, “The Galactic Club: Intelligent Life in Outer Space”, Stanford, 1974.
Cyril Ponnamperuma, “Interstellar Communications: Scientific Perspectives”, Houghton Mifflin, 1974. (T)
Carl Sagan, “Carl Sagan's Cosmic Connection, An Extraterrestrial Perspective”, New York
Doubleday, 1973. (P)James Strong, “Search the Solar System, The Role of Unmanned Interplanetary Probes”, David & Charles Holdings Ltd, 1973. (P)
Leslie Marder, “Time and Space Traveller”, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972. (P)
Arthur C Clarke & Chesley Bonestell, “Beyond Jupiter, The Worlds of Tomorrow”, Little, Brown & Company Inc, 1972. (P)
Yoji Kondo, Frederick C Bruhweiler, John Moore, Charles Sheffield (Editors), “Interstellar Travel and Multi-Generation Space Ships”, Apogee Books Publication, 1971. (S)
Bernard M Oliver & John Billingham (Editors/Co-Directors), “Project Cyclops: A Design Study of a System for Detecting Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life”, Prepared under Stanford, NASA, Ames
Research Centre, Summer Faculty Fellowship Program in Engineering SystemsDesign, NASA-CR-114445, 1971. (T)
Stephen E Whitfield & Gene Roddenberry, “The Making of Star Trek”, Ballantine Books, 1968. (P)
Arthur C Clarke, “The Coming of the Space Age”, Victor Gollancz Limited, 1967. (P)
Maxwell W Hunter II, “Thrust Into Space”, Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc, 1966. (T)
James Strong, “Flight to the Stars, An Enquiry into the Feasibility of Interstellar Flight”, Temple
Press Books, 1965. (S)Robert W Bussard and R D DeLauer, “Fundamentals of Nuclear Flight”, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965. (T)
John W Macvey, “Journey to Alpha Centauri”, The Macmillan Company, 1965. (P)
John W Macvey, “How We Will Reach the Stars”, The Macmillan Company, 1965. (P)
Frederick I Ordway III & Ronald C Wakeford, “Conquering the Sun's Empire”, John Baker
Publishers Ltd, 1965. (P)Willy Ley, “Beyond the Solar System”, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1965. (P)
Dandridge M Cole & Donald W Cox, “Islands in Space: The Challenge of the Planetoids”, Chilton Books, 1964. (P)
Eugen Sanger, “Space Flight, Countdown for the Future”, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965. First Published in Germany 1963. (P)
A G W Cameron (Editor), “Interstellar Communication, A Collection of Reprints and Original Contributions”, W. A Benjamin Inc, 1963. (T)
Heinz Hermann Koelle, “Handbook of Astronautical Engineering”, McGraw-Hill, 1961. (T)
Harlow Shapley, “Of Stars and Men, The Human Response to an Expanding Universe”, Elek Books, 1958. (P)
Carsbie Clifton Adams, “Space Flight: Satellites, Spaceships, Space Stations, and Space Travel Explained”, McGraw-Hill, 1958. (P)
Len J Carter (Editor), “Realities of Space Travel”, Selected Papers of the British Interplanetary Society, Putnam, 1957. (T)
Eugen Sanger, “Space-Flight Problems”, Being a Complete Collection of All Lectures Held at the Forth Astronautical Congress, Zurich, 1953 (includes interstellar paper by Sanger). (T)
Arthur C Clarke, “The Exploration of Space”, Temple Press, 1951. (P)
Arthur C Clarke, “The Exploration of Space, A Simple Scientifically Accurate Treatment of Space
Travel and Man's Place in the Universe”, Temple Press Ltd, 1951. (P)
Robert Esnault-Pelterie, “L'Astronautique”, Paris, Lahure, 1930. (S)
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, “The Will of the Universe, The Unknown Intelligence”, 1928. (P)
= = = End of List = = =